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Taj Mahal will collaspe in 5 years

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so because you are embarrased you are ruled you will soon say they are indian aswell

my turkish friend india had thousands years older civilization which turks used to invade because they had no civlization and useful land of their own, india plus china, the more embarrassment is that turks and mongols lived like barbarians for most of their history till they were taught civilization by the conquered territories of china and india
Grandson of Babur, Akbar (Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar) married Rajput princess Jodhabai and their son Saleem later named Jehangir became next emperor, Jehanfir too married a Rajput princess, but he also married a Persian women Noor Jahan.

Noor Jehan was Shah Jehan step mother, Noor Jehan wanted him to marry to the daughter of her husband "Laadli Begum" but Shah Jehan was in love with Noor Jehan's niece, Anjumad later named Mumtaz Mahal.

Please where did i ever say he married indian or persian women or something? i never said that , SHOULD THEY HAVE ONLY MARRIED TURKS OR I DNO FORGET EVERY RACE , i dont understand , im not saying they never married them or anything.

Sometime later,this Ottoman-Turk will claim that not only Turks ruled Iran,Arabs,Pakistanis,Indians,but also Japan,China,Russia,Europe,United Stated and south America.There has been some rumore that Turks even ruled the moon and Jupiter for 100 years.

Nope i never claim anything i just say the truths .

my turkish friend india had thousands years older civilization which turks used to invade because they had no civlization and useful land of their own, india plus china, the more embarrassment is that turks and mongols lived like barbarians for most of their history till they were taught civilization by the conquered territories of china and india

I dnt know pakistani friend how they lived , but ill rather live as a barbarian or nomad rather than living as a slave . All those help the turks gave to people like you should be haram , i have the honour of being a turk as ATATURK said.

If chinese members watch the program from 4-6 mins they can even see he speaks chinese , the professor just to read from chinese sources.
Please where did i ever say he married indian or persian women or something? i never said that , SHOULD THEY HAVE ONLY MARRIED TURKS OR I DNO FORGET EVERY RACE , i dont understand , im not saying they never married them or anything.

Sultans of Slave Dynasty or Mamluk Dynasty(The first Sultan Qutubuddin Aibak was the slave of Muhammad Ghori conqueror of Delhi), the first Muslim Empire in India, they preserved their Turkic identity while ruling India but that wasn't the case with Mughals.
I dnt know pakistani friend how they lived , but ill rather live as a barbarian or nomad rather than living as a slave.

its a simple concept of science that turks used to invade the chinese and later indian land esp because they wanted to plunder goods and steal somone's property which thy did have of their own

indians and chinese didnt because they had every thing of their own and they were living in luxury
and the luxury made them weak while harsh climate of turks and mongols made them strong and survive extreme conditions

i will any time prefer living in civilized world than world of nomads and uncivilized people
my turkish friend india had thousands years older civilization which turks used to invade because they had no civlization and useful land of their own, india plus china, the more embarrassment is that turks and mongols lived like barbarians for most of their history till they were taught civilization by the conquered territories of china and india

Your barbarian turkish friends made programs continously , got money on friday prayers , pressured the government to help even more and more to help your country . Live with my honour , die with my honour .

its a simple concept of science that turks used to invade the chinese and later indian land esp because they wanted to plunder goods and steal somone's property which thy did have of their own

indians and chinese didnt because they had every thing of their own and they were living in luxury

i will any time prefer living in civilized world than world of nomads and uncivilized people

hmm in my personal opinion then , you have no honour , because slaves have no honour.
my turkish friend india had thousands years older civilization which turks used to invade because they had no civlization and useful land of their own, india plus china, the more embarrassment is that turks and mongols lived like barbarians for most of their history till they were taught civilization by the conquered territories of china and india
I like brave mongols warriors.And turks had never ruled us,sometimes we even work together like in tang dynasty to conquere central asia and manchuria.Ashina family were great turk soldiers.
About mongols,they are too wild.
hmm in my personal opinion then , you have no honour , because slaves have no honour.

Contributing in Science, medicine, mathematics and other inventions is far better than feeling proud of conquerors who put universities and libraries on fire. In Asia only Chinese, Iranians and Indians have given such traditions of inventions and discoveries.
Contributing in Science, medicine, mathematics and other inventions is far better than feeling proud of conquerors who put universities and libraries on fire. In Asia only Chinese, Iranians and Indians have given such traditions of inventions and discoveries.

All those went down the drain with british rule. Other than indians inventing the word 0 i dont know anything else they did.

Piri Reis (full name Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri - Hadji Ahmed Muhiddin Piri, Ahmet ibn-i el-Haç Mehmet El Karamani; Reis was a Turkish military rank akin to that of captain) was an Ottoman admiral, geographer and cartographer born between 1465 and 1470, and died in 1554 or 1555.
He is primarily known today for his maps and charts collected in his Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), a book that contains detailed information on navigation, as well as very accurate charts (for its time) describing the important ports and cities of the Mediterranean Sea. He gained fame as a cartographer when a small part of his first world map (prepared in 1513) was discovered in 1929 at the Topkapı Palace in Istanbul. His world map is the oldest known Turkish atlas showing the New World, and one of the oldest maps of America still in existence anywhere (the oldest known map of America that is still in existence is the map drawn by Juan de la Cosa in 1500). Piri Reis' map is centered on the Sahara at the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer.[1]

Piri reis map




Hezârfen Ahmed Çelebi was a legendary Ottoman aviator of 17th-century Istanbul, purported in the writings of Evliya Çelebi to have achieved sustained unpowered flight.

The 17th century writings of Evliyâ Çelebi relate this story of Hezârfen Ahmed Çelebi, circa 1630-1632:
"First he practiced by flying over the pulpit of Okmeydani eight or nine times with eagle wings, using the force of the wind. Then, as Sultan Murad Khan (Murad IV) was watching from the Sinan Pasha mansion at Sarayburnu, he flew from the very top of the Galata Tower and landed in the Doğancılar square in Üsküdar, with the help of the south-west wind.

Contributing in Science, medicine, mathematics and other inventions is far better than feeling proud of conquerors who put universities and libraries on fire. In Asia only Chinese, Iranians and Indians have given such traditions of inventions and discoveries.

Ever heard of the Golden Age of Islam? No? :lol:
Scholars often use the term gunpowder empires to describe the empires of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal. Each of these three empires had considerable military exploits using the newly-developed firearms, especially cannon and small arms, to create their empires.[2] They existed primarily between the fourteenth and the late seventeenth centuries. - Three turkic Empires.

Ottoman cannon





^^Mate, I think we are going a little off-topic.
Scholars often use the term gunpowder empires to describe the empires of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal. Each of these three empires had considerable military exploits using the newly-developed firearms, especially cannon and small arms, to create their empires.[2] They existed primarily between the fourteenth and the late seventeenth centuries. - Three turkic Empires.

Gunpowder is Chinese invention.

Scholars often use the term gunpowder empires to describe the empires of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal. Each of these three empires had considerable military exploits using the newly-developed firearms, especially cannon and small arms, to create their empires.[2] They existed primarily between the fourteenth and the late seventeenth centuries. - Three turkic Empires.

Gunpowder is Chinese invention.
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