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Taliban refuse to come to table talk after death of their leader

nope, it doesn't, its my country, our proble, you dont get involved directly

the bomber was caught in US, prosecuted in US, case close, they have no authority to barge through my front door and claim it to be their land - there are channels devised for taking actions , that need to be followed( that is being followed by allowing the drone strikes)

again, not my problem, your security forces failed to stop them boarding the plane, tomorrow someone smuggles 20kg to your plane, is that my problem too because those drugs came through peshawer????
ahh ok i agree with you here, we played with them at the hands of Shiekhs in KSA, but we aren't doing that anymore , KSA has taken the role on its own now..

forget about peshawer, they need to worry about those are being trained by the best in the world, and then they turn their very own weapons towards those who fed them and trained them

well we have survived it all havn't we, don't worry we got our backs covered, you should worry about yours in afghanistan....Pakistan is powerful, otherwise how could we have survived for so long??

No body is directly involved in Pakistan... where did you get that idea that someone is?

And drones are allowed, you just agreed to that, then why make noise about it... that stop poking nose etc.?

I think there is a communication gap here. When you talked about "poking nose" what exactly did you mean? I meant drone attacks, Indian interests in Afghanistan, Iran's opposition to infiltration and killings of Shia pilgrims etc. What did you mean?

I hope you won't start with your cliched metaphors once again. Please try to be direct.

Because your State trained the Talibs, now there are millions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, and it is not Afghanistan's business?

And you call it survival and having your back? Seriously? I bet you are proud of what Pakistan is going through.

May be I misunderstood you. Now I suppose survival for you means having a map that remains unchanged, that's all. Well, don't be too sure about that either. The maps too have changed quite a bit in the last 60 years... and while Swat was surely an autonomous region in 2009, and many other threats to your map are lingering on that I bet even you can't deny
Off topic:

But you went to a grave of a Sufi. Why specifically choose a Sufi to remind you of death. I bet just any grave could remind you that we will die one day, but did you go to some Sufi grave?

Oh and now I think you are a fake, because for all I know, Islam was understood best by the Prophet, and is contained in Quran. How can you allow a Hadees to overrule Quran? All the Muslims say that all that is there to know about Islam is in Quran. Then why the hoories are not mentioned in Quran? If they are not mentioned in Quran, then they are not part of Islam.
I was 13 years old My mother took their Mr and than I started coming towards religion and after few years started studying Islam and doing my research 
No body is directly involved in Pakistan... where did you get that idea that someone is?

And drones are allowed, you just agreed to that, then why make noise about it... that stop poking nose etc.?

I think there is a communication gap here. When you talked about "poking nose" what exactly did you mean? I meant drone attacks, Indian interests in Afghanistan, Iran's opposition to infiltration and killings of Shia pilgrims etc. What did you mean?

I hope you won't start with your cliched metaphors once again. Please try to be direct.

Because your State trained the Talibs, now there are millions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, and it is not Afghanistan's business?

And you call it survival and having your back? Seriously? I bet you are proud of what Pakistan is going through.

May be I misunderstood you. Now I suppose survival for you means having a map that remains unchanged, that's all. Well, don't be too sure about that either. The maps too have changed quite a bit in the last 60 years... and while Swat was surely an autonomous region in 2009, and many other threats to your map are lingering on that I bet even you can't deny
Indian Army is pretty much directly involved specially in Baluchistan Sir their former Army chief himself admitted it Sir and we also have proves of that bundle of proves and they have sent agents and CIA is also involved Sir raymond davis is one example their are several others
What do you think America considers "success" in Afghanistan?

So in your opinion American soldiers succeeded in Afghanistan? Yea right!

I focus on individuals, then groups of individuals. That often means rejecting broad assumptions and prejudices - especially the propaganda of terrorist leaders and those subject to them.

Pakistan has dealt with these groups for over 3 decades and knows how to deal with them. American knowledge and wisdom didn't work for its own sake. I don't think you have a ground to suggest this to Pakistan after witnessing results of American strategies. Situation in Afghanistan is so favorable for America that Americans since years are seeking dialogue whole Afghans have one pre-condition to leave Afghanistan first. What a success story we have.

In this context, aren't you saying, "Stay out so we can arm our favored factions ourselves"? America yielded to Pakistan in this matter for decades and we got September 11th as the result, as well as the untold suffering of millions of Afghans. Why should Pakistan be deferred to once more?

Pakistan never harbored any terrorist who was involved in 9/11. No you didn't see terrorism in USA because of any of our support of terrorists in Afghanistan. But Pakistan surely would want to arm its favorable groups as it has right to have a non-offensive government in Afghanistan and US cannot object to those. Technically USA can but it doesn't matter as Pakistan's survival doesn't come through the wishes of United States.
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I was 13 years old My mother took their Mr and than I started coming towards religion and after few years started studying Islam and doing my research 

Thank you Zarvan, for half the answer. Rest of your post answered to something that was directed at someone else.

Please tell me...

...How can you allow a Hadees to overrule Quran? All the Muslims say that all that is there to know about Islam is in Quran. Then why the hoories are not mentioned in Quran? If they are not mentioned in Quran, then how do they become part of Islam?

You know what I think, I think the hoories were invented out of vested interests to promise something after some sort of supposed 'martyrdom'. You will never have to deliver a promise when the seeker is not around, quite a tactic I would say!
Thank you Zarvan, for half the answer. Rest of your post answered to something that was directed at someone else.

Please tell me...

...How can you allow a Hadees to overrule Quran? All the Muslims say that all that is there to know about Islam is in Quran. Then why the hoories are not mentioned in Quran? If they are not mentioned in Quran, then how do they become part of Islam?

You know what I think, I think the hoories were invented out of vested interests to promise something after some sort of supposed 'martyrdom'. You will never have to deliver a promise when the seeker is not around, quite a tactic I would say!
First of all Quran and Sunnah are both part of Islam mr without Sunnah you can't follow most orders of Quran Sir and in Quran ALLAH asks Muslims to follow HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW Quran orders to offer Salah but its Hadees which tells the method how to do it same with fasting and other actions mr and hoors are mentioned in Quran but their number is not
First of all Quran and Sunnah are both part of Islam mr without Sunnah you can't follow most orders of Quran Sir and in Quran ALLAH asks Muslims to follow HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW Quran orders to offer Salah but its Hadees which tells the method how to do it same with fasting and other actions mr and hoors are mentioned in Quran but their number is not

Off topic

Okay, thank you for the elaboration and confirmation. (It would be very easy to understand what you say if you used a little bit of indentation some time) Could you also please cite the verses in Quran that mention the hoors? I really need that.
Off topic

Okay, thank you for the elaboration and confirmation. (It would be very easy to understand what you say if you used a little bit of indentation some time) Could you also please cite the verses in Quran that mention the hoors? I really need that.
Their are two versus in Surah Rahman and their are verses in other Surahs to
But dude why do you think that Pakistan army has not strike them hard in last 10 years?? Of course they have done it with little success(they have even bombed with F-16 and other aircrafts). Talks are only way forward for them now.

i fail to understand if pakistan army tried there best then how came TTP is still so mcuh strong and striking at will, its not a peoples movement and i do not think peace talk will yield anything credible for peace
i fail to understand if pakistan army tried there best then how came TTP is still so mcuh strong and striking at will, its not a peoples movement and i do not think peace talk will yield anything credible for peace
well they have failed because they have an old concept of 'good terrorists and bad terrorists'. Some consider them bad while some consider them good in their heart as they won't say it openly. Some will even accuse their own army for all the mess rather than TTP. They are divided and thus failed to kick TTP's a$$.
well they have failed because they have an old concept of 'good terrorists and bad terrorists'. Some consider them bad while some consider them good in their heart as they won't say it openly. Some will even accuse their own army for all the mess rather than TTP. They are divided and thus failed to kick TTP's a$$.

your reply is very close to truth
Tell them after talks there will be mujra. They will agree.
I was 13 years old My mother took their Mr and than I started coming towards religion and after few years started studying Islam and doing my research 

Indian Army is pretty much directly involved specially in Baluchistan Sir their former Army chief himself admitted it Sir and we also have proves of that bundle of proves and they have sent agents and CIA is also involved Sir raymond davis is one example their are several others
No, he did not. That was a made up claim by news.pk, infamous for faking wikileaks previously. Try to find a single credible source that says our army chief admitted something like that.

Why is it so easy to fool pakistanis with fake news? Don't you people have ANY idea how to check the credibility of reliability of information on the internet?
I believe no one will poke their nose if you can guarantee that the Jehadis group nurturing in safe heavens of Pakistan will not terrorize other countries and advice your Intelligence agency to stop poking their nose in other countries and stop supporting strategic assets.
i am afraid this isn't how the world works, Pakistan is a sovereign country and not somebody's backyard where they can come in and leave, do whatever they like to - Pakistan and Pakistanis are the ones who have suffered the most at the hands of these terrorists, we are the ones facing it everyday, so spare us the crap. Your logic would make sense, IF these were state owned elements or its institution, but that is not the case, hence your logic stands nullified, infact US gave the same reason in UN General assembly, and see where US senate stands today.
No body is directly involved in Pakistan... where did you get that idea that someone is?

And drones are allowed, you just agreed to that, then why make noise about it... that stop poking nose etc.?
and did you miss out what I said about Afghanistan & India? (and iran too? )

I think there is a communication gap here. When you talked about "poking nose" what exactly did you mean? I meant drone attacks, Indian interests in Afghanistan, Iran's opposition to infiltration and killings of Shia pilgrims etc. What did you mean?
when i said stop poking their nose then i meant to ssay - stop supporting TTP , the ones residing in Afghanistan, i meant that India should stop violating the ceasefire at eastern border, i meant that they stop supporting the rebels in Balochistan & insurgents in Karachi, I meant that they KSA should stop the fundings of Clerics and madrasas in the country like ASWJ,LeJ,LeT, I meant that KSA & Iran should stop their proxy wars in Pakistan and take it to their home.....
I hope i have made it clear now

I hope you won't start with your cliched metaphors once again. Please try to be direct.
the reason i do that is because we will go off topic with such things, which i don't like

Because your State trained the Talibs, now there are millions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, and it is not Afghanistan's business?
yes we made a mistake but Pakistan was not alone in this, it had other players in it too, then why should we take the fall??
afghanistan should worry about its own backyard rather than playing big with pakistan, they tried to mess with us prior to Soviet war and they learned there lesson the hard way.

And you call it survival and having your back? Seriously? I bet you are proud of what Pakistan is going through.
May be I misunderstood you. Now I suppose survival for you means having a map that remains unchanged, that's all. Well, don't be too sure about that either. The maps too have changed quite a bit in the last 60 years... and while Swat was surely an autonomous region in 2009, and many other threats to your map are lingering on that I bet even you can't deny
Well i guess you should perhaps hit the books again and see if you can find the definition of Survival - because i know what Survival means and i knew when I said it.
Well i guess you should perhaps hit the books again and see if you can find the definition of Survival - because i know what Survival means and i knew when I said it.

Achchha ji, advice without solicitation?

Then I guess only one thing left for you to do - take your bowl of allegations minus proof, and go to the UN. When they throw something in it, come back and talk. Till then, we'll enjoy this show of survival.

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