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Taliban militants behead 2 Pakistani soldiers

India is also a problem. If Pakistan sends its soldiers west to fight Taliban, India will invade Azad Kashmir.
Sooner or later Pakistan needs to settle the issue of the open border between Afghansitan and Pakistan , it is not in the interest of either Afghanistan or Pakistan to let it be like it is in the current state.
oh, sharia argument. ah? remember, your establishment has done the aggression not the Taliban. They are entitled to retaliate, according to the shariah. At least be consistent with shariah, for god sake! literally!!

Umm no. I was referring to the Pakistani governmental system and constitution. I have no idea where you got the sharia from:what:

Are you muslim?
Ḥashshāshīn;2909626 said:
India is also now a problem. If Pakistan sends it's soldiers west to fish Taliban, India will invade Azad Kashmir.

Are you trying to be a politician ? India invading Azad ( cough ) Kashmir is an old line..try something new.

So Mr hash...are you saying pakistan is short of soldiers ?
Ḥashshāshīn;2909626 said:
India is also now a problem. If Pakistan sends it's soldiers west to fight Taliban, India will invade Azad Kashmir.

Invade Pakistan???????? Care to explain for what and why?
you wish!

Don't reproduce ISPR lines along with the Punctuation marks. What do we get in return. Bunch Islamic crazies. We already have a handful of them within valley, who now and them incite children to pelt stones and organize rallies against India.

Yes, sooner or later Pashtuns will realize that they are being taken for a ride and liberate KPK from Pakistan.

It’s Pakistan that has been taken for a ride here due to the open border between Afghanistan and Pakistan
Americans have used this as a mean to infiltrate and attack Pakistan and create instability in Pakistan, as have Indians and their new found pets in afghan government.
India first hid in soviet underpants to attack Pakistan from Afghanistan and now it is hiding in American under pants to do the same but end result will be same … epic FAIL!
Also afghans claim ( and Indians support this ) that afghan=pashtun and pashtun=afghan and FATA belongs to afghans but when it comes to people from FATA crossing over border and attacking NATO/US and American backed afghan forces then they become Pakistani! ... ha-ha its us Pakistanis that are being taken for ride here no one else
The Taliban launched the first suicide attack in 2002, PA launched the first active Op in 2008, so who attacked who again?
Your argument is flawed.

Just for the record, army ops started in 2002. Then again in 2004...
some please post the video link. I need that for record.
I hope that the myth of good Taliban will be shattered henceforth. RIP to soldiers.

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