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Taiwan Conducts Live Fire Drills on Spratlys, Angering Vietnam

the gooks repeatedly using the words of Indon in the first place, and that's quite provocative for any Indonesian member here

You keep going with the "gook" thing, relax sister!

Ok, maybe I missed something when I was reading the thread, I was reading kind of fast, but I didn't see anything derogative from the Viets to you. Viet is usually quite good when talking unless he gets insulted by the chinese and there is usually cordial relations between the viets here and you or other Indonesians, so lets clear the facts first.

Can you please point to the specific point where they said something bad to you?

I really want to be clear about what's going on here and then to fix things. I wonder is there is a misunderstanding. Indonesia and Vietnam should be on the same side, the threat is the same (Indonesia have it easy for now, but its coming, if you know the chinese, you know its coming, they just go on steps).

Also, I never heard of that word "Indon" before, but my first thought when I read that, would be that its an abbreviation for Indonesian, so I wonder if there is a misunderstanding here.
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You keep going with the "gook" thing, relax sister!

Ok, maybe I missed something when I was reading the thread, I was reading kind of fast, but I didn't see anything derogative from the Viets to you. Viet is usually quite good when talking unless he gets insulted by the chinese and there is usually cordial relations between the viets here and you or other Indonesians, so lets clear the facts first.

Can you please point to the specific point where they said something bad to you?

I really want to be clear about what's going on here and then to fix things. I wonder is there is a misunderstanding. Indonesia and Vietnam should be on the same side, the threat is the same (Indonesia have it easy for now, but its coming, if you know the chinese, you know its coming, they just go on steps).

[/QUOTE]won´t be surprised if the indon [/QUOTE]

Look at page 2. Those are fighting word for us.

Let me tell you a secret about this guy "Viet." You might not know this because you might overlook this or refuse to admit it, but he's kind of an A' hole. Also I want to keep this a secret, but he is the reason why I signed up to this forum. Because I just can't stand reading about his BS claim. Imagine a guy so obnoxious (more so than some Indian or Chinese members here) that even make me join this forum just so I can shut him up.

Your suggestion is for us to join an anti-China group which will serve to isolate China further which in turn making them more aggressive in their claim. Which benefit no one. Like thatcher said all party must be in the negotiating table to discuss a peaceful resolution.
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won´t be surprised if the indon [/QUOTE]

Look at page 2. Those are fighting word for us.

Let me tell you a secret about this guy "Viet." You might not know this because you might overlook this or refuse to admit it, but he's kind of an A' hole. Also I want to keep this a secret, but he is the reason why I signed up to this forum. Because I just can't stand reading about his BS claim. Imagine a guy so obnoxious (more so than some Indian or Chinese members here) that even make me join this forum just so I can shut him up.

Your suggestion is for us to join an anti-China group which will serve to isolate China further which in turn making them more aggressive in their claim. Which benefit no one. Like thatcher said all party must be in the negotiating table to discuss a peaceful resolution.[/QUOTE]


To @Reashot Xigwin, @madokafc

I went to page 2 and I see that @Viet said "the indon rupiah", I think that means the Indonesian rupiah and Indon gets used as an abbreviation as I thought. I could it have written the same thing not knowing the real meaning of indon. I think you guys are jumping the gun here for nothing. Maybe Viet can clarify what he meant.

Noted about your other comments, I understand that there is a thing going on here between you guys and him, I had no clue about that.

No, I didn't meant for Indonesia to Join anything, just to be on the same side side of the fence because the big bully will ended up coming after your Natuna area sooner or later and they don't seem to show much disposition for negotiating, just to take. So what it means is for Indonesia to be ready and rearm (Which I think Jokowe will do, I really like that guy by the way).

I understand that Indonesia is trying to stay neutral, but just remember how China treated Malaysia even that Malaysia was very much pro China. Not a good sign for Indonesia.
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Ba Binh is known for its cemetery for dead whales (Nam Hải Tombs) and shrines in their honor. Whale are known to help residents. From Lê dynasty to Nguyễn Dynasty the island was populated by about 1000 vietnamese residents. Old temples were erected by villagers.

@BoQ77. Is there still tours to go out there or has it been forbidden because of the dispute?
won´t be surprised if the indon

Look at page 2. Those are fighting word for us.

Let me tell you a secret about this guy "Viet." You might not know this because you might overlook this or refuse to admit it, but he's kind of an A' hole. Also I want to keep this a secret, but he is the reason why I signed up to this forum. Because I just can't stand reading about his BS claim. Imagine a guy so obnoxious (more so than some Indian or Chinese members here) that even make me join this forum just so I can shut him up.

Your suggestion is for us to join an anti-China group which will serve to isolate China further which in turn making them more aggressive in their claim. Which benefit no one. Like thatcher said all party must be in the negotiating table to discuss a peaceful resolution.[/QUOTE]

To @Reashot Xigwin, @madokafc

I went to page 2 and I see that @Viet said "the indon rupiah", I think that means the Indonesian rupiah and Indon gets used as an abbreviation as I thought. I could it have written the same thing not knowing the real meaning of indon. I think you guys are jumping the gun here for nothing. Maybe Viet can clarify what he meant.

Noted about your other comments, I understand that there is a thing going on here between you guys and him, I had no clue about that.

No, I didn't meant for Indonesia to Join anything, just to be on the same side side of the fence because the big bully will ended up coming after your Natuna area sooner or later and they don't seem to show much disposition for negotiating, just to take. So what it means is for Indonesia to be ready and rearm (Which I think Jokowe will do, I really like that guy by the way).

We already told him months ago on the meaning of the words. Another thing with him is that he seems to suffer from short term memory loss. Why because he post something on TNP (which is a fringe party in Taiwan.) That we already discuss prob a couple of months ago.
You keep going with the "gook" thing, relax sister!

Ok, maybe I missed something when I was reading the thread, I was reading kind of fast, but I didn't see anything derogative from the Viets to you. Viet is usually quite good when talking unless he gets insulted by the chinese and there is usually cordial relations between the viets here and you or other Indonesians, so lets clear the facts first.

Can you please point to the specific point where they said something bad to you?

I really want to be clear about what's going on here and then to fix things. I wonder is there is a misunderstanding. Indonesia and Vietnam should be on the same side, the threat is the same (Indonesia have it easy for now, but its coming, if you know the chinese, you know its coming, they just go on steps).

Also, I never heard of that word "Indon" before, but my first thought when I read that, would be that its an abbreviation for Indonesian, so I wonder if there is a misunderstanding here.
I took the word "indon" from the indonesian member @Phukimak, was not aware of that word is inappropriate or derogatory. okay, I am not going to use it again.

I don´t have anything against indonesia, nor indonesian members here, just feel disgusted when they claim to be a natural leader of ASEAN, aka the boss of vietnam. if indonesian members begin using inappropriate terms (agent orange, vietcong, gooks, etc...), it provokes my reaction and other viet members. I remember of how indonesian members lowered or insulted vietnam. hope that is clear.
Ba Binh is known for its cemetery for dead whales (Nam Hải Tombs) and shrines in their honor. Whale are known to help residents. From Lê dynasty to Nguyễn Dynasty the island was populated by about 1000 vietnamese residents. Old temples were erected by villagers.

@BoQ77. Is there still tours to go out there or has it been forbidden because of the dispute?

I remember seeing a picture of a Vietnamese or French marker in Ba Binh (Taiping) island that was later removed after the Taiwanese occupation. I've tried to find it in Google today, but could not find it.

I took the word "indon" from the indonesian member @Phukimak, was not aware of that word is inappropriate or derogatory. okay, I am not going to use it again.

I don´t have anything against indonesia, nor indonesian members here, just feel disgusted when they claim to be a natural leader of ASEAN, aka the boss of vietnam. when indonesian members begin using inappropriate terms (agent orange, vietcong, gooks, etc...), it provokes my reaction and other viet members. I remember of how indonesian members lowered or insulted vietnam. hope that is clear.

@Reashot Xigwin, @madokafc

Ok now? Things are clear? Can we go back to normal and forget about this?
Look at page 2. Those are fighting word for us.

Let me tell you a secret about this guy "Viet." You might not know this because you might overlook this or refuse to admit it, but he's kind of an A' hole. Also I want to keep this a secret, but he is the reason why I signed up to this forum. Because I just can't stand reading about his BS claim. Imagine a guy so obnoxious (more so than some Indian or Chinese members here) that even make me join this forum just so I can shut him up.

We already told him months ago on the meaning of the words. Another thing with him is that he seems to suffer from short term memory loss. Why because he post something on TNP (which is a fringe party in Taiwan.) That we already discuss prob a couple of months ago.
you claim Shinzo Abe is a A´hole. I say No.
I repeat TNP supports vietnam, you say I have a memory issue. is it not allowed to repeat what is fact?

so you take as granted to speak and write and think what you please, including insulting me, vietnam and a leader of other country. but if I write and speak what I think to defend my stance, is it unfair?

what do you think who you are?
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During those times, it was probably a fishing grounds, right? Where there ever permanent structures built by the Annamese ? Or the Khmers? or Champans? Chenlans?

base on our history book Việt sử cương giám khảo lược, printed in 1877, there is existed the temple built by Vietnamese, because the Title of Temple is decorated with the word "Wan Li Ba Binh"where our fishermen can do the ceremony in this Temple in Itu Aba to express their willing, begging for God, support them and let the weather to be calmly ( "ba binh" means "peace wave", no strom) in fisherei season.

this is Vietnamese wording in Vietnamese language, not champa or Khmer language wording.

When Nguyen warlord taken reign in south Vietnam, Champa king family became leader of one small perfecture ruler in Binh Thuan province, Champa people had to join in to army and taken control on Spatly Islands.

Here is the letter document made by Champa people in Plei Koh village, addressed to Nguyen Emperor for that duty. They would like to postpone the patrol services in Spratly to the next year.


Sử liệu cổ Việt Nam ghi chép chi tiết về chủ quyền Hoàng Sa, Trường Sa | Văn hóa | VOV - ĐÀI TIẾNG NÓI VIỆT NAM
So the little dots represent the whole SCS islands. What a wild imagination! They are more like the islands close to Vietnam coast. Which exactly represents ancient Vietnamese navigation capability.
Map of Qing Dynasty China 1904.
you claim Shinzo Abe is a A´hole. I say No.
I repeat TNP supports vietnam, you say I have a memory issue?

so you take as granted to speak and write and think what you please, including insulting vietnam and a leader of other country.
but I write and speak what I think to defend my stance, is it unfair?

what do you think who you are?
The difference between you an me is that I say nothing, but the truth and only the truth. While you just lies and lies.

Beside Shinzo Abe is an A'hole. Most people will agree with me.
Map of Qing Dynasty China 1904.
View attachment 146547
lol you should have used the map from a few years later or during the war, China would be much smaller and even more broken up, on the other hand i could use map of viet from the same time or before when your "nation" was nonexistent and refute your claim on any land or sea at all.
The difference between you an me is that I say nothing, but the truth and only the truth. While you just lies and lies.

Beside Shinzo Abe is an A'hole. Most people will agree with me.
talking to you is useless.
@Viet : ignore this Hua mixed people are living in Indonesia.

lol you should have used the map from a few years later or during the war, China would be much smaller and even more broken up, on the other hand i could use map of viet from the same time or before when your "nation" was nonexistent and refute your claim on any land or sea at all.

Hua and Yue people existed from ancient time, kid.

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