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Talibans are not Pakistan's friend : Gen Tariq Khan

Good one.. Even the guy attributed to this is a ghost... Most obsecure stuff when the end guy is obviously fake name dropping someone made this extremely desparate attempt and exposes the facade....

This thread should be locked until real news has been gotten from either IEA or ISPR..... I mean as in officially..

When making fake news never go for the throat this is the big mistake they made.. Just like that fake twitter that was attributed to have been come from Qari Fashiuddin which was proven to be fake and this one they went for the throat again.. name dropping big characters. The fact that they have name dropped one of the big elites within IEA like Qari Fashiuddin was desparate attempts and was proven to be fake you can't just attribute such fake news in the modern world to such a high official and here the same mistake by throwing Mullah Yaqoob.. name dropping two high senior officials in a troll fake news..

They take you for being dumb this is in fact only respect towards your intellect.. These behind the fake news take you for being dumber then door
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You know when Taliban government gave Amnesty and recruited some ANA soldiers etc these are them and some have family ties with TTP thus some of the lower commander level Taliban are hostile while the leadership in Kabul is pro Pakistani. I believe that action against these rouge Taliban would be taken soon.

This, many just grew beards and swapped their fatigues for kameez. There are literally thousands of such types. It’s no coincidence.
This, many just grew beards and swapped their fatigues for kameez. There are literally thousands of such types. It’s no coincidence.

I think this is coordinated fake news even some of these NA elements could be involved but it is low-level fake news because they are desperate and made the same big mistake twice now by randomly name dropping high officials... the one fake news with Qari Fashiuddin saying we don't accept Durrand or stuff like that was proven to be fake and completely invention against him and this is from the same elements making the same mistake... No official release ever came from IEA or ISRP regarding this because they have verified quicklier to be fake.. Also the footage could be highly doctored and old..

All I can say is they are desperate
Mine the fence...stop all traffic...allow no one in or out...no trade...let's see how many weeks before they themselves put the fence up
Let's accept it. Many groups within Taliban are not our friends. We only have a marginal influence on Haqqanis the one group within whole Taliban.
Historically there is no reason for Talibans or any other Afghans against any other border. All Afghans have issues with Durand line.

BTW! Taliban affiliated twitter accounts are also posting this video with reference to Durand line. The comments to these tweets are all referring to Punjabis (Pakistan) and asking Taliban to do more..

Let's accept it. Many groups within Taliban are not our friends. We only have a marginal influence on Haqqanis the one group within whole Taliban.
Historically there is no reason for Talibans or any other Afghans against any other border. All Afghans have issues with Durand line.

BTW! Taliban affiliated twitter accounts are also posting this video with reference to Durand line. The comments to these tweets are all referring to Punjabis (Pakistan) and asking Taliban to do more..


The question to be asked is he even affliated because last time we were here Qari Fashiuddin was supposedly claimed to have said we don't accept the durrand from a so-called affliated account even claiming that Qari had tweeted that himself in the tweet and he doesn't have a twitter account and it got good amount of traffic until it was closed if anything these folks have zero affliation but are highly doctored accounts to do fake news.

Because if IEA wanted to reject something as big as the border they would have made their position official thru official channels and made sure the PAK government is notified why would they hide behind fake news? it doesn't make sense besides if Qari Fashiuddin was to make such claim he would have made it thru public channels as you know the first IEA press-conference was the most broadcasted press-conference worldwide they have also multiple of Pakistani journalists in kabul meaning they would have said this thru official platform and have made an official gov't release.

Besides ISPR never released anything regarding this as mentioned by someone on the above.. We have already experienced similar fake news come thru here via same channels nothing official... I don't see why they wouldn't make it their official stance which they would have made if that is what want their public standing but that is not the case but this is clearly fake news and age of the footage is also unknown.. Not every Afghan is connected nor is every random afghan account affliated
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People used to say that before 71 as well.

It doesn't help when your eastern wing is over 2200 kms away from you and located in indian territory and whose population have FAR more in common with indians than they do with Pakistanis. Being 2200 kms away is one thing. Being a part of the Pakistani mainland is another.
This, many just grew beards and swapped their fatigues for kameez. There are literally thousands of such types. It’s no coincidence.

Meri Mashook Bhagi Nahi Agwa Ho Gaye Hai... :rofl:

Aap bhi na kamaal kartay hain, Mod Jee
Baar Baar Wo Fence Ukhaarr Ker Lay Jatay Hain, Dhamkiyaa Alag Detay Hain,

Agar wo aam log hotay to Pakistani Faujiyoo ne un ki TASHREEF mein Goli Thokni thi...
It doesn't help when your eastern wing is over 2200 kms away from you and located in indian territory and whose population have FAR more in common with indians than they do with Pakistanis. Being 2200 kms away is one thing. Being a part of the Pakistani mainland is another.

We also have Nukes now
This must be that famous tribal honor code they keep talking about. :lol: :lol:

Blatant disrespect.

I really wished Pakistan had fully supported NATO and wiped them all out. They are as inconsistent as a African zulu tribe. Nothing to work with here.
This must be that famous tribal honor code they keep talking about. :lol: :lol:

Blatant disrespect.

I really wished Pakistan had fully supported NATO and wiped them all out. They are as inconsistent as a African zulu tribe. Nothing to work with here.

Please don't insult Zulus by comparing them to those creatures. The Zulus have FAR more intelligence and honour than the afghans can ever imagine. Even today, the Zulus still hate white people and refuse to cooperate with them. afghans on the other hand.............. :disagree:..............I better not take this any further as I don't want to get banned...........:disagree:
This is quite the pickle Pakistan finds itself in - allies who no longer see the value of maintaining diplomatic peace on the border. Has your foreign ministry evaluated and come out with what's causing them to behave like this? Perhaps they have secured financing from some other country and feel that they have outgrown Pakistan's geopolitical support system?

Based on what I've seen of your mountainous border, how do you even fence such an inhospitable area and ensure that it remains that way? The wear and tear of the wiring and fencing would be immense and would cost a bomb to just maintain the damn structures. Not to mention the additional FC stationing and the random firing incidents by drug gangs crossing in and out of Pakistan for cross-border illegal trade.
you are looking too much into these videos.. all these incidents were anticipated. Int he bigger canvass IEA is a force within its borders and wants to stay like that..It has openly declared it doesnt want its land to be used against its neighbors.

Taliban has once again stopped Pakistani military from fencing the border. Taliban has captured the fencing equipment and are threatening against any move to fence the border. These images are reportedly from Chahar Burjak, Nimruz along Durand border zone. #Afghanistan

@Sainthood 101 @Reichsmarschall @Titanium100 @Areesh @pakpride00090
These videos need proper forensics before reaching a conclusion.
Not saying its not possible however enemy has the capability to re enact.And no the enmey here is not necessarily india. That said IEA still has structural command flow issues.. and im sure they have already conveyed their helplessness to Pakistani FO in this regardless whatever they think about it deep inside as they know splinter groups and infighting within them will weaken their control of state...
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