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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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I don't know the authenticity of this news but i hope our babus in govt don't go into usual panic mode.
Congrats PAF for acquiring the best version of SU-27 series. The mix of F16 and SU35 will be deadly that India had not anticipated. It will put India on the back foot for sure. Pakistan has also vastly replaced/replacing its obsolete fighters and India is taking decades to acquire or even induct new fighters.

India had effectively reduced PAF as a defensive airforce but with the new SU35's that has changed!

On the positive side, this is a test for India's and hopefully our babus will think and act faster on our next purchase.
I have a feeling that Putin really wants to get back into Middle East.....and he is willing to offer Russian goodies to anyone willing to play their part...
Feelings in, logic out.

More like Russia has been hit hard by its sanctions, hence the T50/PAKFA issues, and are looking to sell as much they can to recover costs.
OK the since a lot of members over here seem to favor the induction of Su-35 in the PAF let me offer my two cents too....see the first thing that goes against the Su series is its HUGE RCS....this point I think has been discussed in this forum with reference to the MKI....secondly the radar on board the Su-35 is a PESA...while PAF I think now a days is on the look out for aircraft that has an AESA...compare these stats with the J-10B...lower RCS because of the use of DSI bump....AESA radar on board as well as IRST which incidentally is present in the Su-35 as well...so concluding my argument I say if we had to go for another fighter J-10B would be a saner choice than the Su-35

Su-35 class fighter jets are must have for PAF because they can defend themselves even with big RCS and can hit targets at standoff ranges with heavy fire power. IN will feel the real heat and may run for another platform may be Rafaels because Su-35s will be far superior what they have now and there CBG will become venerable against them as Su-35 can track ships up to 400kms so u can google how far they can hit ships with appropriate weapons.
Congrats PAF for acquiring the best version of SU-27 series. The mix of F16 and SU35 will be deadly that India had not anticipated. It will put India on the back foot for sure. Pakistan has also vastly replaced/replacing its obsolete fighters and India is taking decades to acquire or even induct new fighters.

India had effectively reduced PAF as a defensive airforce but with the new SU35's that has changed!

On the positive side, this is a test for India's and hopefully our babus will think and act faster on our next purchase.

No deal has been signed or confirmed. It is just speculation. SU35s would be expensive to procure and maintain. I want to know what Pakistan is offering in return, Putin does not make such decisions for only ordinary financial gains.
Feelings in, logic out.

More like Russia has been hit hard by its sanctions, hence the T50/PAKFA issues, and are looking to sell as much they can to recover costs.

Its that and more. Russia also is seeing good potential in CPEC and the strategic importance of Gwadar. It too is interested.
Su-35 class fighter jets are must have for PAF because they can defend themselves even with big RCS and can hit targets at standoff ranges with heavy fire power. IN will feel the real heat and may run for another platform may be Rafaels because Su-35s will be far superior what they have now and there CBG will become venerable against them as Su-35 can track ships up to 400kms so u can google how far they can hit ships with appropriate weapons.
I don't think if you have noticed this development or not but recenty the No 2 Squadron based in Minhas Karachi got equipped with Thunders and guess what....they were seen with C-802A AShM....so it seems like the Air force is going to be looking after the Navy's requirement for fighters for now....
I don't think if you have noticed this development or not but recenty the No 2 Squadron based in Minhas Karachi got equipped with Thunders and guess what....they were seen with C-802A AShM....so it seems like the Air force is going to be looking after the Navy's requirement for fighters for now....

They are but they can't deliver what is required for PN even PN want protection for its fleet on surface & in air in open seas as far as "Gulf of Aden: where JF-17s cant operate freely and will need huge resources to be operational there, even then they will have not much fire power and will be vulnerable to SAMs & Mig-29Ks combo that is why Su-35 class is needed, PN is just one aspect of many due to which Su-35 class jet is needed as with CEPC things are changing fast.
It's up to Russia to decide whether they want India or Pakistan.

Do you know how much these costs .. atleast $200-250 Billion dollar (equal to Pakistan's GDP), Russia don't have guts to throw them in dustbin for sake of couple of Heli and su35s

India and Russia have several major joint military programmes including:

Additionally, India has purchased/leased various military hardware from Russia:

Russia has no needs to decide. Impotent Indian are forced to tie down by Russian hardware. Western product are simply too expensive for India to mass equipped. Just look at the Rafale deal will tells you the answer plus the 5th gen fighter project.
People dont understand that USSR was our Ally, Russia is not.
we mostly have Buyer Seller Relationship with Russia.

Good for Pakistan
Excellent point. Today's Russia isn't the Russia of intellectuals, it's political mob men out to make money.
IM FRAID this is going to end with a big disappointment.




PAF is talking to UAE re used MIRAGE2000-5

These topics are opened once a month

The reality is @ $80m each the SU35 is financially out of your reach.

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