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I know Dr Qadri better than you and many commenting here. I've met him as well.

He is an extremely knowledeable person and his intentions are good. He has no corruption record either.

He needs to come back and stay with the people. Outside the container this time. You can't expect people to get tortured and killed on your behalf, if you are sitting in a ballistic container.

IK and Him need to forge a strong alliance, find all anti status quo elements to project political power in a coalition.

They also need to let Nawaz Sharif run his show for 5 years. He is an idiot who most surely will shoot himself in the foot again.
You sir want him to become the next Bhutto? Why is it so hard to comprehend he is not a regular politician who will play with hopes of the nation.
Agree .. but ask yourself. Do you really see any benefit from these hypocrite "new faces" who are nothing but the same old crooks who destroyed Pak?

Why not pressurize these "new faces" to either accept that they are doing nothing but same old tricks or be a real "new face" of Pak politics by denouncing any politician who was being part of any previous government. Bring new honest people in assemblies not some leftovers from Musharraf or other political party.
Agreed...However there arent many who play the "political" field....and are qualified (I know previous idiots were not qualified either) However, the old rats dont really allow the new people to get into a field they have been juicing for a while!
Agreed...However there arent many who play the "political" field....and are qualified (I know previous idiots were not qualified either) However, the old rats dont really allow the new people to get into a field they have been juicing for a while!
Democracy is Great but this democratic system is pure Evil. To improve our current condition, we need to Restructure our entire system

I know Dr Qadri better than you and many commenting here. I've met him as well.

He is an extremely knowledeable person and his intentions are good. He has no corruption record either.

He needs to come back and stay with the people. Outside the container this time. You can't expect people to get tortured and killed on your behalf, if you are sitting in a ballistic container.

IK and Him need to forge a strong alliance, find all anti status quo elements to project political power in a coalition.

They also need to let Nawaz Sharif run his show for 5 years. He is an idiot who most surely will shoot himself in the foot again.
thanks for the reply!
sorry sir,
you are not only the one , who ever met him before, me too?
& just not once , many times!
its not just i knew him now, its been before the takeover of 99,s?

outside container thing is not required by the peoples comming to listen him or joining a anticrouption protest, against the fakly elected govt, with a fake mandate?
& how you think, peoples goining to be killed , & by whom?
peoples comming there are not comming to save him, they are comming, to kick out the croupt system?

he is old enough, to be inside container , speacilly if we dont know , how long that protest could be be put in or be running?
as long as, he is staying with peoples, in that protest , peoples are oky with that?
its his choice , how he feels comfortable in that protest?

sure IK need to join hands with him this time , to not be fooled , or cheated again by noora mafia?
after all , it will be PTI which would be benefitting from the TUQ, s rightfull stand on the croupt govt?
cause TUQ doesnt have the capacity, to fight election all over pakistan?
i m 100% agreed on that, with you?
but letting a fakly elected govt , is just bieng a partner in its all crimes , which it might do in the remaning years of 7ts fake mandate ?
would you like to hear, that after 5 years same noora league telling pakistani peoples , that its been IMRAN ,s habbit to lose elections & cry fool?
then let them rule over pakistan?
no sir , letting this govt in power is no option, plz stay away from the attitude , which brought this dam govt in power, when TUQ was telling it loud & clear, that mr, imran they are going to steel your victory?
you want it happpen again?
& by restructuring we should mean that their will be no Altaf bhai, Nawaz Shareef or Zardari as well as no Sheeren Mazari, Shah Mahmood Qureshi or Qasuri in the new political system. I too had hopes with Mr. IK but he has disappointed me more than anyone. He claimed to be different than others but he shwoed that he is nothing but the same old stuff in new packing :) but still I think he *may* become a good leader once he stops being hypocrite & take his own decisions rather looking towards GHQ like all other political parties.
can we change his name to "Container Quadri" ?

& than you wonder why we can't have "honest leaders"! Your mentality basically speaks about the truthfulness of current political system. If you expect a person like Bilawal bhutto or Tahir ul qadri to "understand" your problems by sitting in there lavish homes than you guys indeed deserve this corrupt political system we have in our Pakistan
he was never in power?
he neverncheated a peny of pakistani peoples, he never made fake promises?
& its enough to see. the dam noora & zardari govts forever?
this is the time to kick out them gromower & forever?
what ever you name, him he is comming to kick the noora league & its partners like PPP so basicly its the mafia cleaner name him that?

& by restructuring we should mean that their will be no Altaf bhai, Nawaz Shareef or Zardari as well as no Sheeren Mazari, Shah Mahmood Qureshi or Qasuri in the new political system. I too had hopes with Mr. IK but he has disappointed me more than anyone. He claimed to be different than others but he shwoed that he is nothing but the same old stuff in new packing :) but still I think he *may* become a good leader once he stops being hypocrite & take his own decisions rather looking towards GHQ like all other political parties.
why GHQ is a pain in your AA$$$?
did they have done some thing terrible to you?

You sir want him to become the next Bhutto? Why is it so hard to comprehend he is not a regular politician who will play with hopes of the nation.
no not at all, he ill just clean the noora mess, & will preasure the reforms , resulting the kickout of croupt political mafia from politics , & in prison?
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he was never in power?
he neverncheated a peny of pakistani peoples, he never made fake promises?
& its enough to see. the dam noora & zardari govts forever?
this is the time to kick out them gromower & forever?
what ever you name, him he is comming to kick the noora league & its partners like PPP so basicly its the mafia cleaner name him that?

yeah I can see how "different" he is... by looking his lifestyle, his plans for his kids & his "typical leader": attitude towards the people...
he never made fake promises = come one man its only 1 year what he did with people in Islo.
he was never in power = he was with Uncle Mush, he was with Nawaz sharif & he didnt do anything
& I Agree, kick nawaz & zardari but tell me what's next ? your IK with same old politicians from Musharraf party? or Yuor IK making coallations with PMLQ & MQM (soon - you will see )? or your IK taking dications from GHQ like every other political party.
yeah I can see how "different" he is... by looking his lifestyle, his plans for his kids & his "typical leader": attitude towards the people...
he never made fake promises = come one man its only 1 year what he did with people in Islo.
he was never in power = he was with Uncle Mush, he was with Nawaz sharif & he didnt do anything
& I Agree, kick nawaz & zardari but tell me what's next ? your IK with same old politicians from Musharraf party? or Yuor IK making coallations with PMLQ & MQM (soon - you will see )? or your IK taking dications from GHQ like every other political party.
GHQ seems to boiling your brains out even though, it never interfered in politics , its political process?
TUQ ,s life style isnt is luxarious comparing to the croupted rulling lords in pakistan?
how many countries he , has villas,manssions , private properties ? none?
what he has done where , bring inthe court, even in any OSLO court? no?
he was just a elected MNA in musharf,s time from which he resigned because he thought , he cant fullfill he promieses to the peoples voted for him, wasnt he done the right thing? instead be sitting & bieng paid as long as he could?
he was with nawaz sharif in what capacity?
as an imam of itifaq foundry, ohh yes he should have made a shaheen missile there ?lolzz
kicking nawa & zardari & reforming the electoral process, reforming the constitution by implementing it in favour of poor citizens of pakistan, was not need of the hour?
why not my IK should make a alliance with other political parties who are ready for the reforms in pakistan as a whole?
even MQM, PMLQ, or whoever ?
btw MQM & PMLq both have better performence when they were given free hands in thier respected areas?
& why not to take fruit full advise from pakarmy on the matters of the national security, is PAKARMY is INDIAN ARMY?
pappu jeee, go & modify your noora lap top, cause its PDF?
where your stupid , logics will only gets boots?
Qadri, is going to come create lot of ho ha, collect lots of cash, deposit it in his offshore accounts, go back to happily living in Canada, till his cash runs out; and then the same cycle all over again. Mark my words!
Kia farmi chicken Kia farmi chicken da shorba :omghaha:

This is tahir up qadri not imran that he will stay in public:partay:
Yes you are right! He have no BROTHER like as IK have TTP, he chose what he think best to save him from any terrorist attack.
Qadri, is going to come create lot of ho ha, collect lots of cash, deposit it in his offshore accounts, go back to happily living in Canada, till his cash runs out; and then the same cycle all over again. Mark my words!
any information , any prove that he took that money from pakistan, or its another, conspiracy theory of a conspirated brian?
GHQ seems to boiling your brains out even though, it never interfered in politics , its political process?
If you think army don't take part in politics, kindly read history of Pak..please..its a request :S

what he has done where , bring inthe court, even in any OSLO court? no?
he has fake PHD degree, he was a liar & put false accusation of attempted murder on Nawaz sharif with the help of Goat blood :D..i mean seriously dude (as declared by the Court) (search about cases please)

kicking nawa & zardari & reforming the electoral process, reforming the constitution by implementing it in favour of poor citizens of pakistan, was not need of the hour?
yeah - help for "poor" people of Pakistan from a canadian nationalist who don't even live in Pakistan :D

he was just a elected MNA in musharf,s time from which he resigned because he thought , he cant fullfill he promieses to the peoples voted for him, wasnt he done the right thing? instead be sitting & bieng paid as long as he could? he was with nawaz sharif in what capacity?
Qadri was very close to the Sharifs in the 1990s (go figure do some research :D )
he was with MQM in 2013, what about it ? He tried so many times to form a collation with parties that no one knows and hence failed eberytime because no main stream party , even JI, was accepting him :D

why not my IK should make a alliance with other political parties who are ready for the reforms in pakistan as a whole?
even MQM, PMLQ, or whoever ?
btw MQM & PMLq both have better performence when they were given free hands in thier respected areas?
& why not to take fruit full advise from pakarmy on the matters of the national security, is PAKARMY is INDIAN ARMY?
pappu jeee, go & modify your noora lap top, cause its PDF?
where your stupid , logics will only gets boots?

& FINALLY PTI's famous U TURN LOGIC = bhai please decide for once = If MQM is terrorist organization as your IK claims than why are you so eager to shake hands with them? Why you still cry about 11 May than? & yes what about the case Mr IK did on MQM in UK :D oh and do you really forget our respected zahra apa? what about her?

as for PMLQ - I dont even want to waste my time writing about them as most of them are in PTI anyway :D

Mr Qadri 6 family members control the whole IMQ. His elder son is the head of Supreme Council of MinhajulQuran while his younger son is chief of Federal Council. Mr qadri himself is patron-in-chief "for life" (such democracy :P) & I dont even want to go about his version of "islam" & that IMQ never publishes any audit report :D

I have provided you with so many topics to search but you didn't read anything :S which means that you are here only to waste time and not actually learn something. which means that I am done with your "points"
& again bro I am really not a fan of Nawaz sharif ...why PTI is so nawaz phobic? :D

any information , any prove that he took that money from pakistan, or its another, conspiracy theory of a conspirated brian?

dude we don't even have a "proof" of Mr zardari's corruption . so by your logic, he is clean too :D
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