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Taj Mahal will collaspe in 5 years

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We have problems with nobody , we have problems with people who have problems with us. Got a problem ? servant of the british.

I didnt want to go further with your harrasment.

harassment lol. By the time of Shah Jehan, Mughal were fully indianized and Persianized.
How is Ahmed Ustad Lauhuri Iranian or Turkish when his last name is Lauhuri, indicating that he was from modern day city of Lahore?
harassment lol. By the time of Shah Jehan, Mughal were fully indianized and Persianized.
Just ignore him,he has been banned 2 times just because of this,trying to show Iranian/Arab/Indian and every other one's achievements for Turks.Facts are facts,they won't change by some Pan-Turk lies or trolls.
'Puru' from Benarus, Persia

Just curious, is there any city Benarus in Iran because Puru is a Hindu name and Benarus(Banaras) is a city in Uttar Pradesh state in India.
How is Ahmed Ustad Lauhuri Iranian or Turkish when his last name is Lauhuri, indicating that he was from modern day city of Lahore?
During the time Taj Mahal was built,most of the modern Pakistan and also northwestern parts of India belonged to Safavid empire.

Just curious, is there any city Benarus in Iran because Puru is a Hindu name and Benarus(Banaras) is a city in Uttar Pradesh state in India
Of course it's in India today,but as I said above,parts of India and almost whole modern Pakistan was a part of Safavid Dynasty when Taj Mahal was being built.One thing else is that lots of Iranians was going to India for business during the time,so there was a large community of Persians in India,one of the most famous of them is Mumtaz Mahal.So just because he is from Benarus,doesn't contradict the fact that he could be an Iranian.:)
During the time Taj Mahal was built,most of the modern Pakistan and also northwestern parts of India belonged to Safavid empire.

this is not most of pakistan, this is few pakistan

I think tomorrow usa will claim history of all nations wherever it had army presence ..
On topic:
if it is true that tajmahal has wooden foundation then it is gonna give up in futre
the mughals were turko mongols and direct descendends of chenghez khan, they were nothing like the turks of turkey

They were not direct descendants of Chenghez khan rather a mix of middle eastern tribes+Mongols from Mongolia..

Babur had very mongoloid looks..
For those Anti-hafiz trolls please read the message #46 carefully !!!

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------

What does the following have to do with religion ?

"reality" = Arunachal Pradesh is Southern Tibet not Indian land !
"reality" = Sikkim got annexed by India
"reality" = Indians (Tamil Tigers ) trying hard to annex Northern part of Sri Lanka
"reality" = Indians have already overtaken Fiji (Aboriginal Fijians are now a minority)

Ooops it looks like you forgot to mention one more Reality.......
Reality--Hafizzz is the NexT BiG Thing when it comes trolling after Zaid Hamid.....both of you are pioneers in this department....

Note--Althrough now you are a Banned member but still i was not able resist myself from repling to this post of yours
the mughals were turko mongols and direct descendends of chenghez khan, they were nothing like the turks of turkey

because you dont read and from what you hear , mughals were descendants of the timurids , made by timur , who was a 100%TURK( research ) HOWEVER BECAUSE TIMUR REALLY ADMIRED Cengiz KHAN , he tried to bring hes legacy back

According to Gérard Chaliand, Timur was a Muslim Turk but he saw himself as Genghis Khan's heir. Though not a Chinggisid, he clearly sought to evoke the legacy of Genghis Khan's conquests during his lifetime. There is alot of proper sources , i listened to a historian on a 3 hour program about it , TIMUR IS 100% BLOOD TURK however he wanted to be like CENGIZ KHAN.

this is not most of pakistan, this is few pakistan

My friend,the map you showed here are territories of Safavid dynasty that were always a part of the empire during their rule.
What I said above is that during the time Taj Mahal was being built,most of Pakistan and parts of India was part of the Safavid empire,later they lost some of those parts until Nader Shah captured them again.Here is a map of Safavid Persia in 1610:

As you see,most of Pakistan is included.

this is not most of pakistan, this is few pakistan
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