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Taliban refuse to come to table talk after death of their leader

We all feared this would happen and it has happened. We might be stuck in an endless war of attrition with the Taliban.

I have personally never believed that talks with the Taliban could work. They are mere barbarians but even I am suspicious about the timing of this US drone strike. I am forced to remember the time of Nek Muhammed when an treaty had been signed by the Pakistan army with Nek Mohammed and the drones came and killed him. The US always screws whatever plans we have.

In any case we need to increase efforts to eliminate the Taliban ourselves, without US interference. These are our enemies. The TTP or Pakistani Taliban have caused little or no damage to America but have caused severe damage to Pakistan. They are responsible for 40000-50000 casualties in the war on terror. This is our bit of the war. I say leave LET, leave Haqqani, Hekmatyar, Nazir and Gul Bahadur... but atleast go after your enemies like the Pakistani Taliban with full force.

Instead all I have seen the security agencies do is chase people with no link to terrorism. I am really concerned about the future of my country. Also to all those who believe talks would do magic I would like you to remember Swat. What did talks do there. The militants only used the opportunity to not only enter Swats cities like Mingora but also took over Buner.
We all feared this would happen and it has happened. We might be stuck in an endless war of attrition with the Taliban.

I have personally never believed that talks with the Taliban could work. They are mere barbarians but even I am suspicious about the timing of this US drone strike. I am forced to remember the time of Nek Muhammed when an treaty had been signed by the Pakistan army with Nek Mohammed and the drones came and killed him. The US always screws whatever plans we have.

In any case we need to increase efforts to eliminate the Taliban ourselves, without US interference. These are our enemies. The TTP or Pakistani Taliban have caused little or no damage to America but have caused severe damage to Pakistan. They are responsible for 40000-50000 casualties in the war on terror. This is our bit of the war. I say leave LET, leave Haqqani, Hekmatyar, Nazir and Gul Bahadur... but atleast go after your enemies like the Pakistani Taliban with full force.

Instead all I have seen the security agencies do is chase people with no link to terrorism. I am really concerned about the future of my country. Also to all those who believe talks would do magic I would like you to remember Swat. What did talks do there. The militants only used the opportunity to not only enter Swats cities like Mingora but also took over Buner.
Sir what ever you do how many operations you do you will end up talking to these guys weather our liberals like it or not but they will have to talk them because these guys are going no where and soon when USA would run away they will have fare more men and enough time to take on you so better talk to them before that other wise get ready for the bloodiest days to come may ALLAH protect Pakistan and Muslims all around the world 
Bloodshed never stopped, an Army operation will end this war, that's how insurgencies like these come to an end. I wonder why didn't we withdraw the offer of peace talks when our 2-star General was martyred by these terrorists?

Peace, is not bound by the negotiations or war. Both have their own benefits at times!
Army operation will never end this mr they are going no where and you can't finish them through Army operations and that is even said by Kiyani after all operations you will finally talk to them and also accept their demands lot of them and after USA runs away their entire focus will be on you so better we talk to them before that
@Secur @Oscar TTP's real victory is that they have convinced the people that they are stakeholders through the employment of violence. Before people allege a conspiracy to scuttle peace talks or betrayal on the part of the government of Pakistan they need to ask themselves that based upon what mandate is the TTP making demands, a mandate earned from the pulpits and hustings or a mandate seized through the barrel of a gun. Acknowledging any supranational authority such as the TTP is disastrous in the context of a state and the dynamics that are associated with it, Pakistan's long history of cultivating proxies has ensured that the state's monopoly over the use of organized violence has eroded. The "sympathizers" cannot even begin to imagine the threat that such an erosion poses to the nation they call their fortress, for them it is an intangible and distant issue which is difficult to place within a cogent structure in terms of causality..but rest assured that causality always has the last laugh.

By right, the state of Pakistan should not even accept the very notion of the TTP having any mandate whatsoever unless it wants to concede that mandate can be high jacked through violence, any peace or ceasefire must be brought about by the unconditional surrender of arms by the TTP or the physical and ideological extermination of the TTP.
Sir what ever you do how many operations you do you will end up talking to these guys weather our liberals like it or not but they will have to talk them because these guys are going no where and soon when USA would run away they will have fare more men and enough time to take on you so better talk to them before that other wise get ready for the bloodiest days to come may ALLAH protect Pakistan and Muslims all around the world 

Army operation will never end this mr they are going no where and you can't finish them through Army operations and that is even said by Kiyani after all operations you will finally talk to them and also accept their demands lot of them and after USA runs away their entire focus will be on you so better we talk to them before that
Yes Army operation can finish them. Seal the border. Reply violence with violence and brutal force. if they kill 1, you kill 10. Fight the terror with terror. If you do that it will be finished within few years.
All talks. Why don't Taliban supporters join them in the field? All this - 'we will do this, do that'....takes a toll on our sanity.
It hasn't been followed up by a military offensive, has it? In Swat the military attacked without such an offer. How much killing and fighting would have been avoided if they had?

Just the way America did and succeeded in Afghanistan? Yea right. Also when you do not understand creed of a region, giving advice is pretty darn awkward. What about a new way of handling this situation... ? by letting people of the land think through their head and solve their problems themselves. It is actually one thing which America hasn't tried as yet.. so Shell we give it a try?
You're not responding to what I wrote; you're just throwing calumnies about.

Go on, develop this idea further. Show us the intellect behind the feelings.
lol, i am not developing any idea here, its just the other side of the coin which you Americans cant see OR dont want to see. whatever
Yes Army operation can finish them. Seal the border. Reply violence with violence and brutal force. if they kill 1, you kill 10. Fight the terror with terror. If you do that it will be finished within few years.
Sir when you don't have any idea about this phenomena than don't talk Sir they are completely different breed of fighters they don't get finished by killing them each and every one that is killed becomes heros and form each drop of blood comes other fighters and we started this war on USA orders in 2003 now how much we say its our war no one would believe us and TTP will keep getting support and most people know drones are allowed by Pakistani government and Armed Forces
Sir when you don't have any idea about this phenomena than don't talk Sir they are completely different breed of fighters they don't get finished by killing them each and every one that is killed becomes heros and form each drop of blood comes other fighters and we started this war on USA orders in 2003 now how much we say its our war no one would believe us and TTP will keep getting support and most people know drones are allowed by Pakistani government and Armed Forces
Whether they are high breed or not that does not matter. They have family to. they also feel pain. Just kill all of them and dump them in mass graves just like what Srilankans did . The problem will be solved.
Whether they are high breed or not that does not matter. They have family to. they also feel pain. Just kill all of them and dump them in mass graves just like what Srilankans did . The problem will be solved.
Sir that is where they are much different than others Sir yes that they feel pain but after that they love to take revenge that is part of their culture those who don't take revenge are considered cowards in this case they are completely different from other humans wars are their passion and giving life is not much of a problem for them neither taking one Sir they are different in this case from rest of the world
Sir that is where they are much different than others Sir yes that they feel pain but after that they love to take revenge that is part of their culture those who don't take revenge are considered cowards in this case they are completely different from other humans wars are their passion and giving life is not much of a problem for them neither taking one Sir they are different in this case from rest of the world
Then you take revenge on them too by killing them in mass. If it is their passion bring that war to them. If they torture your family members, torture their family members. Make their life living hell. take all of them. if require, use chemical too.
Sir when you don't have any idea about this phenomena than don't talk Sir they are completely different breed of fighters they don't get finished by killing them each and every one that is killed becomes heros and form each drop of blood comes other fighters and we started this war on USA orders in 2003 now how much we say its our war no one would believe us and TTP will keep getting support and most people know drones are allowed by Pakistani government and Armed Forces

You know i am happy that fucker heekemullh died in t he attack. This is what you get for killing people in mosques and little children. I am sure you must be crying for him, i am laughing enjoying my ***. **** him and the TTP.

Push comes to shove we will stand our ground. These assholes will start fighting each other if not already. More drones on them.
Just the way America did and succeeded in Afghanistan?
What do you think America considers "success" in Afghanistan?

Yea right. Also when you do not understand creed of a region, giving advice is pretty darn awkward.
I focus on individuals, then groups of individuals. That often means rejecting broad assumptions and prejudices - especially the propaganda of terrorist leaders and those subject to them.

What about a new way of handling this situation... ? by letting people of the land think through their head and solve their problems themselves.
In this context, aren't you saying, "Stay out so we can arm our favored factions ourselves"? America yielded to Pakistan in this matter for decades and we got September 11th as the result, as well as the untold suffering of millions of Afghans. Why should Pakistan be deferred to once more?
Army operation will never end this mr they are going no where and you can't finish them through Army operations and that is even said by Kiyani after all operations you will finally talk to them and also accept their demands lot of them and after USA runs away their entire focus will be on you so better we talk to them before that

Please, never again reply to my post when you have nothing solid to say. You don't have any idea about anything and yet you shout like Imran Khan all around PDF defending the terrorists.

No offence, but I don't waste my time on one naive person again and again.
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