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If you think army don't take part in politics, kindly read history of Pak..please..its a request :S

he has fake PHD degree, he was a liar & put false accusation of attempted murder on Nawaz sharif with the help of Goat blood :D..i mean seriously dude (as declared by the Court) (search about cases please)

yeah - help for "poor" people of Pakistan from a canadian nationalist who don't even live in Pakistan :D

Qadri was very close to the Sharifs in the 1990s (go figure do some research :D )
he was with MQM in 2013, what about it ? He tried so many times to form a collation with parties that no one knows and hence failed eberytime because no main stream party , even JI, was accepting him :D

& FINALLY PTI's famous U TURN LOGIC = bhai please decide for once = If MQM is terrorist organization as your IK claims than why are you so eager to shake hands with them? Why you still cry about 11 May than? & yes what about the case Mr IK did on MQM in UK :D oh and do you really forget our respected zahra apa? what about her?

as for PMLQ - I dont even want to waste my time writing about them as most of them are in PTI anyway :D

Mr Qadri 6 family members control the whole IMQ. His elder son is the head of Supreme Council of MinhajulQuran while his younger son is chief of Federal Council. Mr qadri himself is patron-in-chief "for life" (such democracy :P) & I dont even want to go about his version of "islam" & that IMQ never publishes any audit report :D

I have provided you with so many topics to search but you didn't read anything :S which means that you are here only to waste time and not actually learn something. which means that I am done with your "points"
& again bro I am really not a fan of Nawaz sharif ...why PTI is so nawaz phobic? :D

dude we don't even have a "proof" of Mr zardari's corruption . so by your logic, he is clean too :D
just prove his PHD fake? its enough for your kind of normal shaytans?:omghaha:

& we have all the proves , of everyone crouption, its just blinded judiciary giving them spaces taking bribes from the noora ×zardari mafia?
its just matter of time, that this nooa govt & your loving ganjaa PM would be getting into baktarband?
doesnt matters what TUQ, sons are doing in his organiszation but as long as they are not part of any govt power, its not my concern?
MQM did what in past, PTI did in past, PMLq did in past not my concern ?
if they can unite for the unity , peace & progress of my country, thats enough?
i have enough of searhes on every posible political issues, my number of post are enough to prove that?
its your time to study that, i m batmannow, dont try wake me up, cause when it allways happens , kids like often gound cyring under thier little beds ?
just prove his PHD fake? its enough for your kind of normal shaytans?:omghaha:

& we have all the proves , of everyone crouption, its just blinded judiciary giving them spaces taking bribes from the noora ×zardari mafia?
its just matter of time, that this nooa govt & your loving ganjaa PM would be getting into baktarband?
doesnt matters what TUQ, sons are doing in his organiszation but as long as they are not part of any govt power, its not my concern?
MQM did what in past, PTI did in past, PMLq did in past not my concern ?
if they can unite for the unity , peace & progress of my country, thats enough?
i have enough of searhes on every posible political issues, my number of post are enough to prove that?
its your time to study that, i m batmannow, dont try wake me up, cause when it allways happens , kids like often gound cyring under thier little beds ?

wow...take care bro...
just prove his PHD fake? its enough for your kind of normal shaytans?:omghaha:

& we have all the proves , of everyone crouption, its just blinded judiciary giving them spaces taking bribes from the noora ×zardari mafia?
its just matter of time, that this nooa govt & your loving ganjaa PM would be getting into baktarband?
doesnt matters what TUQ, sons are doing in his organiszation but as long as they are not part of any govt power, its not my concern?
MQM did what in past, PTI did in past, PMLq did in past not my concern ?
if they can unite for the unity , peace & progress of my country, thats enough?
i have enough of searhes on every posible political issues, my number of post are enough to prove that?
its your time to study that
, i m batmannow, dont try wake me up, cause when it allways happens , kids like often gound cyring under thier little beds ?
just prove his PHD fake? its enough for your kind of normal shaytans?:omghaha:

& we have all the proves , of everyone crouption, its just blinded judiciary giving them spaces taking bribes from the noora ×zardari mafia?
its just matter of time, that this nooa govt & your loving ganjaa PM would be getting into baktarband?
doesnt matters what TUQ, sons are doing in his organiszation but as long as they are not part of any govt power, its not my concern?
MQM did what in past, PTI did in past, PMLq did in past not my concern ?
if they can unite for the unity , peace & progress of my country, thats enough?
i have enough of searhes on every posible political issues, my number of post are enough to prove that?
its your time to study that, i m batmannow, dont try wake me up, cause when it allways happens , kids like often gound cyring under thier little beds ?

You are absolutely right, none of our politicians are clean.

LIKEN, Bhai aap kay hazrat canada mein bath kar, Pakistan key kia khidmat kar rahe hain?

IF he is truly sincere towards Pakistan, then he should be sitting in Pakistan like a true leader.
thanks , sure but next time, temperature wouldbe further up?
so becarefull, i m the best of the best when it comes for trolling, very exclusive only on PDF?

Kiya faida apna blood pressure barhanae ka meray bhai? "Is hammam main, sub nangay hain!"
wasnt he was here last time?
discrediting him for just because you dont like him?
personal likes & dislikes has ruinned pakistan?
sure he will be here , you would be satisfyed!
plz, stop creating doubts , like paid pakistani media did the last time , just save the croupt rulling elite , in the hopes that some day your favourite leader could be rulling this country, by the winning this croupt system, which is only made for NAWAZ -ZARDARI rule, but not for any one else ?
after a year your english is still torturous to the eyes lol. It would be nice if our potential leader STAYS in this nation instead of living majority of years overseas and few days in pakistan which he may lead.
You are absolutely right, none of our politicians are clean.

LIKEN, Bhai aap kay hazrat canada mein bath kar, Pakistan key kia khidmat kar rahe hain?

IF he is truly sincere towards Pakistan, then he should be sitting in Pakistan like a true leader.
true leaders can go jedha?
eaders can.live in london?
true leaders like BB & zaradari can live in dubai & USA buying billion dollors of properties , from the looted national wealth from pakiatan but non of shamefull characters ever asked them any thing yet?
as whole world knows , TUQ has the canadian citizenship, he is there in his home?
is this is a crime, under pakistani laws?
or he may be sitting in pakistan , crying fool & taking bribes from noora league?
a right full leader , should not be acting to fool the nation, but rather doing the best he can to clean the mess?
if you like to live wirh this noora mess, you have your heavens?
just go protect it, or make it stronger so if , peoples of pakistan comes out with TUQ , it could last a few more months?
true leaders can go jedha?
eaders can.live in london?
true leaders like BB & zaradari can live in dubai & USA buying billion dollors of properties , from the looted national wealth from pakiatan but non of shamefull characters ever asked them any thing yet?
as whole world knows , TUQ has the canadian citizenship, he is there in his home?
is this is a crime, under pakistani laws?
or he may be sitting in pakistan , crying fool & taking bribes from noora league?
a right full leader , should not be acting to fool the nation, but rather doing the best he can to clean the mess?
if you like to live wirh this noora mess, you have your heavens?
just go protect it, or make it stronger so if , peoples of pakistan comes out with TUQ , it could last a few more months?

A Pakistani leader has "Canadian citizenship"? Buddy you just shot your self in the foot!

As to the rest of your comments please re-read post#51
after a year your english is still torturous to the eyes lol. It would be nice if our potential leader STAYS in this nation instead of living majority of years overseas and few days in pakistan which he may lead.
i, guss we both not want to start another of our rounds here buster?
i guss whatever i, m writting peoples are understanding it well?
dpnt you get worry, he ill be here when he ill decide to choke this traitorious govt?
unlike others , who can live any where & can bring a shut down. anytime the want?
if peoples really are behind him , it not matters where he is, but i msyre he will be with them , as he decides for tye final call?
i, guss we both not want to start another of our rounds here buster?
i guss whatever i, m writting peoples are understanding it well?
dpnt you get worry, he ill be here when he ill decide to choke this traitorious govt?
unlike others , who can live any where & can bring a shut down. anytime the want?
if peoples really are behind him , it not matters where he is, but i msyre he will be with them , as he decides for tye final call?

The last time he came, and all the "hoa ha" he created, "What did he achieve?" Absolutely nothing!
  • As to the rest of your comments please re-read post#51

  • buddy, you just need to come out of noora,s chodri stupid trance?
  • he is not running for, PM as a pakistani citizen its hus right to protest ?
  • & any dual pakistani citizen can lead any political party in pakistan?
The last time he came, and all the "hoa ha" he created, "What did he achieve?" Absolutely nothing!
he did achive a great deal, that all of whom, who were jumping here or there for the elections , now understands very well, the meanings of electorl reforms ?
thats a marvalest of his achivments , educating the nation?
but its out of reach for the peoples, who were part of noora jalasa,s , distributing salan & roti, among fighting awam?
for them , thats the ultimate result, they can have?
are you one of them?
i, guss we both not want to start another of our rounds here buster?
i guss whatever i, m writting peoples are understanding it well?
dpnt you get worry, he ill be here when he ill decide to choke this traitorious govt?
unlike others , who can live any where & can bring a shut down. anytime the want?
if peoples really are behind him , it not matters where he is, but i msyre he will be with them , as he decides for tye final call?
Last time he said he was going to choke previous gov he ended up give them hugs and kisses? lol
Few days ago he also said this gov time will be up during nation wide protest but instead ended up as another topi drama.

  • buddy, you just need to come out of noora,s chodri stupid trance?
  • he is not running for, PM as a pakistani citizen its hus right to protest ?
  • & any dual pakistani citizen can lead any political party in pakistan?

1) I do not support any political party in Pakistan, as God as my witness.

2) You did not answer my question, post#56, what did he achieve when he protested last time?

3) "Dual Citizenship" - You said it right! Shows exactly where your loyalty lies!
Last time he said he was going to choke previous gov he ended up give them hugs and kisses? lol
Few days ago he also said this gov time will be up during nation wide protest but instead ended up as another topi drama.
last time, that govt was saved by kiyani the sleeping partner of zardari+noora & co?
but this time , sory buster you wont find a single kaka sphai to save noora?
& ask govt, are they ready for nhis final call?
just now they are to dam crazy how to stop IK ,s jalasa in faislabad ?lolzzz
just 11 may, you may haven closed your eyes that in more then 40 cities, nation participated in TUQ ,s rallies throughout country?
ohh but, you only count the power in ganjey,s shinning tind?lolzzz

1) I do not support any political party in Pakistan, as God as my witness.

2) You did not answer my question, post#56, what did he achieve when he protested last time?

3) "Dual Citizenship" - You said it right! Shows exactly where your loyalty lies!
open up you dam eyes & check what i have written so many times ?
noora,s salan frosh in his jalsa,s ?lolzzz
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