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Last time he said he was going to choke previous gov he ended up give them hugs and kisses? lol
Few days ago he also said this gov time will be up during nation wide protest but instead ended up as another topi drama.

It's all about $'s. Nothing else.

"Is hammam main, sub nangay hain!"
It's all about $'s. Nothing else.

"Is hammam main, sub nangay hain!"
prove it, or just say you are one of lairs hired to defend ganjey,s tind on internet?
liars not live long on PDF?
prove it, or just say you are one of lairs hired to defend ganjey,s tind on internet?
liars not live long on PDF?
Calm down buddy! Instead of getting all hyper and rude, calm down. No point in ruining your health for someone who doesn't give two hoots about you!

The last time he came, he didn't do squat! You are free to believe whatever fairy tale you want to. BUT ground reality is that NOTHING changed for the common man.

The same cycle is going to repeat itself. IF it doesn't, then I'll be the bigger man and apologize to you! Happy?
Calm down buddy! Instead of getting all hyper and rude, calm down. No point in ruining your health for someone who doesn't give two hoots about you!

The last time he came, he didn't do squat! You are free to believe whatever fairy tale you want to. BUT ground reality is that NOTHING changed for the common man.

The same cycle is going to repeat itself. IF it doesn't, then I'll be the bigger man and apologize to you! Happy?
no, its not dam this & that?
comeon now show what, he TUQ has looted from pakistan, or just shutup?
proven liars, dont deserve anything?
just smashing boots , on the backs?
no, its not dam this & that?
comeon now show what, he TUQ has looted from pakistan, or just shutup?
proven liars, dont deserve anything?
just smashing boots , on the backs?

Q1) Can you prove what the PML & PPP have looted from Pakistan?

Q2) Can you prove what Thairul Qadri achieved with his last protest?
Q1) Can you prove what the PML & PPP have looted from Pakistan?

Q2) Can you prove what Thairul Qadri achieved with his last protest?
ask swiss govt, & ask british govt how nawaz & BB+ZARDARI, BUYED the private properties in there, 200 billions in swiss accounts ?
its been proven in both cases, it was pakistani govt, which worte a wrong letter to swiss authorities?
sorry you dont know about it?
& about, the fact that nawaz is the 3rd largest investor in UK, speaks everything itself?
any patriotic govt, today or even after will or can prove the crouption of bothe croupters at any given times?
TUQ last of protest has brought the sense of awarness in pakistani peoples how the rulling mafia is playing with thier votes, how croupt is our electoral process, which only can bring only the worst of the govts, from which we are witnessing the downfall of our beloved country?
because of all this, today pakistanis are demanding, a mid term fair genrl elections under the leadership of IMRAN?
hope fully, govt is going to resign & is going to accept its wrong doings?
if not, TUQ is going to bring a right full massive sitting protest allover the country & specially in the capital?
now i guss i hve briefed every thing clearly?
if you come again to for your noora questions , iim going to handle you in your noora way?
after reading some senior member comments on this program I only have to say one thing ... " Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz jab hmare yahan pardhe likhe log esi jahalat ki baaten krte hai tu kisi ko kia kahen ? " :tsk::tsk::tsk:

I don't know either this guy is good or not , but what he says , and the homework he has done to give a new system is 1000 times better than hmare haram khor politicians ...
and if still we keep fighting for stupid reasons , ke nai Imran khan ka inqlab aye ga tu thek hai blah blah blah than I think nothing will change and we will remain in this condition , and no one has right to complain ..
after reading some senior member comments on this program I only have to say one thing ... " Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz jab hmare yahan pardhe likhe log esi jahalat ki baaten krte hai tu kisi ko kia kahen ? " :tsk::tsk::tsk:

I don't know either this guy is good or not , but what he says , and the homework he has done to give a new system is 1000 times better than hmare haram khor politicians ...
and if still we keep fighting for stupid reasons , ke nai Imran khan ka inqlab aye ga tu thek hai blah blah blah than I think nothing will change and we will remain in this condition , and no one has right to complain ..
you are 100% right, we should not think who is saying but we should think , what is bieng said?
whatever he is trying is not just because he wants to become PM, but all he wants is a better system of government & better delivery to peoples?
i think thus time imran , is agreed with him, & surly if been wise enough, imran is going to be benefited?
you are 100% right, we should not think who is saying but we should think , what is bieng said?
whatever he is trying is not just because he wants to become PM, but all he wants is a better system of government & better delivery to peoples?
i think thus time imran , is agreed with him, & surly if been wise enough, imran is going to be benefited?
IK never been get premiership till he cut himself from JI and bravely condemned terrorists. TuQ is much much better than him.
ask swiss govt, & ask british govt how nawaz & BB+ZARDARI, BUYED the private properties in there, 200 billions in swiss accounts ?
its been proven in both cases, it was pakistani govt, which worte a wrong letter to swiss authorities?
sorry you dont know about it?
& about, the fact that nawaz is the 3rd largest investor in UK, speaks everything itself?
any patriotic govt, today or even after will or can prove the crouption of bothe croupters at any given times?
TUQ last of protest has brought the sense of awarness in pakistani peoples how the rulling mafia is playing with thier votes, how croupt is our electoral process, which only can bring only the worst of the govts, from which we are witnessing the downfall of our beloved country?
because of all this, today pakistanis are demanding, a mid term fair genrl elections under the leadership of IMRAN?
hope fully, govt is going to resign & is going to accept its wrong doings?
if not, TUQ is going to bring a right full massive sitting protest allover the country & specially in the capital?
now i guss i hve briefed every thing clearly?
if you come again to for your noora questions , iim going to handle you in your noora way?

1) I asked for you evidence. You provided none!

2) Please re-read my post#49, I said "You are absolutely right, none of our politicians are clean."

3) Most importantly
a) A "PATRIOT" cannot have dual citizenship
b) A "PATRIOT" will loose his life, but will not move back an inch, forget sitting in Canada and speeches from containers.
c) TO date what has he done for Pakistan?
d) What did his last protest achieve?

Pertinent questions, answer them IF you can. No Rhetoric please!
you are 100% right, we should not think who is saying but we should think , what is bieng said?
whatever he is trying is not just because he wants to become PM, but all he wants is a better system of government & better delivery to peoples?
i think thus time imran , is agreed with him, & surly if been wise enough, imran is going to be benefited?

I agree with you here ,
you know what is our problem , whenever someone try to tell us anything good, we start thinking what this guy done bad in Past .. we always focus on negative things but never focus of what positive he/she is saying...
I said similar thing in another thread when tahir ul qadri come for protest , I said don't see who is saying , just think what he is saying and if we can change this system how benefits we can get from ... but still our so called educated Pakistani's are jahil from their hearts... no offense to any one because I am also a Pakistani , I feel hurt when I see that someone at least have something good for my country and our nation start focusing of bullshits ... I have read so many peoples criticized tahir ul qadri to stay in container , really how can peoples be such fools ?????
govt told him that his protest have treats what if some lunatic blow himself and kill this guy ?? all those who criticize him for this have any idea what will happen if he got killed ?
tahir ul qadri is not a kid who is jumping around Canada and Pakistan , he is a law student and a religious scholar with millions of followers all around world .. what image of Pakistan will go if something bad to him /??

shame of all of those who criticize him just because he is Canadian ... how many members here on PDF living in American , Uk ,Canada and etc.. but they are patriotic ... so does the nationality describe patriotism ?? such a lame theory ...
I agree with you here ,
you know what is our problem , whenever someone try to tell us anything good, we start thinking what this guy done bad in Past .. we always focus on negative things but never focus of what positive he/she is saying...
I said similar thing in another thread when tahir ul qadri come for protest , I said don't see who is saying , just think what he is saying and if we can change this system how benefits we can get from ... but still our so called educated Pakistani's are jahil from their hearts... no offense to any one because I am also a Pakistani , I feel hurt when I see that someone at least have something good for my country and our nation start focusing of bullshits ... I have read so many peoples criticized tahir ul qadri to stay in container , really how can peoples be such fools ?????
govt told him that his protest have treats what if some lunatic blow himself and kill this guy ?? all those who criticize him for this have any idea what will happen if he got killed ?
tahir ul qadri is not a kid who is jumping around Canada and Pakistan , he is a law student and a religious scholar with millions of followers all around world .. what image of Pakistan will go if something bad to him /??

shame of all of those who criticize him just because he is Canadian ... how many members here on PDF living in American , Uk ,Canada and etc.. but they are patriotic ... so does the nationality describe patriotism ?? such a lame theory ...
rocky you are great!
pakistan frist!

1) I asked for you evidence. You provided none!

2) Please re-read my post#49, I said "You are absolutely right, none of our politicians are clean."

3) Most importantly
a) A "PATRIOT" cannot have dual citizenship
b) A "PATRIOT" will loose his life, but will not move back an inch, forget sitting in Canada and speeches from containers.

c) TO date what has he done for Pakistan?
d) What did his last protest achieve?

Pertinent questions, answer them IF you can. No Rhetoric please!
ok mr, liar here we go on gangnam style?
already posted every evidence you might needed
ITS been crystal clear in pakistan even you can ask the questions to , a student of 5th grade, who,s money is in swiss banks?ASIF ZARDARI
& who is the biggest investor, in UK. nawaz sharif?
its to simple if you cant listen it, yhen you need to go & ask the SC, why was swiss case , why the croupt CJ ask raja jee to write letter to swiss athourities?

The history of the Swiss case
Updated Jun 20, 2012 10:13am


President Asif Ali Zardari.—Illustration by Faraz Aamer Khan/Dawn.com

Contrary to the views of many in Pakistan, June 19, 2012 was one of the bleakest days for democracy in the country. An elected prime minister was disqualified by the highest bench of the judiciary on charges of contempt of court. The case made history as it remains the only case in Pakistan which resulted in the termination and disqualification of an elected representative of the parliament.

The contempt of court case was initiated against Yousuf Raza Gilani when he refused to correspond with the Swiss authorities to reopen money laundering case against President Asif Ali Zardari

The history of the case can be traced back to the first term of Benazir Bhutto. It all began when the constitutional order was amended which empowered the president and restricted the prime minister’s powers. Ghulam Ishaq Khan was elected as the president of the country in 1988 and appointed Benazir Bhutto as the prime minister of Pakistan. However, the power struggle between them was evident from the beginning which came to an end when Khan in August 1990 dissolved the national assembly and dismissed Bhutto on charges pertaining to corruption as well as failure to maintain law and order.

Muhammad Nawaz Sharif was elected as the prime minister on November 1, 1990. However, in 1993, Khan again exercised his power through the eighth amendment of the Constitution and dismissed Sharif. The Supreme Court intervened and reinstated Sharif which eventually forced Khan to resign but Sharif’s term ended in the same year.

In 1993 Bhutto was re-elected as the prime minister of the country. Bhutto’s second tenure marked many controversial events including the assassination of Mir Murtaza Bhutto which sabotaged her political career significantly. The then president, Farooq Laghari, dismissed her government after three years over charges of corruption and mismanagement.

Asif Ali Zardari, although never convicted, was in prison from 1997 to 2004 on charges pertaining to money laundering, corruption and murder.

Sharif was re-elected as the prime minister of Pakistan and initiated the case in Switzerland in 1998 which accused Benazir and Asif Zardari to have embezzled $60 million in kickbacks in Swiss bank accounts. In August 2003, both, Benazir and Zardari were found guilty of the scam. However the penalties that summed up to a fine of $100‚000‚ and the order that they return some $2 million to the Government of Pakistan‚ were suspended on appeal.

In 2007, Benazir and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) allegedly negotiated a deal with Pervez Musharraf who issued an amnesty law under which the corruption cases were considered closed. However, in 2009, soon after his reinstatement, Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry who was suspended by Musharraf in 2007, ordered to reopen the Swiss case. However, Daniel Zappelli‚ Switzerland’s prosecutor-general said that head of the state cannot be prosecuted as he enjoys immunity and if Pakistani authorities decide to lift the immunity then he should be tried in his own country.

In the latter half of 2010, Saif-ur-Rehman, who served as the interior minister during Sharif’s second term, revealed the fact that Sharif coerced the judgement on Swiss case against Bhutto and Zardari. The proceedings of the Swiss case were expedited on Sharif’s demands and the penalty was also influenced by him.

The proceedings and the verdict, as revealed by Saif-ur-Rehman, cast doubt on the authenticity and transparency of the same.

In 2011, the Supreme Court ordered Gilani to send a letter to Swiss authorities to reopen the graft case against the head of the state. However, Gilani did not comply with court’s orders because he was of the view that Zardari enjoys immunity being the head of state. The Supreme Court charged the former prime minister with contempt of court and declared him convicted of the same on April 26, 2012. Gilani was formally disqualified on June 19, 2012.

Sharifs used paper mill to whiten money, Dar told court in 2000

Updated Nov 13, 2009 12:00am
ISLAMABAD, Nov 12 The Musharraf government prepared a money laundering reference against PML-N leaders Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif in 2000 on the basis of a statement recorded by one of their trusted lieutenants, Senator Ishaq Dar, according to a court document seen by Dawn here on Thursday.

Senator Dar's handwritten statement, given before a magistrate back on April 25, 2000, had alleged that Sharif brothers used the Hudaibya Paper Mills as cover for money laundering during the late 1990s.

The reference was prepared on the orders of then president Pervez Musharraf, but it was shelved after the Sharif brothers went into exile in December of the same year.

The Musharraf government tried to reopen the reference in 2007 after Nawaz Sharif announced his return to the country.

The confessional statement of Senator Ishaq Dar was recorded before a district magistrate in Lahore. He was brought to the court from a jail by Basharat Shahzad, who was then serving as assistant director in the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

According to legal experts, the senator's deposition was an 'irrevocable statement' as had been recorded under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC).

Senator Ishaq Dar has always been regarded as one of the closest aides of the Sharif family, and is now also a relative as his son is married to Nawaz Sharif's younger daughter.

However, the NAB record clearly shows that back in 2000 he had agreed to give a written statement against the Sharifs about their alleged involvement in money laundering.

The top PML-N leaders had hit a rough patch by then as some of their lieutenants were busy developing a new political system for Gen Pervez Musharraf after his Oct 1999 military coup.

In the statement, Ishaq Dar accused Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif of money laundering in the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case. At one point in the 43-page statement, Mr Dar said that on the instructions of Mian Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif, “I opened two foreign currency accounts in the name of Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi with the foreign currency funds provided by the Sharif family in the Bank of America by signing as Sikandara Masood Qazi and Talat Masood Qazi”.

He said that all instructions to the bank in the name of these two persons were signed by him under the orders of “original depositors”, namely Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif.

“The foreign currency accounts of Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi were opened in Bank of America by Naeem Mehmood under my instructions (based on instructions of Sharifs) by signing the same as Nuzhat Gohar and Kashif Masood Qazi.”

The document shows Dar stated that besides these foreign currency accounts, a previously opened foreign currency account of Saeed Ahmed, a former director of First Hajvari Modaraba Co and close friend of Dar, and of Mussa Ghani, the nephew of Dar's wife, were also used to deposit huge foreign currency funds provided by “the Sharif family” to offer them as collateral to obtain different direct and indirect credit lines.

Senator Dar had disclosed that the Bank of America, Citibank, Atlas Investment Bank, Al Barka Bank and Al Towfeeq Investment Bank were used under the instructions of the Sharif family.

Interestingly enough, Ishaq Dar also implicated himself by confessing in court that he — along with his friends Kamal Qureshi and Naeem Mehmood — had opened fake foreign currency accounts in different international banks.

Mr Dar said an amount of $3.725 million in Emirates Bank, $ 8.539 million in Al Faysal Bank and $2.622 million were later transferred in the accounts of the accounts Hudaibya Paper Mills.

He said that the entire amount in these banks finally landed in the accounts of the paper mills.

The Hudaibiya Paper Mills case is still pending in the National Accountability Bureau.

If it is opened again, the Sharif brothers may be in for a rude shock a confidant is to blame for the albatross around their necks.

In this regard Dawn made repeated efforts to contact Senator Dar on telephone, but without luck as his mobile number was switched off and he did not reply to text messages.

However, a PML-N spokesman Siddiq ul Farooq alleged that the signed statement was extracted from Mr Ishaq Dar under duress.

its ezy to open up your eyes, but only if you have some, liar?
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