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TAIS contracted to build five tanker ships for the Indian Navy

Congratulations to Turkey. Indian shipyards are inefficient. If all major indian shipyards are busy catering for the military, theres not much room to build a civilian shipbuilding sector?
Er. Do you know the difference between Corvettes and Battleships?

Well I thought they wont win. But Turkey has surprised me.

Lol why do we need to buy destroyers from Turkey? They dont even have destroyers to begin with. Nor their Frigates comparable to ours. But they have made considerable improvement in Supply ships.

I mean warship... thanks for correction. Btw I dont wanna look like arrogant but we could have win more if we gave offers in indian military tenders... we just choose not to give offers And normally ignore it... thats all.
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Congratulations to Turkey. Indian shipyards are inefficient. If all major indian shipyards are busy catering for the military, theres not much room to build a civilian shipbuilding sector?
The number of commercial ships being built in Indian shipyards are way higher than naval platforms. Infact, India has actively started building naval platforms only since the past 2 decades and is rapidly modernizing Tier-II/III ports to share workload
Congratulations to Turkey. Indian shipyards are inefficient. If all major indian shipyards are busy catering for the military, theres not much room to build a civilian shipbuilding sector?

You are very much on the spot. Actually most of these shipyards used to be civilian ones. With their inefficiency they are now dependent on government orders to satisfy their investment. Only one private shipyard in India is working with 120% efficiency.

The number of commercial ships being built in Indian shipyards are way higher than naval platforms. Infact, India has actively started building naval platforms only since the past 2 decades and is rapidly modernizing Tier-II/III ports to share workload

Actually no. private shipbuilding has given way to Naval contracts as they are unable to keep up with the competition. Here with govt contracts they can delay and play as long as they can.

I mean warship... thanks for correction. Btw I dont wanna look like arrogant but we could have win more if we gave offers in indian military tenders... we just choose not to give offers And normally ignore it... thats all.

May or may not. It has good electronics industry. But as for destroyers, Turkey doesnt have one.
Yes... why so surprised?

Umm.. You're new to Indian defence procurement and to actually win a big program like this is a big deal. Even with the consideration of your relation with Pakistan. Even the Koreans have beaten the Russians in 155mm/52cal mobile gun program and mobile anti air program.

Indian MoD and Indian users are diversifying and not using historical ties as pretext to it's processes as much. It's rather surprising.

Turks have basically entered strong into Indian defence. If this is the starting bench mark, there will be further deals.
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Actually no. private shipbuilding has given way to Naval contracts as they are unable to keep up with the competition. Here with govt contracts they can delay and play as long as they can
Private shipyards like Pipavav, GRSE have shown their capabilities in the recent naval contracts offered to them and this made public shipyards to compete with them ever since NDA govt started fair reforms in offering defence contracts. PSUs like MDSL-Mumbai, GSL-Goa, HSL-Vizag, CSL-Cochin have all shown their manufacturing prowess in the quality of work and on-time delivery for most contracts they undertook in recent times

Infact, Navy is the only branch in the Indian armed forces considered to have a high % of indigenous platforms and ensures to keep it that way. We do not have enough ports with supporting infra capable of undertaking large shipbuilding contracts.

Umm.. You're new to Indian defence procurement and to actually win a big program like this is a big deal. Even with the consideration of your relation with Pakistan. Even the Koreans have beaten the Russians in 155mm/52cal mobile gun program and mobile anti air program.

Indian MoD and Indian users are diversifying and not using historical ties as pretext to it's processes as much. It's rather surprising.

Turks have basically entered strong into Indian defence. If this is the starting bench mark, there will be further deals.
I doubt if GoI would offer any contracts for offensive/defensive platforms except for unarmed support systems to the Turks given their close ties with Pak
If India become a good neighbor to Pakistan, why not? Otherwise... not gonna happen. Offensive weapons export to India is banned by Turkey.

Not gonna happen, i am surprised that our defence contract is given to a country like turkey, israel is fine, russia, US and france is okay but trukey? Even when we have built our own nuclear subs, aircraft carriers and destroyers. Our officials seem to be messing up. They should immediately cancel the contract and award it to a credible vendor either Indian or American
Not gonna happen, i am surprised that our defence contract is given to a country like turkey, israel is fine, russia, US and france is okay but trukey? Even when we have built our own nuclear subs, aircraft carriers and destroyers. Our officials seem to be messing up. They should immediately cancel the contract and award it to a credible vendor either Indian or American
The contract is really cheap
What? You need turks to build ships for SUPA POWA? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The definition of a "Super Power" is when a nation that claims to be a Super Power, has the ability to undermine other countries to further it's own interests, unchallenged. By that definition, only America had that ability between after the "Cold War" when the Soviet Union collapsed, till 2012 when Russia and China challenged it on both economic and geo-strategic fronts.

A "Ruling State" is however is a completely different cup of coffee. A Ruling State has the ability to impose it's will upon others, whenever and wherever, unchallenged. The last Ruling State in modern history to do so, was the British Empire, which had control of the Seas and occupied the largest territory by any empire in history.

So when it comes to india, it does not fit either of the category. However, it could do so, one day, if it's leadership manages to get it's head outta it's a$$ and establish enduring peace with it's immediate neighbors, China and Pakistan. Also, india would do itself a huge favor, if it genuinely moved to the Sino-Russian sphere, namely the S.C.O and reap the benefits of an independent, sovereign state doing trade in a true free and fair market. So long as india remains fixed in the Zionist American-British-Israeli Axis. There isn't a chance in hell that india would ever manage to progress as a nation and would be confined to be out smarted by countries far smaller and with limited resources than herself.

So the choice is india's to make, whether it would continue t behave like a kindergarten child or grow up and forge real and lasting peace with it's neighbors who can prove to be very valuable allies.
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Not gonna happen, i am surprised that our defence contract is given to a country like turkey, israel is fine, russia, US and france is okay but trukey? Even when we have built our own nuclear subs, aircraft carriers and destroyers. Our officials seem to be messing up. They should immediately cancel the contract and award it to a credible vendor either Indian or American

It looks like Your officals dont agree with you, we were Ignoring India for so long... we just gave them an offer about that tanker, And they just jump for it... They are really hungry for Some Turkish tecnology it looks like... It is another funny thing that a country who producing destroyers needs help about tankers. Maybe that destroyers you produce arent that Much good...
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It looks like Your officals dont agree with you, we were Ignoring India for so long... we just gave them an offer about that tanker, And they just jump for it... They are really hungry for Some Turkish tecnology it looks like... It is another funny thing that a country who producing destroyers needs help about tankers. Maybe that destroyers you produce arent that Much good...

It's not hungry for anything from anyone you can enter or not, someone will win the tender regardless. Your bid was probably the cheapest out of all the contenders, which plays a huge role, unfortunately I believe in the saying you get what you pay for. India doesnt need Turkish tech as you mention, as you said you didnt enter tenders before, continue to do the same makes no difference for India.

Even a lot of the contenders complain about the Indian MoD, user requirements, etc.(which there is merit) but they also keep entering into each new program.
Not gonna happen, i am surprised that our defence contract is given to a country like turkey, israel is fine, russia, US and france is okay but trukey? Even when we have built our own nuclear subs, aircraft carriers and destroyers. Our officials seem to be messing up. They should immediately cancel the contract and award it to a credible vendor either Indian or American
I think this is more to do with NSG membership since there were reports that Indian diplomats are trying to get China & Turkey on board
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