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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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A Game changer in the region as Pakistan and Russia developing the relationship
Su 35 a good indication to make forward line more strong
we all know that very well but whats the point you intend to make and tagged me :azn: lets be short/brief & precise :coffee:
No points. You come acros as someone who knows what he's talkin' about. Thought you could shed some light on it.
Precise enough??
A Game changer in the region as Pakistan and Russia developing the relationship
Su 35 a good indication to make forward line more strong
hello and welcome. yes good observation there Pakistan is following a more offensive doctrine as opposed to it's old defensive.
Do you know how much these costs .. atleast $200-250 Billion dollar (equal to Pakistan's GDP), Russia don't have guts to throw them in dustbin for sake of couple of Heli and su35s

India and Russia have several major joint military programmes including:

Additionally, India has purchased/leased various military hardware from Russia:

It is not going to be one or the other. With defence deals drying up and countries increasingly looking at the changing regional dynamics The red bear has made an attempt at cornering a market in Pakistan. All that will happen is India will no longer be able to influence the Russians as stopping the defence work currently ongoing would be more harmful for India than for Russia. So the possibility is there.
From a logistic point of view the deal will only go through if the Russians/ other source provide soft loans, agree to depot level maintenance capability for PAF and agree to allow integration of weapons from other sources. This is still a big hurdle to go through. I would also need to see a PAF source acknowledging the talks to believe it.
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It is not going to be one or the other. With defence deals drying up and countries increasingly looking at the changing regional dynamics The red bear has made an attempt at cornering a market in Pakistan. All that will happen is India will no longer be able to influence the Russians as stopping the defence work currently ongoing would be more harmful for India than for Russia. So the possibility is there.
From a logistic point of view the deal will only go through if the Russians/ other source provide soft loans, agree to depot level maintenance capability for PAF and agree to allow integration of weapons from other sources. This is still a big hurdle to go through. I would also need to see a PAF source acknowledging the talks to believe it.

Yes, maintenance would be a big big issue, since it is a new plane and would require lots of spares to stock up, which we may not be able to procure on the 'black' market. However, i don't think India matters to Russia that much. If Putin wants to do something, he will do it. India or US, he doesn't give two flying fcuks.
hello and welcome. yes good observation there Pakistan is following a more offensive doctrine as opposed to it's old defensive.

If Su-35 class jets are inducted in PAF in next 5 to 8 years then it means PA can still manage their offensive defense strategy to some extent in a war because PAF will be able to provide protection from IAF posed threat.
Last 5 years, I am listening this...till date what did you buy from Russia
I honestly hope I am wrong, but keep in mind that the statement still came from one source, Sputnik. We'll have to wait a few days to see what comes from this news, but I will do a new piece accounting for this as well as exploring some of the advantages and challenges of the Flanker in PAF.
& we've been hearing about Rafael's for about a decade. are you guys flying those 120 something Rafael's?
And when they have them, what will we have in our inventory to counter them apart from arguments? It will be a complete one side show.
Pakistan should grab these planes ASAP if on offer and give all those Indians who yap about Pakistan not having enough money/resources a proverbial middle finger. Pakistan is way more important for Russia than India due to it's immense geo-strategic importance, vast untapped resources, deeper,sweeter,higher best friendship with China in addition to CPEC which is going to completely transform Pakistan.

It is good that Pakistan waited for so long before inducting a modern twin engine fighter jet, now Pakistan has an opportunity to get it's hand on a true beast which is going to have Rafales and SU-30 MKIs for breakfast and not even burp.
Doesn't matter how much they cost as it gives an unparalleled capacity to PAF in the subcontinent. Maintenance, spares, operating costs, availability and all the other pesky details can be worked out in leisure, any way Pakistanis are master of Jugad and resourceful innovators.

One in a lifetime opportunity to get Russian's on Pakistan's side and make new global axis of Russia -China - Pakistan

Pakistan should grab these planes ASAP if on offer and give all those Indians who yap about Pakistan not having enough money/resources a proverbial middle finger. Pakistan is way more important for Russia than India due to it's immense geo-strategic importance, vast untapped resources, deeper,sweeter,higher best friendship with China in addition to CPEC which is going to completely transform Pakistan.

It is good that Pakistan waited for so long before inducting a modern twin engine fighter jet, now Pakistan has an opportunity to get it's hand on a true beast which is going to have Rafales and SU-30 MKIs for breakfast and not even burp.
Doesn't matter how much they cost as it gives a unparalleled capacity to PAF in the subcontinent. Maintenance all the other pesky details can be worked out in leisure, any way Pakistanis are master of Jugad and resourceful innovators.

One in a lifetime opportunity to get Russian's on Pakistan's side and make new global axis of Russia -China - Pakistan

Or we could focus on our economy first and then decide to procure something worthy may be after 4-5 years down the road?
Russia-Pakistan Military Cooperation Not Threatening Relations With India

Expansion of military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan will not have any negative effect on relations between Moscow and New Delhi, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday.


su-35 during armed flight tests

Russia, Pakistan Preparing for First Cultural Exchange Year
NIZHNY TAGIL (Russia), September 9 (Sputnik) — Moscow and Islamabad are currently in talks on the delivery of Russian multirole Mi-35M attack helicopters and the latest Su-35 fighter jets.

"I do not think that the contacts under discussion will cause jealousy on the part of any of the two sides," Ryabkov told journalists.

Pakistan is Russia's closest partner, Ryabkov said, adding that the two countries’ ties are evolving not only militarily but in other sectors, including energy.

Relations between India and Pakistan have been strained since the end of British rule seven decades ago. They agreed to a ceasefire in 2003 following a number of military conflicts. Both sides have repeatedly accused each other of violating the truce.
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