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Taliban suspected of sexually abusing young boys


Dear Uncle (as u mentioned me son) ...... @batmannow .... so u want me to believe The Guardian .... The CNN... The BBC ..... I am sorry I dont blame u its because of ur generation that we are what we are today.... "Beggars" ....... U must be solid in believing 9/11 was done by Osama, Osama was killed in Abbottabad, Mumbai Attacks were done by ISI, ..... All Lies..... and u want everyone to believe this ... ITS BULL ****....

We dont even know who is Abdul Rasheed..... Can u confirm he is representing TTP or SSP or UNO or US of A (Where A doesnot stand for America) or may NATO ...... Come of it ...... Someone kills and Taliban immediately call and say and inform "YES YES WE DID IT" ..... ufff ..... In the end we cannot even get hold of the caller even .... Give me a break .....

U get hold of people from Internet .... and they call and u cannot trace them ...... hahahahahahahahaha... u know why because the US of A, RAW and Mossaad .... are actually calling from US of A and London and .... they tell u say this ... so u say "yes america all mighty has said this to us ... so beleive it .... or they will attack u" ..... Thuffff hai aisi soch per....

actully you hve failed in your own test?
now you come back , with stupid kaos conspiracy theories of all kind?
but the simple, equation is out there? if you are to blind to see it, & keep beliving in mullha tora bora, thn its your choice!
i dont belive in, all of that , & i proudly stand by my PAKARMY allways & forever!
with all the best wishes that, some great day all of the scambs call TTp will be dead!
& all of this abuse of boyhood will be stopped forever, by the terrorists who pronounced themselves islamists!
stop living in denial, its not abdul rasheed its adnan rasheed the new face of modren terror?
look his videos allways avalible on internet, in which he proudly accepts & warrned of more attacks against pakistanis & thier islamic state?
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Yes, put ALL the blame on ONE bad person so the others can escape. Its like saying MQM are involved in bacha bazi. And when someone comes and says, NO, MQM is a terrorist, but NOT a bacha baz.. U say Ohhh, why r u defending MQM.. they are so bad etc etc.. Get the analogy?

Its common knowledge communist afghans and anp love bacha bazi.. taliban were actually condemned for stoning these people to death!

are you on drugs 24/7??
offtopic & abusive ! reported!
i think you are?
cause still you cant see the dogs called TTp taking head shots of 14 years old mallala,s of my nation, abusing the boy hoods of small boys for thier unhuman activities?
are you one of them?
i mean " A BACHAA BAZZ"
I dont believe this.. I am no taliban sympathizer . Loads of other people do the same, I guess its cultural.
Those who are saying Taliban banned bacha bazi during their regime are living in a wonderland! it wasn't in open but was practiced by very well known mullahs of Taliban even in official hours in government offices; I can't go specific on each coz of privacy but be sure they do it! and if I start telling you stories of these jihadies you all will start hating jihad!

Open them to women and in co-environment to prevent them from such practices - believe it or not this is nothing they even do it with cow and donkeys in villages!

It's shameful, unfortunately Pakistanis believe in all sorts of propaganda about how the taliban created the perfect Islamic emirate the first 'crime free' country in the world, how they had the best economy, education etc., and when these animals are exposed it's all 'US propaganda'. Now I'm realising that Afghans are right to hate us.

They also shot prostitutes dead, were they their competitors?
Recently Taliban in south waziristan have banned tight mens clothing, they do issue these 'decree'

You do realise, you aren't defending them this way rather exposing how insecure they are about their desires.
its not new.....i have seen one documentary on bachabaji filmed by BBC..........

but recently got another information............just i was searching to know how society behave(discipline) were sharia law is implemented ( because i was tired of listening rape case in India) ..........so thought lets study other society also.........got one research paper ........that average gay population in most of country is around 20%........but in UAE and soudi Arabia, on an average 60 %, male is having their sexual relation with man ,before or after marriage

You do realise that majority of the population is India in UAE, more than all other nationalities and locals combined. HAHAHAHAHAHA :D now we know your dirty truth
Now don't tell me the western tourists are responsible for the statistics?

I dont believe this.. I am no taliban sympathizer . Loads of other people do the same, I guess its cultural.

You'll offend your Afghan 'friends'. And anyways, Pakistani pushtuns would NEVER do this, worlds apart
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You'll offend your Afghan 'friends'. And anyways, Pakistani pushtuns would NEVER do this, worlds apart
I dont intend to offend anybody ... the warlords were doing it before taliban... and it continued during taliban .. and even after they lost power.
Dear ajkhan7.

It is hard to imagine that you choose to ignore the TTP’s claims in regards to killing the innocents. What I am concerned about is the naivetés of your statements. You blatantly call the Killers of 50,000 Pakistanis America’s agents. You say, “What is the proof that Taliban shot Malala,” and that we support terror groups in Pakistan. You are completely wrong. The United States has never supported the TTP or any other terror groups in or outside Pakistan. The terrorists are as great an enemy for us as they are for Pakistan. They attack our convoys passing through Pakistan, and they attack our soldiers in Afghanistan. If we support them then why will we attack them as per your claims? Does it make any sense? You say how can we prove if it was the Taliban who attacked Malala? If you have just crawled out from under a rock recently and have not followed the news than your question may be valid, and my answer will be that the TTP claimed responsibility immediately after the attack. When it was announced that she survived the attack; they said that they will attack her again. Later they came out with an eight pages long explanation as to why they were justified in attacking Malala. All this was issued by their official spokesperson, Ehasahullah Ehsan. Conspiracy theories do no justice to the 50,000 or so martyred Pakistanis at the hands of these brutal enemies. It is a fact is that the TTP are our common enemy, and we need to rid the region from all of their influence, and it can only be done if we all stand united against them.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Why don't you point out how India has been sponsoring separatist terrorists in Pakistan? US must choose between peace or India.
As @hinduguy observed. This is cultural.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The short article on wiki is very inadequate I must say. But one gets a bit of an idea. When Soviets invaded Bukhara, the Emir fled to Afghanistan. Dropping his prized Bachas on the way to slow the pursuing Soviets! This is not just Afghanistan or parts of Paksitan, this thing was all the rage in Central Asia until Soviets erased this.

God's wrath falls upon those who indulge in such barbarity. One can decorate a piece of sh!t as much as possible, it remains a piece of sh!t. No %^*&^% culture can excuse this.

For those who are exonerating Taliban, it might have happened that a Mullah who spent his day arranging a public stoning for this sin may then have indulged in it in the dark of night. As a boy I had a scary experience when a Mullah from local Mosque came asking for donation. When I answered the knock at the door, he shook my hand and kept shaking it on his crotch. So you see religious that I am, I can not say that our Madressahs are model institutions of virtuous bliss. It is similar story in Churches, and such other places for perhaps different reasons.But the point that I wish to make is that this should not happen, at least not in our context where Muslims are encouraged to marry and the notion of life-long celibacy in the name of religion is non-existant.

Either we accept Mullahs as part of our society and give them respect and proper livelihood, or be done with them once and for all. It is hyprocrisy that children educated in Madressahs can not find meaningful employment and many become preachers making pitiful earning and for them pederasty is the only way of sexual satisfaction.

I blame religious scholars who refuse to reform curriculum and change the orientation of education imparted in Madressahs. And I blame Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's ideological progeny who once having received a Westernized education, think nothing of engaging the Mullah and rather look upon him with scorn and arrogance.

Had there been a meaningful & wholehearted attempt at reform of Madressah-based education, there would not be this Afreet that we confront today. It is a failing of our country on multiple levels.
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I am not giving any tests but merely trying to switch on the lights for you to see the reality.... Lolzz..... yes you are right there is no conspiracy.... its all visible as bright day light .... while u can go ahead and keep yelling.....

actully you hve failed in your own test?
now you come back , with stupid kaos conspiracy theories of all kind?

Mullah is an essential part of our daily life.... and its not Mullah "Its Moulvi Sahib" ...... Tora Bora .... Why are u trying to disobey your "All Mighty US of A" .... They are the ones who gave the news did they not? .....

You are not standing with your PAK Army (Really .... U mean that) .... Go and talk to a few officers who have been to front line may be then u will understand where is ur army standing and whom are they fighting? .... May be when u will hear ground realities u will change ur minds.... they are fighting trained infiltraitors .... trained by what u so called theories...... The live example to u is Jail Beak of DI Khan... do u think they reached safety in two hours they travelled in convoy for 6 hours to reach safety ... what were Armed Forces doing ..... Think .... ;)

but the simple, equation is out there? if you are to blind to see it, & keep beliving in mullha tora bora, thn its your choice!
i dont belive in, all of that , & i proudly stand by my PAKARMY allways & forever!

I am with you in death to TTP, SSP, JUD, LEJ .... Made in Afghanistan by US of A, RAW and Mossaad..... By teh way I think do u have had any experience with TTP ... thats why u r so sure that they abuse boyhood...... really .... I think so .... ;)

with all the best wishes that, some great day all of the scambs call TTp will be dead!
& all of this abuse of boyhood will be stopped forever, by the terrorists who pronounced themselves islamists!

Kindly u wakr up to reality and know who ur real enemy is before its too late like Bangladesh ...... Mukti Bani was not ur enemy ... It was INDA which made it happen ..... some people never want to learn from mistakes of history they want to experience it and u r amongst them ...... Our own people are not our enemies ..... there were no enemies till Pakistan facilitated killing and mass murdering fo Afghanis in Afghanistan ...... where were all these Islamists before .... no my friend ask your self this question u will get the answers......

I dont look at the videos ...... because they are mis-leading same as World war videos of Japanese Atrocities.... put in by same people who just wanted to test their newly acquired weaponry and they created excuses...... :)

stop living in denial, its not abdul rasheed its adnan rasheed the new face of modren terror?
look his videos allways avalible on internet, in which he proudly accepts & warrned of more attacks against pakistanis & thier islamic state?
I am not giving any tests but merely trying to switch on the lights for you to see the reality.... Lolzz..... yes you are right there is no conspiracy.... its all visible as bright day light .... while u can go ahead and keep yelling.....

keep it up, & follow it as the national sports of talibanistan !
you couldnt hve found a dime to , make the talibans looks better in any of thier unholly deeds?
while whole world knew that who was adnan rasheed & what was his crime for what he was in jail? how was taken away by TTp in a raid on a jail?
thier re union video still avalible on internet? his letter to mallala is still on record!
no you hvnt got anything to defend TTp & thier bachaa bazi?
dont be a coward, & open up urself as the whole sole supporter of bachey bazz TTp!
at least be brave friend!
@batmannow .. you get excited at most mundane news items.. how do you get this energy yaar.. :)
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@batmannow .. you get excited at most mundane news items.. how do you get this energy yaar.. :)

are you a pakistani? did you ever been to KPK? NO?
sorry thn may, i tell you to sleep or watch old indian songs?
my friend, its way above your head!:angel:
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are you a pakistani? did you ever been to KPK? NO?
sorry thn may, i tell you to sleep or watch old indian songs?
my friend, its way above your head!:angel:
No.. have not been but will love to go there...
anyway .. you are in thailand.. relax a bit.. :hang2:
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