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Taliban suspected of sexually abusing young boys

Why are you rooting for the Taliban? :what: You seem to be covering up for them and their despicable acts! Something doesn't seem right with you! :undecided:

They love em , isn't it clear to you ? They cant see the murderers of the 50,000 Pakistanis , mate .

Those who are saying Taliban banned bacha bazi during their regime are living in a wonderland! it wasn't in open but was practiced by very well known mullahs of Taliban even in official hours in government offices; I can't go specific on each coz of privacy but be sure they do it! and if I start telling you stories of these jihadies you all will start hating jihad!

Open them to women and in co-environment to prevent them from such practices - believe it or not this is nothing they even do it with cow and donkeys in villages!

Though , its nothing surprising , go ahead . The moral corruption in high places , is never in open .
its not new.....i have seen one documentary on bachabaji filmed by BBC..........

but recently got another information............just i was searching to know how society behave(discipline) were sharia law is implemented ( because i was tired of listening rape case in India) ..........so thought lets study other society also.........got one research paper ........that average gay population in most of country is around 20%........but in UAE and soudi Arabia, on an average 60 %, male is having their sexual relation with man ,before or after marriage

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Dear Uncle (as u mentioned me son) ...... @batmannow .... so u want me to believe The Guardian .... The CNN... The BBC ..... I am sorry I dont blame u its because of ur generation that we are what we are today.... "Beggars" ....... U must be solid in believing 9/11 was done by Osama, Osama was killed in Abbottabad, Mumbai Attacks were done by ISI, ..... All Lies..... and u want everyone to believe this ... ITS BULL ****....

We dont even know who is Abdul Rasheed..... Can u confirm he is representing TTP or SSP or UNO or US of A (Where A doesnot stand for America) or may NATO ...... Come of it ...... Someone kills and Taliban immediately call and say and inform "YES YES WE DID IT" ..... ufff ..... In the end we cannot even get hold of the caller even .... Give me a break .....

U get hold of people from Internet .... and they call and u cannot trace them ...... hahahahahahahahaha... u know why because the US of A, RAW and Mossaad .... are actually calling from US of A and London and .... they tell u say this ... so u say "yes america all mighty has said this to us ... so beleive it .... or they will attack u" ..... Thuffff hai aisi soch per....

you need to check the history before taking your goddamed head out of dirty sand son?
here is the the dam prove for your unashamed eyes!
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/17/taliban-letter-malala-yousafzaiTaliban's letter to Malala Yousafzai: this is why we tried to kill you

Adnan Rasheed tells schoolgirl she was targeted because Taliban believed she was running smear campaign

Malala Yousafzai has received a rambling letter from her would-be assassin, claiming she was targeted for maligning the Taliban.
A senior member of the Pakistani Taliban has written an open letter to Malala Yousafzai – the teenager shot in the head as she rode home on a school bus – expressing regret that he didn't warn her before the attack, but claiming that she was targeted for maligning the insurgents.
Adnan Rasheed, who was convicted for his role in a 2003 assassination attempt on the country's then-president Pervez Musharraf, did not apologise for the attack, which left Malala gravely wounded, but said he found it shocking.
"I wished it would never happened [sic] and I had advised you before," he wrote.
Malala was 15 when she and two classmates were targeted by a masked gunman who picked them out on a school bus as they went home from school in Pakistan's northwest Swat valley last October.
She was seriously injured in the attack, and was flown to Britain to receive specialist treatment from doctors in Birmingham, where she and her family now live.
Last week, she celebrated her 16th birthday by delivering a defiant speech at the United Nations in New York, in which she called on world leaders to provide free schooling for all children.
In the letter, Rasheed claimed that Malala was not targeted for her efforts to promote education, but because the Taliban believed she was running a "smearing campaign" against it.
"You have said in your speech yesterday that pen is mightier than sword," Rasheed wrote, referring to Malala's UN speech, "so they attacked you for your sword not for your books or school."
The rambling four-page letter, in patchy English, citing Bertrand Russell, Henry Kissinger and historian Thomas Macaulay, was released to media organisations in Pakistan.
In it, Rasheed – a former member of Pakistan's air force, who was among 300 prisoners to escape jail in April last year – advises Malala to return to Pakistan, join a female Islamic seminary and advocate the cause of Islam.
He admitted that the Taliban are "blowing up" schools, but justified the attacks on the grounds that the Pakistani army and the paramilitary Frontier Corps use schools as hideouts.
Hundreds of schools have been targeted in Pakistan's north-west: activists say some had been used by the military, but many attacks were motivated by the Taliban's opposition to girls' education.
The Taliban commander also justified recent attacks in Pakistan on health workers vaccinating children against polio by claiming the west was trying to sterilise Muslims.
The letter is clearly intended to influence opinion in Pakistan: although in much of the world Malala has been hailed as a symbol of courage, at home she has been the subject of intense criticism and vilification. Online commentators have described her as a "drama queen" and even accused her of spying for the CIA.
Rasheed contrasted international support for Malala with the lack of coverage given to those killed in US drone attacks – a source of intense grievance in Pakistan.
"If you were shot [by] Americans in a drone attack, would [the] world have ever heard updates on your medical status? … Would you were called to UN? Would a Malala day be announced?"
Gordon Brown, now a UN special envoy on global education, said: "Nobody will believe a word the Taliban say about the right of girls like Malala to go to school until they stop burning down schools and stop massacring pupils."

peoples killed in drone strikes are still very less in numbers, thn the peoples killed in sucide bombings by dogs called TTP?
now take this all, to your very loved homosexual favourite madarsha mulllha & just enjoy your time in his dirty kholi, really i dont mind it, off course he can , show you the tom & jerry show this night?
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Taliban are surely murderers of 50000 people but they are not into sodomy, dont rely on propaganda to discredit them.

You would be surprised to hear that Taliban in our areas shoot those who are involved in bacha bazi.

They might be , they might not be . Nobody knows for sure , unless of course he's one of them in the high ranks or have lived in their rule . You may have some information , but it doesn't absolve or acquit them . Does it really look like I need anything to malign the killers and murderers and kidnappers and harassers and maimers of innocents , further ? .

The main thing there was I despise - make it hate here - the soft corner for Taliban and the friendly tone in which they are mentioned by some members and their defense put together by Pakistanis and I am not talking about you , here .
I have always been anti-Taliban but I think this is just a mere propaganda. They would stone anybody to death if found guilty for the said crime.
They love em , isn't it clear to you ? They cant see the murderers of the 50,000 Pakistanis , mate .

Though , its nothing surprising , go ahead . The moral corruption in high places , is never in open .
Actually its ANP , ANA and warlords in Afghanistan who are heavily indulged in bacha bazai.
********.com - Afghan Police Butthole Surfers (comments)

For brief period of Taliban rule, bacha bazi practice was suppressed..... but it is rampant again since 2001
They might be , they might not be . Nobody knows for sure , unless of course he's one of them in the high ranks or have lived in their rule . You may have some information , but it doesn't absolve or acquit them . Does it really look like I need anything to malign the killers and murderers and kidnappers and harassers and maimers of innocents , further ? .

Wow... We as Pakistanis kill people in hundred of thousands by helping, aiding, feeding and providing logitics to Invaders of a brother Muslim Country and then this statement "IT DOES NOT ABSOLVE AND AQUIT" ........ Its not about me and you its about the thought process ..... WHO ARE TALIBANS .... TTO... SSP.... LEJ .... JUD .... WHO ARE THEY AND WHO MADE THEM? .... Think and u will feel we are the real culprits ourselves....

The main thing there was I despise - make it hate here - the soft corner for Taliban and the friendly tone in which they are mentioned by some members and their defense put together by Pakistanis and I am not talking about you , here .

No body is defending anyone ... its just the fact that, wrong should be called a wrong and right a right... five fingers are not equal .... whoever is bombing innocent people they all have to be taken to task especially the invaders..... i dont see any comment here form anyone why is this unrest in pakistan ... why wasn't it there till such time "Pakistani Government supported mass killing and murders of thousand of innocent Afghanis ...... because we were getting new F-16s and we were getting Dollars" ....
No body is defending anyone ... its just the fact that, wrong should be called a wrong and right a right... five fingers are not equal .... whoever is bombing innocent people they all have to be taken to task especially the invaders..... i dont see any comment here form anyone why is this unrest in pakistan ... why wasn't it there till such time "Pakistani Government supported mass killing and murders of thousand of innocent Afghanis ...... because we were getting new F-16s and we were getting Dollars" ....

We - as Pakistanis , have literally destroyed ourselves during supporting our Muslim brothers who are not ready to help us , in this hour of need . You dont see any comment about anything else here , because whatever is not relevant to the topic , is off topic and infraction worthy offense and hence nobody would like to discuss anything like that , here . Maybe , you are just new and eager to discuss everything without knowing the rules and norms . No , there are people supporting the terrorists and defending them here . Do that , but wait , are you really doing that or merely blaming the West , just like usual , for all your mistakes and blunders and shortcomings and faults ? Take the murderers of 50,000 Pakistanis to task first , that would do you a world of good .

P.S I got your point in the post . Those 50,000 innocents Pakistanis deserved to die and were rightfully killed by your Taliban brethren . :azn:
If u are calling me a Terrorist because I say the following:

1. 9/11 was HOAX and not doen by Osama.
2. Afghanistan was invaded for no Reason ... and thousand have been killed without a justification.
3. Pakistan supported terrorists to invade Afghanistan and was hand in hand in murder of hundreds and thousands of Afghanis.

Then Yes .... I standby my claim ...... Pakistan uis being bombed because we are part of Aggressors ... yes Pakistan has played a pivitol roll in mass murders of Afghanis..... This is a Fact ..... no doubts

Yes please go for the murderers of 50000 innocent my people .... they are located in Borders (They are the Invaders of Afghanistan)..... They are called TTP. TTA. TTPP, SSP (Made in US of A, NATO, RAW and Mossaad) ......

Pakistan has just started paying the price of what Mush (The Bush of George W. Bush) has sown..... May Allah forgive us all.....

No , there are people supporting the terrorists and defending them here and you are just another of them . Do that , but wait , are you really doing that or merely blaming the West , just like usual , for all your mistakes and blunders and shortcomings and faults ? Take the murderers of 50,000 Pakistanis to task first , that would do you a world of good .
If u are calling me a Terrorist because I say the following:

1. 9/11 was HOAX and not doen by Osama.
2. Afghanistan was invaded for no Reason ... and thousand have been killed without a justification.
3. Pakistan supported terrorists to invade Afghanistan and was hand in hand in murder of hundreds and thousands of Afghanis.

Then Yes .... I standby my claim ...... Pakistan uis being bombed because we are part of Aggressors ... yes Pakistan has played a pivitol roll in mass murders of Afghanis..... This is a Fact ..... no doubts

Yes please go for the murderers of 50000 innocent my people .... they are located in Borders (They are the Invaders of Afghanistan)..... They are called TTP. TTA. TTPP, SSP (Made in US of A, NATO, RAW and Mossaad) ......

Pakistan has just started paying the price of what Mush (The Bush of George W. Bush) has sown..... May Allah forgive us all.....

No , I am not .

Take these off topics to relevant threads , they are no good here . Open a new thread and do check the ones on Soviet War in which we unnecessarily participated , in the fight of two superpowers , made a mess of ourselves in the process and that culminated in the events of today .

No , there is more to the ' everything is done by foreign intelligence ' story and we the Muslims are innocents , we have a whole radicalized mass too in our society .

After all , the suicide bomber blowing up , the terrorists killing people and the Mullah preaching hatred is a citizen of Pakistan and part of this society too , isn't it ?
Dear ajkhan7.

It is hard to imagine that you choose to ignore the TTP’s claims in regards to killing the innocents. What I am concerned about is the naivetés of your statements. You blatantly call the Killers of 50,000 Pakistanis America’s agents. You say, “What is the proof that Taliban shot Malala,” and that we support terror groups in Pakistan. You are completely wrong. The United States has never supported the TTP or any other terror groups in or outside Pakistan. The terrorists are as great an enemy for us as they are for Pakistan. They attack our convoys passing through Pakistan, and they attack our soldiers in Afghanistan. If we support them then why will we attack them as per your claims? Does it make any sense? You say how can we prove if it was the Taliban who attacked Malala? If you have just crawled out from under a rock recently and have not followed the news than your question may be valid, and my answer will be that the TTP claimed responsibility immediately after the attack. When it was announced that she survived the attack; they said that they will attack her again. Later they came out with an eight pages long explanation as to why they were justified in attacking Malala. All this was issued by their official spokesperson, Ehasahullah Ehsan. Conspiracy theories do no justice to the 50,000 or so martyred Pakistanis at the hands of these brutal enemies. It is a fact is that the TTP are our common enemy, and we need to rid the region from all of their influence, and it can only be done if we all stand united against them.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Why are you rooting for the Taliban? :what: You seem to be covering up for them and their despicable acts! Something doesn't seem right with you! :undecided:

Just like you guys put EVERYTHING on ISI (which is NOT always true) pakistan seems to do the same with taliban... Easy way out
Dear ajkhan7.

It is hard to imagine that you choose to ignore the TTP’s claims in regards to killing the innocents. What I am concerned about is the naivetés of your statements. You blatantly call the Killers of 50,000 Pakistanis America’s agents. You say, “What is the proof that Taliban shot Malala,” and that we support terror groups in Pakistan. You are completely wrong. The United States has never supported the TTP or any other terror groups in or outside Pakistan. The terrorists are as great an enemy for us as they are for Pakistan. They attack our convoys passing through Pakistan, and they attack our soldiers in Afghanistan. If we support them then why will we attack them as per your claims? Does it make any sense? You say how can we prove if it was the Taliban who attacked Malala? If you have just crawled out from under a rock recently and have not followed the news than your question may be valid, and my answer will be that the TTP claimed responsibility immediately after the attack. When it was announced that she survived the attack; they said that they will attack her again. Later they came out with an eight pages long explanation as to why they were justified in attacking Malala. All this was issued by their official spokesperson, Ehasahullah Ehsan. Conspiracy theories do no justice to the 50,000 or so martyred Pakistanis at the hands of these brutal enemies. It is a fact is that the TTP are our common enemy, and we need to rid the region from all of their influence, and it can only be done if we all stand united against them.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Can Mods check if this guy really is authentic?
Why feel the compulsive need to defend Taliban though ? Are they saints or gentlemen lot or charity people ? Are they even Muslims or Humans ? After killing 50,000+ Pakistanis , at least it should be clear to us , who's the enemy , wouldn't you say ? But , it appears that some people are always ready to defend them , as it is their religious duty to present the barbaric psychopaths as kind , gentle people :azn:

Cant help it , can they ? :D

Yes, put ALL the blame on ONE bad person so the others can escape. Its like saying MQM are involved in bacha bazi. And when someone comes and says, NO, MQM is a terrorist, but NOT a bacha baz.. U say Ohhh, why r u defending MQM.. they are so bad etc etc.. Get the analogy?

Its common knowledge communist afghans and anp love bacha bazi.. taliban were actually condemned for stoning these people to death!

so that you are so ashamed off, that you dont even wana know thier dirty minds?
& by your goddamed logic, after every drone strike its TTp,s moral right, to take out young boys for thier joy rides?
& to take headshots of 14 years , student grils? is all that going to stop , USA targeting them? lol
i mean, you are standing in the middle of dirty pond while singing a qawali?lol

are you on drugs 24/7??
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