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Tata truck plant near Dhaka

Dont try to over smart yourself... :bunny:

India is now USA???? :rofl:

Dude, do you know how USA look like ???? :no:

India is not USA but is by far the best managed economy and miles ahead of BD in almost all of these fronts. It might do you a lot of good to secure our coopertaion, advice and help. Else, the choice is yours.
This thread will help indians for self realization. Pleanty of things to learn about mighty india

India land of abject poverty

Another India obsession. :lol: You have got India-phobia dude, as I said before! Look at your post and other Indian members post and how many of them starts anti-BD threads. Even no Pakistani or Chinese members have done it yet. Get some life and go to a doctor. Your India-phobia is in dangerous situation.
We dont have any protectionism in Bangladesh. Come and export anything here except norcotics and alcohol. You know we love your COWS most..

And for India, anti dumping is the extreme measure imposed upon a hostile trade partner which in this case was Bangladesh. Now you should know how hostile your govt is towards BD products.

If you wrote that bolded part to hurt my religious sentiments you failed miserably my friend :wave: I am a Christian and Beef is one of the most favourite dish in my state,even Hindus eat beef here ..and also I love to eat PORK too..very delicious i must say :cheers:

Now on topic answer for your question lies in the link you gave my friend
However, the Indian government notification said, "The lead acid batteries originating in or exported from China and Korea have been exported to India below normal value, resulting in dumping. However, the subject goods exported from Japan are above normal value."

And also anti dumping duties are imposed by different countries againt another countries..recently US also imposed anti dumping duties of Chinese tyers also..and you country allows to import everything from every country is because most of the products you need is not produced in your country ..it has to be imported..
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If you wrote that bolded part to hurt my religious sentiments you failed miserably my friend :wave: I am a Christian and Beef is one of the most favourite dish in my state,even Hindus eat beef here ..and also I love to eat PORK too..very delicious i must say :cheers:

Me too... its my favorite too... parotta .. beef chilly ..yummy!!!..:D
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Dont try to over smart yourself... :bunny:

Just as expected, when you get some perfect answer should come up with 'over smart', 'dream on' etc etc. We Indians are smart but you are not considered in the league of smart people so forget being 'over smart'. You only love to work as fifth grade workers in middle eastern countries.

We saw that in last year's drought.. so dont open your mouth again..

Yeah, your countries politics run around India and India again, from the time it declared its independence. You are so shameless that you forgot that debt!!! After all how can you forget Mirjafar!!! :rolleyes:

Nobody running to your country. Its the other way around. around 1/2 Million Indians working in BD and its legally.. Imagine the illegal figures.

lol Indians working in BD!!! lol :lol: OK tell me how many of you come to India for 'treatment' and don't go back?? I have seen so many poor people from BD in Bangalore and Delhi those illegally entered our country and working here.

In middle east Indians do far more fealthy job than BD. You cant walk around without ever hitting on any dirty Indians in Middle East.

Calling others dirty doesn't change your fate!!! You still among the poorest in the world.

I sometime get surprised that why India went to BD during 1971? Why they didn't allow Pakistanis to eliminate you starting from Operation Searchlight? :P

Don't know why Bangladeshis are in full of joy seeing Indian soldiers in BD...... :partay: Are they shameless and dirty also?

(at last)

Huh... I see everyday your people crying for increase of salary on the street. Your export was shut to BD for few days due to strike in your side of the border. Your BSF also has grievences about their salary.

lol BSF didn't destroyed the entire officers of the army and the chief itself lke brutal poor BDR men.

India is now USA???? :rofl:

Dude, do you know how USA look like ???? :no:

We both are democracy. We never get killed by the army officers. In your 39 years of history how many mutinies did you undergone?

India may not US in many ares but thanks to you BD is in worse condition than Haiti.
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Just as expected, when you get some perfect answer should come up with 'over smart', 'dream on' etc etc. We Indians are smart but you are not considered in the league of smart people so forget being 'over smart'. You only love to work as fifth grade workers in middle eastern countries.

Yeah, your countries politics run around India and India again, from the time it declared its independence. You are so shameless that you forgot that debt!!! After all how can you forget Mirjafar!!! :rolleyes:

lol Indians working in BD!!! lol :lol: OK tell me how many of you come to India for 'treatment' and don't go back?? I have seen so many poor people from BD in Bangalore and Delhi those illegally entered our country and working here.

Calling others dirty doesn't change your fate!!! You still among the poorest in the world.

I sometime get surprised that why India went to BD during 1971? Why they didn't allow Pakistanis to eliminate you starting from Operation Searchlight? :P

Don't know why Bangladeshis are in full of joy seeing Indian soldiers in BD...... :partay: Are they shameless and dirty also?

(at last)
YouTube - History of Bangladesh Liberation War (1947 -1971) - Part 9 Of 11

YouTube- History of Bangladesh Liberation War (1947 -1971) - Part 8 Of 11

lol BSF didn't destroyed the entire officers of the army and the chief itself lke brutal poor BDR men.

We both are democracy. We never get killed by the army officers. In your 39 years of history how many mutinies did you undergone?

India may not US in many ares but thanks to you BD is in worse condition than Haiti.

Yu are just a crying baby.. now you are bringing non issue here...

IDune or Al-Zakir can you take care of this guy.. Its your subject now.
@Kinetic.. you are forwarded to our most special team. Stay tuned. ;)
So lots of same old rants of "stooge" and religious insults can be expected , nothing sensible from now on.:lazy::lazy:
Yu are just a crying baby.. now you are bringing non issue here...

Running away???? :lol:
IDune or Al-Zakir can you take care of this guy.. Its your subject now.
@Kinetic.. you are forwarded to our most special team. Stay tuned. ;)

Believe me I am eagerly waiting!!! :cheesy: go through all my the recent posts in BD section!!! I have mostly replied to idune and al-zakir but they don't have guts to reply me, just running away like you. Pls go through all the posts even in this thread. See the situation of your 'special team'!! :woot:
Me too its my favorite too..:D

Beef Kerela Style with Parotta...nothing to match that man. N that too only in local roadside retaurants, not one of them fancy joints...:D

Oops you guys are hurting him :lol: he thinks all Indians are vegiatrian..cant blame him..its the defect of reading blogs and thinks himself as an expert about India ;)

Running away???? :lol:


Believe me I am eagerly waiting!!! :cheesy: go through all my the recent posts in BD section!!! I have mostly replied to idune and al-zakir but they don't have guts to reply me, just running away like you. Pls go through all the posts even in this thread. See the situation of your 'special team'!! :woot:

And Kinetic Bhai, your Special team Is just With you always.... Let us taste what there special Team is capable of other than trolling:pop:
The India you may not know

1. 71% or 770 million people are below 35 years of age. Indians
are young.

2. 29 million people are born every year, 10 million die per
year, population increase 1.8% per year.

3. 90% to 94% drop out rate of children (including those who
never went to school) between kindergarten and class
10+2. India has 95 lac schools, China has 180 lacs.

4. 6% are the ones that cross the 10+2 stage, (Educational
‘Line of Control’) which is our so called educated youth, go
in for a regular college degree which may not be very
relevant in today’s context for the sake of employment
generation and National GDP enhancement.

5. 72% of all graduates from the 15,600 colleges are Arts
graduates. Balance 28% in Science, Commerce,
Engineering, I.T., Medical, Law, Management and special
subjects. India has 372 universities, China has 900.

6. While 95% of the world youth between 15 to 35 years of age
learn a vocation, a skill or a trade, with a choice of 2,500
vocational education and training (VET) programs, we in
India have only identified about 71 trades, after 58 years of
Independence and hardly 2% of the population goes for
formal VET training! India has 11,000 ITI's and VET schools,
China has 500,000 Sr. Sec. VET schools.

7. We can get engineers and MBA’s in India but no carpenters,
plumbers, drivers, repairmen and other skilled personnel as
per international standards!

8. Information Technology, Software or I.T. is the only
exception, possibly due to 50,000 or more private I.T.
training centers spread across the country.

9. I.T. & Software is only 1.5% of the world’s GDP. India’s
present share is about 5%. For rapid economic growth and
employment generation we need to concentrate on the
balance 95% of the Economy & Enterprise and make it
world class.

10. 300* million unemployed / employable age* and only 45
million have actually registered with employment offices with
little or no hope of getting employment (our estimates)*.

11. Of all new employment generated, 1% are Government jobs,
2% are in the ‘organized sector’ and the balance 97% in the
‘unorganized sector’

12. Out of our 430 million workforce, 94% work in the
‘unorganized sector’ and about 6% in the ‘organized sector’.

13. 1.7% of the entire population, viz. 18 million people work for
the Central & State Government; another 9 million work in
the ‘private organized sector’, a total of 2.6% of the

14. All the Labour Laws are made to protect, at any cost, the
above 2.6% of the Indian population. Article 311 of the Indian
constitution needs revision since it over-protects employees
of the Government even at a cost to the Nation.

15. While MP’s, MLA’s and Municipal Councilors and the village
Panchayats, can only be elected for a maximum of 5 years,
the officials, babus, and government employees enjoy life
long benefits of employment, in spite of their performance.

16. 600 million illiterate people, based on the international
definition of the 3R's (reading, writing and arithmetic,
education up to primary level or Class 5th). (our esitimates)
as per Goverment of India is 63% literate. China is 93%

17. The Indian definition of literacy is based on survey of
people—“If you can write your name, you are literate”;
nobody has seriously ever challenged this definition!

18. 260 million live below the Government of India’s definition of
the Poverty Line of Rs.11(Rural) to Rs 14(Urban) per day!
(based on being able to buy enough rice and wheat from the
Public Distribution System / Ration Shops, which has food
value of 2,200 K calories per day).

19. Nobody has ever challenged this definition of ‘Poverty
Line’. How can one expect people to live with a few kilos of
raw uncooked wheat or rice? As human beings don’t we
need more? How about one set of clothes to cover our
bodies, a set of chappals for our feet, some vegetables, milk
and fruit, in our diet? How will we cook without any energy
and fuel?

This is my India !

20. 450 million* live below the poverty line definition of the
World Bank’s old definition of @ US$ 1 per day per person,
or US$ 365 per year. 700 million* people below the poverty
line definition of the World Bank’s new definition of @ US$
2 per day per person, or US$ 730 per year. (our estimates)*

21. Average Per Capita of an Indian is about US$ 600 per year
per person (1.07 billion people and a GDP of US$ 648
billion). The average earning of an Indian is US$ 1.65 per

22. India has only 1.72% of the World GDP and has 17% of the
world population. Demands are high but buying power is low.
Hence we will need to increase our export related activities
by 10 times, as the foreign markets are 60 times bigger
than the Indian market. Our share of world markets or foreign
trade is 0.8%, down from 33% 1,000 years ago, down from
27% when the British landed in India and down from 3% in

23. Only 5% of Indians understand English, yet most of the
websites of the Government of India, State Governments and
Public Institutions are in English!

24. While English is a language used in countries which account
for about 40% of the world GDP, viz., USA + UK + old British
Colonies, yet in India while we talk of Globalization, we are
not serious to learn the other languages of the world, eg.,
Japanese, German etc, unlike the Chinese youth who are
doing otherwise.

25. India is probably at the bottom of the heap, as far as the
human development index is concerned such as infant
mortality, child care, malnutrition, women’s health, disease,
health, clean water, etc.

26. Democracy is, to the people, for the people, by the people. If
we have to succeed, the Citizen has to get involved and
participate in Governance.

27. Unlike other countries, we have 18 official languages,
4,000 dialects, all the religions of the world, and because of
low human and economic development, emphasis on SC,
ST, Dalits, caste, religion, sect, minorities, region, ethnic
groups, etc.

28. Employment generation is restricted due to existing
Policies which do not encourage ‘Labour Intensive’
enterprises. Relevant Labour Reforms in line with prevailing
practices in other countries of Asia are required for a level
playing field for Indian organizations.

29. The size of Enterprises cannot be decided by officials in the
Central Government. They are decided by technology,
process, international market forces and competitive
pressures. Reservation for Small Scale Industry, SSI, needs
to be scrapped and SME's should be encouraged. SSI’s are
7% of the Indian GDP. 99.7% of all organizations in the
world are SME’s. 90% of the Indian GDP are SME’s. We
need to understand the meaning of ‘E’ in SME (small &
medium enterprise).

30. As per :: Lok Satta Party - New Politics for a New Generation ::, about Rs. 2200 crores are spent
every day, at the Centre and State level, both on revenue as
well as capital account in order to Govern INDIA. To improve
Governance we need to insure +95% of Literacy, a large
number of active Citizen Groups and maximum use of The
Right to Information Act!

Under the above circumstances how can we run an efficient country
with Good Governance and Effective Administration? We need to first put ‘Our House in Order’, with suitable Action Plans, as explained in our 48 page booklet, Transforming INDIA. The rest will fall into place. Transforming INDIA is available at Rs. 50 per copy. Please send demand drafts payable at Mumbai, to i Watch, at the address mentioned below.

Please also see our website at India Watch :: Wakeup call for India for more details.
Copies of The India you may not know are available in English, Hindi,
Gujurati, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Tamil, Telegu, Kannada,
Punjabi, Urdu and Malayalam.

You may download a sample of the contents of our 48 page booklet,
Transforming INDIA, from the website in English, Hindi, Marathi,
Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Tamil, Telegu, Kannada, Punjabi,
Urdu and Malayalam.

We also interact with Central Government ministries such as HRD,
Finance, Planning, Labour, nearly 10 State governments and business
associations such as CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM, PHDCC&I and other
chambers of commerce. Compiled, printed and published by Krishan Khanna for i Watch, 211, Olympus, Altamount Road, Bombay 400026. Email: krishan@vwakeupcall.org Site: India Watch :: Wakeup call for India Fax: +91 22 2385 6782

http://superindian.net/Articles/SI/The India you may not know.pdf
And Kinetic Bhai, your Special team Is just With you always.... Let us taste what there special Team is capable of other than trolling:pop:

Thanks but no dude, no helps required. they fear us right back from 16th december.

And pls go through some recent threads in the first two pages of BD section and look at the replies. They will run away as usual. Just watch. Because they don't get logic and don't know about what they are talking.
India's left behind: Millions in Mumbai still live in desperate poverty

By Dai Sugano
Mercury News

Posted: 01/03/2009 10:12:17 PM PST
Updated: 04/15/2009 09:30:46 AM PDT

Mercury News Staff Writer John Boudreau and I spent nearly a month in India last year working on a series of articles about that country's economic boom and extensive ties to Silicon Valley.

India's rising prosperity is a remarkable story. Millions of people have been lifted from poverty in recent years. But the new glitter of India's cities can't hide the grim reality that remains daily life for hundreds of millions of its citizens.

About one-third of the world's poor people live in India. More than 450 million Indians exist on less than $1.25 a day, according to the World Bank.

More than 6 million of those desperately poor Indians live in Mumbai, representing about half the residents of the nation's financial hub. They dwell in gigantic slums and roadside shanties that press up against the shimmering high-rises that serve as the most conspicuous symbols of India's new affluence.

These photos show what that other Mumbai — the one still waiting for prosperity — looks like up close.

Inside Dharavi, one of the city's mega-slums, I watched a child play with a kite on a windy day. The scene looked normal, except that his playground was an enormous pile of garbage.

At another slum, I watched mothers and children with grimy hands pick through wet mounds of rubbish. They fended off starvation by recycling scraps of metal and plastic, earning less than a dollar a day.

Some of the most poignant moments of my tour of the slums escaped capture by my camera lens and exist only in my memory.

As I sat in the back of my hired car at a busy traffic light one morning, a little girl — probably 5 or 6, just a few years older than my son — approached and put her hand to her mouth over and over, pleading in a tiny voice for money to buy food. I quickly gave her some change but felt too overwhelmed by her misery to point my camera at her face.

As I sit in the newsroom writing these words, some of my memories from India already have started to fade. But the image of that little girl is seared into my mind. It remains as sharp as the gritty details in these photos of her world.

India's left behind: Millions in Mumbai still live in desperate poverty - San Jose Mercury News
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