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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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It's up to Russia to decide whether they want India or Pakistan.

Do you know how much these costs .. atleast $200-250 Billion dollar (equal to Pakistan's GDP), Russia don't have guts to throw them in dustbin for sake of couple of Heli and su35s

India and Russia have several major joint military programmes including:

Additionally, India has purchased/leased various military hardware from Russia:

Even if Russians decide to sell Su-35 to Pakistanis, there won't be any major change in Indo-Russian deals for now. It would only undermine Russia's credibility as even French have stopped dealing with Pak due to large orders we placed with them (not including Rafale).

Actually it would be liberating for India, if Russians and their fanboys in ministry shut up about special relationship and what not, which they would if this deal does happen. The old generation is still in USA bad mode and could not see changed geopolitical realities.

  1. Cost: Su-35 for India was at 40 millions when negotiations were going on. Now it may be 45 but not 90 millions. Life cycle cost is understood but it wouldn't prevent us from buying something which is a need.
There were never any negotiations going on between India and Russia for Su-35. Form where do you people get your NEWS?

Second, Su-35 would cost around 100-120 million dollar per plane in flyaway condition. Even Su-30 costs 100 million.
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"The Russian Deputy FM Ryabkov referred to Pakistan as Russia's closest partner " Do you believe this line ?
The biggest problem in the way of believing is your Indian nationality apart from translation mistake. You people can't believe anything positive happening to Pakistan.
IF PAF can part with $5 billion to buy 50 SU35 then why not.

BUT you wont get soft loans from Russia LIKE you did on the Thunders


sure I will pass this information to Russian FM on your behalf. and even if he offered some concessions then I will tell him that Indian posters dont want that and we need to take care of your feelings

Well F-16 would but F-35 close to impossible. I am pretty sure if we order two squadrons of SU-35 I am pretty sure within days USA will offer two squadrons of F-16 BLOCK 52 on really easy terms
of course
Gul e Koi Naey
and i think we should reject the F-16 offer and demand F-35. Americans will have no option and do what we tell them.
at first i thought it was rubbish and all lies. now if the dawn is reporting this then there must be some development at least. and if the paf air chief is looking for some new jets from the west then the su35 may be that jet from the west.
and if you think about it, its a good choice the su35 is front line fighter, a big dog fighter , where as the j31 is a stealth fighter. like what china is doing the the j20/31 first strikes and taking out the radars and then the j11/ su30 then moves in to secure the skies. this means pakistans doctrine of a defence air force is changing towards a offensive airforce and also to that of twin engined jets as well as opposed to the singled engined jets. the su35 will be priced around the cost of a j31. around $60 million (dependant on specs). but i don have concerns in terms of maintenance. the su27 family is known to be a hangar queen, and may result in paf operational jets percentage to be reduced. my thoughts on the su35 is neutral it has it good uses and bad uses. tbh the eft is an ideal solution. the jet is much more sophisticated than the su35 is and its more agile, yet it much more expensive. also the ej200 stage 2 can be used on the jf17 and the j31 this use of using the same engine reduces maintenance costs, also the ej200 s2 is more powerful than the ws13, but there is the risk of being to dependant on the engine
Lol yes the same pain in the a$$ got bifurcated in two parts so don't worry you aren't a concern for us if you really want to see the pain in the @$$ then you can send your army(bangle wearing army) to Kashmir for liberation as they tried in 65 and 99 we will welcome them very calmly as we did in the past.
And when you get your su35 then we will talk about it till then you are free to dream whatever you like.
Kind of big talk from skinny a$$ chudi brigade, we may or may not get the SU-35, but your presence on this thread debunks your tiny ego , without concern why else would you be compelled to be here or it's just habitual for your kind to poke nose in all that concerns Pakistan.
Only a few hours after the news people started to think about the Coating / paint scheme for the SU-35m :D
--- Shows how passionate and excited we are hope the deal will be confirmed soon :smitten::pakistan:
Pakistan and Russia are in talks about the delivery of Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets and previously agreed upon delivery of Mi-35M helicopters, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister (FM) Sergei Ryabkov said,Sputnik reported.

Earlier this year, a draft contract for the delivery of four Mi-35M 'Hind E' combat helicopters was sent to Pakistan from Russia, a source in the Russian military and technical cooperation was quoted by the Russian news agency TASS.

Increasing military cooperation between Islamabad and Moscow would not negatively impact Russia's ties with India, Ryabkov said, adding that Pak-Russia ties were improving in other sectors as well ─ including energy.

The Russian Deputy FM Ryabkov referred to Pakistan as Russia's closest partner and said, "I do not think that the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides."

The twin-engine Su-35 is a fourth generation multi-role combat aircraft which also incorporates technology from fifth generation jets, according to details available on the Sukhoi company's website. It is also said to be more agile as compared to previous models.

Pakistan and Russia had signed a bilateral defence cooperation agreement aimed at strengthening military-to-military relations in November last year. The deal had to be followed by another ‘technical cooperation agreement’ to pave the way for sale of defence equipment to Pakistan.

Pak-Russia talks on delivery of Su-35, Mi-35s underway: Russian Deputy FM - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
@GURU DUTT @Abingdonboy

Reminds me of Mi-35m deal :sarcastic:
Su_35 is an excellent choice since the capabilities of Su-30MKis are well known and was a concern.

Su-35s would be superior to MKIs and is an opportunity to alter the statistics since other options like J-11 and other fighters or even derivatives of Sukhoi 27 series from China is not half as good as Su-35s.

Hope to see it in neighborhood skies soon.
Su_35 is an excellent choice since the capabilities of Su-30MKis are well known and was a concern.

Su-35s would be superior to MKIs and is an opportunity to alter the statistics since other options like J-11 and other fighters or even derivatives of Sukhoi 27 series from China is not half as good as Su-35s.

Hope to see it in neighborhood skies soon.
Agreed....Su_35 is a great platform, however the reason we never went for them was because we had all the capabilities(or atleast comparable) in MKI's, no?? So when you say it is superior i am assuming just by few notches(if at all)

@Indian Members - There is no reason for us to feel bad/threatened. If this deal went through then certainly there will be geo-political shifts which is not necessarily a bad thing. My take is more of pressure tactics but let's see how it goes.
OK the since a lot of members over here seem to favor the induction of Su-35 in the PAF let me offer my two cents too....see the first thing that goes against the Su series is its HUGE RCS....this point I think has been discussed in this forum with reference to the MKI....secondly the radar on board the Su-35 is a PESA...while PAF I think now a days is on the look out for aircraft that has an AESA...compare these stats with the J-10B...lower RCS because of the use of DSI bump....AESA radar on board as well as IRST which incidentally is present in the Su-35 as well...so concluding my argument I say if we had to go for another fighter J-10B would be a saner choice than the Su-35
Kind of big talk from skinny a$$ chudi brigade, we may or may not get the SU-35, but your presence on this thread debunks your tiny ego , without concern why else would you be compelled to be here or it's just habitual for your kind to poke nose in all that concerns Pakistan.
Off topic...but think about it...how can we be pain in a$$ without having our presence here?? :taz::taz:

On Topic
This talk of pain or no pain is rubbish. IMHO - The odds of this deal going through is remote because Russia has still occupied a very decent piece of pie in our defense budget. Logically speaking giving a strategic weapon to Pakistan thereby undermining our security will certainly not go well here. If we leave jingoism and look it from pure economics perspective this deal might not be good for Russia's interest, no??

OK the since a lot of members over here seem to favor the induction of Su-35 in the PAF let me offer my two cents too....see the first thing that goes against the Su series is its HUGE RCS....this point I think has been discussed in this forum with reference to the MKI....secondly the radar on board the Su-35 is a PESA...while PAF I think now a days is on the look out for aircraft that has an AESA...compare these stats with the J-10B...lower RCS because of the use of DSI bump....AESA radar on board as well as IRST which incidentally is present in the Su-35 as well...so concluding my argument I say if we had to go for another fighter J-10B would be a saner choice than the Su-35
With due respect your concern about RCS is not valid anymore, no?? With AWACs on both sides do you think low RCS by few notches will be a game changer?
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