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Tata truck plant near Dhaka

All that yada yada coming from some guy from the land with the largest number of impoverished poor people in the known history.

Twist this fact Mr. "I only get to eat one meal a day"

lol :rofl:

BD is worst underdeveloped country in the region with lowest per capita income. The govt do what ever so called 'data goshthi' give them orders. :rolleyes:

What 'yada yada'? Is this kind of alien language? You can even claim that BD is richer than USA and Japan as nothing binding your hand or mouth. But is that change the fact?

All most all people in impoverished poverty is even running away from BD mainly into India and other countries as well just like you. :lol: Bceause of people like you BD is still poorest.

Isn't you the same claiming all those about Canada? lolololol

Sorry to BD brothers.
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Why? An Indian company building a manufacturing plant in BD and you can't do it? lol :rofl:

What more we can expect from you? :rolleyes:
Just a mere talk about a truck plan and indians came up with 6 page of bs. That goes to show how farcical indians are.

This thread lost its usefulness and perhaps MOD take notice and close it down.
Just a mere talk about a truck plan and indians came up with 6 page of bs. That goes to show how farcical indians are.

This thread lost its usefulness and perhaps MOD take notice and close it down.

You hijack it and Post The so called Bullshit and blame us... get a Life mate...:tdown::P
lol :rofl:

BD is worst underdeveloped country in the region with lowest per capita income. They live on foreign aid. The govt do what ever so called 'data goshthi' give them orders. :rolleyes:

What 'yada yada'? Is this kind of alien language? You can even claim that you are richer than USA and Japan as nothing binding your hand or mouth. But is that change the fact?

All most all people in impoverished poverty is even running away from BD mainly into India and other countries as well just like you. :lol:

Isn't you the same claiming all those about Canada? lolololol

Sorry to BD brothers.

Dude you have a things going on for BD. I bet you are from DADA state dont you? That is the one of the most impoverished region in the whole world. 70% people does not even know how to use a sanitsed latrine let alone washing hands... 60% of your farm land still not irrigated and you guys still wait for the monsoon to plough your land. Few people still die out of starvation every year. Worst malnutrition among children, highest maternal mortality rate, highest child mortality rate and what not. You are the chapion of the champs... Does it hurt brother.. NO :lol:
^^^^ kinetic is desperately breathing more hot air and you know which end it will come out....as long as there is air to blow food is not important for them
Why so much fighting over a truck plant?

Because they think that they are superpower, and there superiority Complex and Egos are hurting and Pricking them hard..... They cannot see an Indian company setting up a Plant in Bangladesh, well Bangladeshis Like it but not the ones Who pretend to be Bangladeshis, And we all know who and what they are....
Let me just say the bottom line if BD doesnt want the truck plant kick TATA out.Atleast they will build it in India and more oppurtunities for regional states of India.I am sure this is the best solution for all Indians.

WHoever gave you the idea that this was about the truck plan? This is about;
a) Cunning and Devious Indians who want to rob BD of their precious income tax and rule the world
b) Indian RAW planning a covert operation to take over BD economy
c) Quality of Indian products
d) Quality of Indians...

This is about anything except the damned plant itself
Let me just say the bottom line if BD doesnt want the truck plant kick TATA out.Atleast they will build it in India and more oppurtunities for regional states of India.I am sure this is the best solution for all Indians.
Ya man. Just pull it out. It's not worth it.
Dude you have a things going on for BD. I bet you are from DADA state dont you?

lol :rofl:

I have 'things' going on for every country. lol :lol: I know more about BD than you. I also talk about Afghanistan and Pakistan but does that mean I belong to NWFP?

And about 'DADA state' is it becuse of 'DATA GOSHTI'? :lol: I also know Punjabi and Kannada will you claim that I am from Punjab and Karnataka as well?

That is the one of the most impoverished region in the whole world. 70% people does not even know how to use a sanitsed latrine let alone washing hands... 60% of your farm land still not irrigated and you guys still wait for the monsoon to plough your land. Few people still die out of starvation every year. Worst malnutrition among children, highest maternal mortality rate, highest child mortality rate and what not. You are the chapion of the champs... Does it hurt brother.. NO :lol:

You said that!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Everyone listen!!!! A guy from BD is talking about agriculture in India!!!! Why making jokes of your country!!

But you still running of from your poor state to our land, why? You go to foreign countries and work as fifth grade workers in middle east why? Most of the servents in Middile eastern countries and many of Indian states are from BD, why?

If any year the donations from the 'data goshthi' come less your govt's sleep become nightmare!!!! The situation is so dangerous that the soldiers had mutiny to increase their salary!

Does it hurt brother.. NO

Why should it hurt? Now think a guy from Haiti bashing a guy from US for their 'poverty' will it hurt the US guy? No. But its funny. As its a internet open forum everyone is allowed to talk what they wish!! :whistle: I enjoy this, come with more jokes.
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^^^^ kinetic is desperately breathing more hot air and you know which end it will come out....as long as there is air to blow food is not important for them

lol idune is talking about 'hot air'!!! Aren't you crazy with India specific hatred???? India-phobia???? Just look at the topics/threads you posted so far and how many of them related to India and why!!!! :lol: Get some life. The world is bigger than India.

Every time you talk about India i will be there! :cheers:
Just a mere talk about a truck plan and indians came up with 6 page of bs. That goes to show how farcical indians are.

This thread lost its usefulness and perhaps MOD take notice and close it down.

lol @ ur claim Indian came up with 6 pages of BS on this topic. lets check the numbers, Out of 77 posts on this topic 33 are from Bangladeshis and 1 from Pakistani. Now in ur opinion either they all r Indians or u are a big time idiot Also Indians were merely responding to most of ur BS. I don't know what the fuss is about?? Tata is building a plant in ur country to help u guys so that u get cheaper trucks owing to ur cheap labour. But u hatred blinded people have to find out issues in all non issues. Go tell all ur concerns to ur govt or Tata's partner if you think u know much more than them about the deal instead of posting BS about India here. You want it take it if you don't want it go to hell Tata is not going to shut down without a plant in Bangladesh.
lol :rofl:

I have 'things' going on for every country. I know more about BD than you. I also talk about Afghanistan and Pakistan but does that mean I belong to NWFP?

And about 'DADA state' is it becuse of 'DATA GOSHTI'? I also know Punjabi and Kannada will you claim that I am from Punjab and Karnataka as well?

Dont try to over smart yourself... :bunny:

You said that!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Everyone listen!!!! A guy from BD is talking about agriculture in India!!!! Why making jokes of your country!!

We saw that in last year's drought.. so dont open your mouth again..

But you still running of from your poor state to our land, why? You go to foreign countries and work as fifth grade workers in middle east why? Most of the servents in Middile eastern countries and many of Indian states are from BD, why?

Nobody running to your country. Its the other way around. around 1/2 Million Indians working in BD and its legally.. Imagine the illegal figures. In middle east Indians do far more fealthy job than BD. You cant walk around without ever hitting on any dirty Indians in Middle East.

If any year the donations from the 'data goshthi' come less your govt's sleep become nightmare!!!! The situation is so dangerous that the soldiers had mutiny to increase their salary!

Huh... I see everyday your people crying for increase of salary on the street. Your export was shut to BD for few days due to strike in your side of the border. Your BSF also has grievences about their salary.

Why should it hurt? Now think a guy from Haiti bashing a guy from US for their 'poverty' will it hurt the US guy? No. But its funny. As its a internet open forum everyone is allowed to talk what they wish!! :whistle: I enjoy this, come with more jokes.

India is now USA???? :rofl:

Dude, do you know how USA look like ???? :no:
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