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Taking Notice of India's Extreme Poverty

We should not laugh at India's poverty. But we should mercilessly criticize India's non-poverty related problems. For example, China was just as poor in 1980 as India was in 1980 yet we had double the literacy rate. We didn't on the grass. This is not a poverty issue - when the government GIVES people a toilet, they still don't use it, and on the grass instead. this is a education issue.
We should not laugh at India's poverty. But we should mercilessly criticize India's non-poverty related problems. For example, China was just as poor in 1980 as India was in 1980 yet we had double the literacy rate. We didn't on the grass. This is not a poverty issue - when the government GIVES people a toilet, they still don't use it, and on the grass instead. this is a education issue.

You cannot force an amendment upon people in Democracy, Thats certainly the issue pertaining to a slower development in terms of poverty alleviation...
You cannot force an amendment upon people in Democracy, Thats certainly the issue pertaining to a slower development in terms of poverty alleviation...

I believe one can. By passing laws against defacating in open areas, if not completely curbed, it can be reduced to a great extent.

Also see my post below for a detail explanation.
You cannot force an amendment upon people in Democracy, Thats certainly the issue pertaining to a slower development in terms of poverty alleviation...

Yes you can. The indian government can bulldoze slums in Delhi and ruin the lives of millions, why can't it ever improve the lives of millions? pass a law against defecating in public, start a media campaign, make truly free education. i mean, no one voted to bulldoze the slums yet it happened.
I believe one can. By passing laws against defacating in open areas, if not completely curbed, it can be reduced to a great extent.

See, its not possible, If that is done then most of the people in India would be In Jails.... See Govt has many systems to Control these systems, But the Problem is the state govt either Eat the Funds or they just dont use these systems in an Effective way..... Let me tell u a little example of PMRY....

Yesterday I had appointed a few People to mend my garden from those called "Kudumba sree" , These people are given 150rs daily by the govt for doing the Job, and that is credited to there respective bank accounts... The PMRY should not be used like this, In Gujarat the same People are used to Build dams and Other Infrastructure projects.... See how People are Misused or Less Used in different states???
Yes you can. The indian government can bulldoze slums in Delhi and ruin the lives of millions, why can't it ever improve the lives of millions? pass a law against defecating in public, start a media campaign, make truly free education. i mean, no one voted to bulldoze the slums yet it happened.

Bulldozing of Slums was After the Slum clearance Board of India Happened to Get a Home under the "Housing board" under the Corporation or Municipality ready for vacating, which need not be made public as every year this Happens.... You can get it in there respective websites openly....

And Who said Education is not free??? The right to education bill has been passed, and even before that, there were govt run schools with mid day meals to attract less fortunate students....
Bulldozing of Slums was After the Slum clearance Board of India Happened to Get a Home under the "Housing board" under the Corporation or Municipality ready for vacating, which need not be made public as every year this Happens.... You can get it in there respective websites openly....

There's so many legal loopholes in developing countries. For example, if the people in the slums don't "own" that land, then they're not the "owners" of their homes. In fact they're illegally stealing land, and bulldozing it is completely legal and just law enforcement. Same with toilets. Shitting in public is "indecent behavior" and a "distubance of public peace". therefore police can arrest them by extending the definition of some laws. It already happens, which of you have not bribed a police before? Just put the corrupt police to some better use. Even make it like a sort of "fine" to in public.
Yes you can. The indian government can bulldoze slums in Delhi and ruin the lives of millions, why can't it ever improve the lives of millions? pass a law against defecating in public, start a media campaign, make truly free education. i mean, no one voted to bulldoze the slums yet it happened.

I would've voted for demolition of the slums. These were illegal, on public property, and stealing precious services like water and electricity. If you want to establish a home, fine, but do it legally.
There's so many legal loopholes in developing countries. For example, if the people in the slums don't "own" that land, then they're not the "owners" of their homes. In fact they're illegally stealing land, and bulldozing it is completely legal and just law enforcement. Same with toilets. Shitting in public is "indecent behavior" and a "distubance of public peace". therefore police can arrest them by extending the definition of some laws. It already happens, which of you have not bribed a police before? Just put the corrupt police to some better use. Even make it like a sort of "fine" to in public.

No you got me wrong there, Those Lands either belong to Corporation or Land Lords who take rent from them, SCB buys the Land from the Landlord and Builds New Stuffs there, while there is home alotted for every member registered With the Housing board in that Slum.... Well Police cant do much, as the Local People have influence over the governing party so Police are trapped.... You see these are the Stuffs Hindering the growing potential of the country
We should not laugh at India's poverty.
If no one is laughing on your poverty than how can you laugh on others?

But we should mercilessly criticize India's non-poverty related problems. For example, China was just as poor in 1980 as India was in 1980 yet we had double the literacy rate. We didn't on the grass. This is not a poverty issue - when the government GIVES people a toilet, they still don't use it, and on the grass instead. this is a education issue.

China was poorer than most of the time in last but they have developed well in last 25 years but that was uder dictatorship of CPC. We appreciate your development and India is developing as well but in our own way ie democratic.
to chinese and pakistani..how many of you will tolerate criticism from indians on different matters of your's, with out derailing it with indian poverty,military strength etc..
you know what every Indian will agree with you.but this scene is more common in poorer states like UP,Bihar,Bengal etc. and Agra lies in UP.but still there is no excuse for the fact that we want to buy 260 fighter aircrafts for $30 billion but cannot provide basic amenities like toilets to our people which will cost only$10 billion if you want to create 100 million toilets at th cost of $100 per toilet(rs. 5000).

The problem is not about Govt help in building toilets.

Ignoring the intent of the thread starter, even the article acknowledges that Govt provides money and subsidy for building toilets. But most of the time it is being used for some other purposes (for the obvious reason of these people's dire financial condition). The problem is lack of public awareness, education and a sense of hyegin amongst the ones doing it.

The trick is to pass bill against open defacation and provide money/ subsidy for toilets with a deadline and fine for not constructing one.

Open defacation is not actually related to poverty only. I had seen in my old village, most of the effluent farmers will also opt for doing it in the open rather then inside a toilet. In fact for some religeous nuts, having a toilet near the house was, like, a big sin.

So the trick lies in educating and increasing mass awareness and at the same time strict hand of administration.
Taking Notice of India's Extreme Poverty

Dominique Browning
February 15, 2011 12:43 PM

Background: standing at the window of my elegant hotel room in Agra's Oberoi, I catch my first glimpse of the pale domes and spires of the Taj Mahal floating over the horizon, gleaming dully in the moist dawn light. Foreground: below me is the sparkling sapphire square of an enormous swimming pool, its arcades and columns a whimsical echo of Mughal architecture. The fringes of colorful umbrellas flutter in the breezes; jasmine spills over pots. Middle gro

How many threads did you started with Pakistan's problems? Are you economically in better position? If no think about your country not us. We are developing fast and large number of people came out of poverty in last decade and further development will be there in this decade.
See, its not possible, If that is done then most of the people in India would be In Jails.... See Govt has many systems to Control these systems, But the Problem is the state govt either Eat the Funds or they just dont use these systems in an Effective way..... Let me tell u a little example of PMRY....

Yesterday I had appointed a few People to mend my garden from those called "Kudumba sree" , These people are given 150rs daily by the govt for doing the Job, and that is credited to there respective bank accounts... The PMRY should not be used like this, In Gujarat the same People are used to Build dams and Other Infrastructure projects.... See how People are Misused or Less Used in different states???

Dear sir, passing a bill not necessarily means that administration has to throw everyone in the jail if its broken. It is a slow and gradual process. Like the Energy conservation Bill of 2001. It is not legally binding for company's to do it, but more and more company's are getting aware of the benefits and importance involved. The same could be the case with "Anti Open Defacation Bill", if I may dare so.

Also see my post above for a different perspective.

P.S.: I do agree that PMRY could have been utilized better by the state Govts. But its a different discussion all together.
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