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Taiwan Conducts Live Fire Drills on Spratlys, Angering Vietnam

Well though i agree China wont stand by and see its 'province' Taiwan fight Vietnam in case of conflicts over these islands, I doubt Taiwan will ask for help anyway, and even if they did i doubt China will intervene. They might just sit and watch until both have fought each other to exhaustion and if Vietnams comes out on top, then ,Maybe China will intervene just to take over the islands for itself, not 'helping' Taiwan per se(thanks for the correction my firend Götterdämmerung.lol).

Moreover we should note that Chinas so called 9 dashed claim was not created by the CCP, it was indeed created by the current Taiwanese government(KMT)nationalists, and also Taiwan(KMT) still claims even more territory for China than the CCP itself.lol The communist just took over from the KMT, so i Taiwan is to blame for all the crisis in the region in the first place.lol This is something many people tend to forget. That's why i said earlier on another thread that had the KMT won the Chinese civil war and be ruling China instead of the CCP, then i have no doubts that they would have long intervene militarily in the SCS and seized control of all these islands before other countries in Asia had even gained their indepednence/started to make claims in the SCS. A democratic China(under the KMT) close/allied with the U.S will have no problem doing all these/waging war for these islands and even taking the senkakus islands(without much fanfare from our media).:agree: Had they won the Chinese civil war then believe me Asia will have looked much more different than it is today. For one Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and North Korea wont be communist today to begin with,:( and im not sure Mongolia will even still be independent today.lol Anyway thats history and we cant change history.:D:P

Nope, KMT is always weakling, and they were the one to blame for the loss of China's territory.

Even Lux de Veritas (a hardcore anti-CPC troll) did admit this fact; KMT cannot hold as much of territory as CPC.

Of course the West prefers KMT to take in charge of China, because a weak China will be guaranteed under the rule of KMT.
Yes it might be the case in a decade or two from now, But then again China hasnt eclipse Russia yet, despite having a bigger economy than Russia for a long while now. So thats why i said economy alone doesnt deterrmine military superiority.
You also have to know that despite China being over 5 times bigger than Russia economically, Russia still spends alot on its military(though i think its unsutainable for them in the long run, since they spend over 20 percent of government spending on their military) compared to china, in fact Russia spends over twice as much % wise to its GDP than China i.e 2.0% for China to 4.2% for Russia, and even more i percentage terms than the U.S(3.8%of GDP), which translates into over $78billion compared to just over $120billion for China(i.e less than twice russias despite an economy over 5 times bigger.lol). Considering China's size/population, the difference isnt that much at all.
So thats why i said it all depends on sevral factors, not just economy. For example Philippines despite having a bigger economy than Vietnam spends far less on its military than Vietnam. SO there you go.:D:P

Russia is also living off the fat of a prior era (USSR) where its predecessor spent, proportionally, even more on the military. China will overtake Russia, despite having started the modernization process in the mid 90s. The only reason this is possible is precisely because of the economy.
if I recall you posted recently a statistic how much money indonesia invests in burma so far: less than one percent of all investments in the country. where is your huge money treasure? by the way, I believe you take things too personally, don´t you?

in vietnam, we care much of china, but indonesia? nobody cares.

Don't be so tough with sister madokafc, she has the period and as you know, women get emotional and aggressive during that time of the month. :cheesy:
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It doesnt matter, nobody told you not to spend more on your military.lool
I was just pointing out that a bigger economy alone doesn't necesarilly means a more powerful/advanced/superior military.:D So Vietnam can still defeat Taiwan who knows.:enjoy::whistle:
Pretty dumb argument considering every developing countries around the world strive to be wealthy . And you're right, I"m not Chinese government so telling me to spend more on military is useless.
you don´t get it. we are not obsessed of China, we despise them, only care of when they will come again as dirty invader.
along vietnam-china border, we built flag towers overlooking chinese territory to monitor and alert our troops when they come :D
View attachment 145858

LOL alert towers..

Its 21st century learn to use Satellites /Drones :rofl:
It doesnt matter, nobody told you not to spend more on your military.lool
I was just pointing out that a bigger economy alone doesn't necesarilly means a more powerful/advanced/superior military.:D So Vietnam can still defeat Taiwan who knows.:enjoy::whistle:

huh, Yes, bigger economy means exactly more powerful/advanced/superior, if our GPD is 10 times our GPD now, our military spending will likely be 10 times more if needed to be. its a simple math problem. This is exactly what we do, we increase our military spending by increasing the GDP, not the percentage,

But if the day comes when we just need to spend 1% of GDP, that is when the west knows it's in trouble.

we wait for the day Vietnam gives us an excuse, then can take back every rock in SCS in a week. :yahoo:
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Don't be so tough with sister madokafc, she has the period and as you know, women get emotional and aggressive during that time of the month. :cheesy:

looool :lol:
huh.......man that was uncalled for really, we shouldnt indulge in personal attacks, make your point and leave it at that, we can all agree to disagree politely/respectfully(though i know its too much to ask for members on here).

But that was funny though.:D:laugh:
looool :lol:
huh.......man that was uncalled for really, we shouldnt indulge in personal attacks, make your point and leave it at that, we can all agree to disagree politely/respectfully(though i know its too much to ask for members on here).

But that was funny though.:D:laugh:

Sorry mate, but when she calls people "Vietcong gooks", she is asking for it, and by the way, it was totally unneeded for her to say that to Viet, Viet was talking to her in a proper manner.
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Sorry mate, but when she calls people "Vietcong gooks", she is asking for it, and by the way, it was totally unneeded for her to say that to Viet, Viet was talking to her in a proper manner.

Yes i agree with you though, she shouldnt have indulged in such insults in the first place. But then again you indulging in the same sort of insults doesnt make you right/correct either. If you dont show people how to behave properly/act by example, then you are not much better than them. It negates anything else you say, and brings you to their own level.

You will notice that despite all my comments on here being fairly honest/unbiased and respectful/polite, some members here still make inappropriate comments/indulge in personal insults towards me, But you will never see me get back at them with same kind of insults/personal attacks. I just make my point and thats it. They can carry on with their insults if they like, i dont have time to waste my time coming in a discussion forum to be insulting people i dont even know personally or met in my life. I come here to learn and exchange ideas/point of views with others. Not to indulge in personal attacks. We are all adults and i believe we should act like one. Moreover we dont have much influence over our governments, no amtter how much we insult the other nation/person/rival, it doesnt change our situation nor our country policies, so why not just be respectful towards each other while we agree to disagree on some? Make peace not war bro.:cheers:

is just a dream from some Vietnamese Chauvinist

By the way is that really you in the pic Madofafc??:ashamed:
Has there been an actual clash between ROC forces and Vietnamese?

No. Actually the Taiwanese troops stationed there are quite nice with Vietnamese fishermen.
The Taiwan president also states that they only claim based on the principle: land dominate sea. Means big island with 12nm of territorial water.

Based on his speech, China has no territorial water in Spratly, cause they have no natural island, only reef and shoal, some of them snatched from Vietnam by force. Taiwan has only one.

In my opinion, Taiwan is worried about the threat from PLAN more than Vietnam Navy.
China always could make a sudden attack to Itu Aba island, or even to Taiwan islands.
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"Jiao Zhi "?You proved that the sea belong to China smartly.It's obviously a Chinese name.


Keo, or Gew, Kẻ Chợ, Kochin, is written with Han Zi such as "Jiao Zhi", this is ancent name of Vietnamese.
Sorry mate, but when she calls people "Vietcong gooks", she is asking for it, and by the way, it was totally unneeded for her to say that to Viet, Viet was talking to her in a proper manner.

You are right. No nice one call Vietnamese as Viet Cong.
It's only from our former enemy.

So, for your information, Vietnamese of Vietnam hates to be called as "Viet Cong", most of them has nothing to do with title "Viet Cong". It does also not reflect the true fact.

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