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Talibans are not Pakistan's friend : Gen Tariq Khan

Ethnicity is their motivation, we always say that Afghans never accepted the Durand line, but in reality most of Pakistan's Pashtoon's also never respected Durand line, they still believe Afghanistan and Pakistan or at least KPK to be a borderless region, whether it goes to Afghanistan or Afghan areas merge with Pakistan is yet to be seen, but I don't think that even the Pashtoons of KPK would accept the mergence of Afghan areas into Pakistan. Pashtoons have this ethnic superiority complex and because of that they won't let anyone else rule over their " alleged Areas ".

No you're 100% wrong about Pakistani Pahstuns. The vast majority 99% do accept the durand line and have no desire to have an affiliation with Afghan pashtuns. They are loyal to Pakistan. Heck look at the army, ISI full of pashtuns. There is some issues with exFATA but that's about it. Don't make things ethnic when it's not even true.
that Taliban right now are not a cohesive force. They are a union of various groups each pursuing their own agenda.

I have seen same narrative of them not being cohesive return often which is far from the truth. IEA is the most cohesive element in South East Asia basically when you have been fighting side by side 20+ years you get that kind of cohesivness. I noticed an Indian even saying this exact same thing they are more cohesive and not even close. It is not like Pak where you have goons running rampage in Sindh like PPP or people like Bilawal.. They have approx upto 1m armed forces which falls under a cohesive and constructive command structure so there is technically no groups as you mentioned or factions not in IEA there ranks have been cleansed thru war what you get is the absolute loyal whos been cleansed off disloyality.. TTP is not part of them period this one has been stated officially. They are a country and more cohesive then maybe all of Asia except only China being the one country that is more cohesive then them.. Nobody can top China in cohesiveness not with 50-cent army and CCP doing the around and coming done hard on suspicion of betrayals on Weibo and other chinese social media
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Afghanistan rely on War economy, they need a enemy to fight because that is how they run their illegal economy of smuggling and drugs, Pakistan has let many Afghan's in and them integrating with our Pathans has created a dangerous ethnic ultra nationalists who can not and will not be integrated with rest of the Pakistan, Pakistani's Pashtoon's time and time again has proven their disloyalty to Pakistan by harboring Terrorists from their own ethnicity just because of they belong to the same ethnic group, Afghan refugee are poisoning our Pashtoons to a extend where they are now openly rebelling against the state of Pakistan, they won't stop until they get a independent Pashtoonistan or merge with Afghanistan, but if you give KPK to Afghanistan, then it will create a domino effect, thing is that we as nation are bunch of idiots and our ethnic identities matter more than our own country.

This is why we need to promote Pakistaniyat>ethnicity. This is a matter of survival. What good is your ethnicity if you are going to be subjugated by Eastern neighbours. Pakistan has to come above everything else
This is why we need to promote Pakistaniyat>ethnicity. This is a matter of survival. What good is your ethnicity if you are going to be subjugated by Eastern neighbours. Pakistan has to come above everything else

POTW!!!!!!!!!!......................... :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
I have seen same narrative of them not being cohesive return often which is far from the truth. IEA is the most cohesive element in South East Asia basically when you have been fighting side by side 20+ years you get that kind of cohesivness. I noticed an Indian even saying this exact same thing they are more cohesive and not even close. It is not like Pak where you have goons running rampage in Sindh like PPP or people like Bilawal.. They have approx upto 1m armed forces which falls under a cohesive and constructive command structure so there is technically no groups as you mentioned or factions not in IEA there ranks have been cleansed thru war what you get is the absolute loyal whos been cleansed off disloyality.. TTP is not part of them period this one has been stated officially. They are a country and more cohesive then maybe all of Asia except only China being the one country that is more cohesive then them.. Nobody can top China in cohesiveness not with 50-cent army and CCP doing the around and coming done hard on suspicion of betrayals on Weibo and other chinese social media
Respect your opinion and right to differ but with due respect whatever I wrote was based on ground information while I can post media reports of disagreement among top brass as well but no point. Good luck.
Respect your opinion and right to differ but with due respect whatever I wrote was based on ground information while I can post media reports of disagreement among top brass as well but no point. Good luck.

I don't take my sources from western fabrications on the inner dynamics of IEA which is clearly biased reports I go by other measurements and I can assure you they are the most cohesive in all of Asia outside of China as an entity.. They are real and Were willing to give the ultimatum sacrifice for their goal hence in such conditions you don't really get unwanted elements hence you will only get the ride or die who are loyal to the last minute.

Lets just agree to disagree it is o'right and leave it at that..
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No you're 100% wrong about Pakistani Pahstuns. The vast majority 99% do accept the durand line and have no desire to have an affiliation with Afghan pashtuns. They are loyal to Pakistan. Heck look at the army, ISI full of pashtuns. There is some issues with exFATA but that's about it. Don't make things ethnic when it's not even true.

You are entitled to your opinion and so am I, I don't see harboring Terrorists, illegally smuggling Afghans, illegally smuggling stuff from Afghanistan to Pakistan and Pakistan to Afghanistan does not reflect their loyalty, today almost every major Terrorist organization operating in Pakistan consists of Pashtoons, PTM who attacked Army, badmouth them, openly call for violence and separation from the state, attacking the institutes all of it belongs to the Pashtoon ethnicity, I am not against Pathans, but its just they are the biggest threat to Pakistan right now, because of their affiliation and loyalties been with Afghanistan and Afghans, so much so that they would spill the blood of their own Pakistani's for Afghans.
You are entitled to your opinion and so am I, I don't see harboring Terrorists, illegally smuggling Afghans, illegally smuggling stuff from Afghanistan to Pakistan and Pakistan to Afghanistan does not reflect their loyalty, today almost every major Terrorist organization operating in Pakistan consists of Pashtoons, PTM who attacked Army, badmouth them, openly call for violence and separation from the state, attacking the institutes all of it belongs to the Pashtoon ethnicity, I am not against Pathans, but its just they are the biggest threat to Pakistan right now, because of their affiliation and loyalties been with Afghanistan and Afghans, so much so that they would spill the blood of their own Pakistani's for Afghans.
As Pashtuns we need to own up to anti-Pakistan elements within our ranks, and we do (from the time of Bacha Khan). They have too much free reign, and there is a Pashtun first mindset that does exist. Having said that Pashtuns also are the backbone of Pakistani establishment. In the early years of Pakistan, Pashtuns were the core of our officer corp as well. Though that has reduced over the years, Pashtuns are still proportionally in larger numbers than their overall population percentage.

Having said that every ethnic group in Pakistan has had its fair share of traitors. Perhaps Punjabis less so (but they are catching up unfortunately), but all other ethnic groups have had movements and leaders who either opposed the creation or actively subverted the nation of Pakistan. This ignominious situation exists till today.
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You are just a cheap 5th column trying hard to damage Pakistan's trade connectivity and economy nothing more really. It has nothing to do with me being pro-anyone I am pro-pakistan first and foremost but I understand the regional politics and the current landscape.. You aren't actully targetting anyone else but Pakistan
Yes indeed, Indian aligned infestation playing the game, always trying their best to sow division and undermine progress and growth in relations.
But using them is not an option. Not against India (they shoot back, mutual mass killing guaranteed), and using them against separatist/terrorist is also not an option. Again, mass destruction and many innocent dead. Nukes are only useful as bargaining chip. Not for a war.
We will use them if our existence is ever threatened. We will not hesitate one bit.
If the military can do successful business in Pakistan then why can't an ordinary person can do the same? And if not then why not? And how much tax this military-based industry is paying? And is the bureaucracy that is charging money on monthly basis doing her job? What are the origins of corruption in Pakistan? If we answered these questions, then we will know why Pakistan is in the conditions in which it is now? Why there are orgs like naraz Baloch, TTP, ptm, Lashkar e jhangwi, why do the roads get broken that soon? Why people of Pakistan lost every water talk with India, why we have electricity shortages even if we have every means to generate it....then will know who is Pakistans friend or enemy and why is that so.

There is corruption in Pakistan right from top military leadership to milk mongerer in the street. And it is the background corruption that makes many the friend or enemies of Pakistan. We need a force in Pakistan that has only one goal in her eye: Change the way Pakistan deals with things. Change the lives of Pakistanis for good, and bring a system in Pakistan that multiple eyes are observing and maintaining at the same time.

Pakistan zindabad, Pakistan k log zindabad. wasdy raho, khush raho....
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It doesnt really matter to these cavemen. They will return to their drug money as they have been doing for decades. They have plenty of cash from their illegal trades and now thanks to IS more weapons that most armies on the planet. Pakistan is making a big mistake by campaigning for these rodents. Best we can do is keep them busy inside. Fracture them from within as there are already fault lines in their group. Better them killing themselves than thwir neighbours. So far they have hot borders with almost every country on their border. These people are savages and only know conflict as way of life.

We would be lucky that tgey survive 1 year into govt without having infighting amongst Taliban. I give it six month max and we will be back to civil war in Afghanistan.

That’s why it’s good Pakistan agreed to a regional consensus on good practice from the Talibs before any country gives them recognition. One can sympathize with the needs of the ordinary apolitical Afghan that just want to live a normal life, but talk by Afghan/Pashtun ethno-nationalists imposing their will on Pakistan’s Pashtuns and Pakistani territory has to be a red line the state can nor allow them to cross.

what is the state of KPK government in the former FATA areas? I would hope most of the FC guys are from the locales in which they serve. To maintain enduring legitimacy amongst the tribes that live in the area.

One thing the PTI must focus on to get ahead of this menace is speeding how cases are processed in courts; to uphold trust from the public in rule of law. That along with bringing in economic grow (that is tied to a mass literacy campaign) is crucial to stability; so people are not as easily tricked by miscreants propaganda.
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That’s why it’s good Pakistan agreed to a regional consensus on good practice from the Talibs before any country gives them recognition. One can sympathize with the needs of the ordinary apolitical Afghan that just want to live a normal life, but talk by Afghan/Pashtun ethno-nationalists imposing their will on Pakistan’s Pashtuns and Pakistani territory has to be a red line the state can nor allow them to cross.

what is the state of KPK government in the former FATA areas? I would hope most of the FC guys are from the locales in which they serve. To maintain enduring legitimacy amongst the tribes that live in the area.

One thing the PTI must focus on to get ahead of this menace is speeding how cases are processed in courts.

When you aren't sharp enough to quickly realize that you have been lately been swarmed by fake news streak and start to think this is real lool. He will not give you an olive branch know this..

This is some interesting Indian take which I 100% agree with from there point of view ofcourse


When you aren't sharp enough to quickly realize that you have been lately been swarmed by fake news streak and start to think this is real lool. He will not give you an olive branch know this..

This is some interesting Indian take which I 100% agree with from there point of view ofcourse



I’ve avoid engage most of these new accounts. But Your right. And either way, the Pakistani Government will eventually working something out diplomatically.

thank for the reminder I will try to refrain from engaging in these kinds of threads.
When you aren't sharp enough to quickly realize that you have been lately been swarmed by fake news streak and start to think this is real lool. He will not give you an olive branch know this..

This is some interesting Indian take which I 100% agree with from there point of view ofcourse



This proves my point all along the Indians are threatened by our advantageous geo-stragetic positioning hence all the fake news and desperation lately.. I called their bluff from the first day.

I honestly never even viewed this as once being against anyone but rather the target was Pakistan from the get go because due to it's stragetic significiance and geo-political presence overshadowing India because it is positioned stronger and better hence these 5th columns were only some of them who have inflitrated PDF. I always knew this which I tried to explain to my fellow PDF'ers
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