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T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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Last 10 days for decision. Most probably Chinese system will be chosen or long domestic development process willl start.


Türkiye füze ihalesinde kararını verecek!
I dont want that Chinese crap..nor the Air Missile Defense Command.
Though China has been the front runner, Turkey has now turned toward France regarding the tender for a multi-billion dollar air defense system, according to unnamed sources close to the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) who spoke to Today's Zaman on Monday.
The sources said that SSM Undersecretary İsmail Demir held a secret meeting in France with the firm Eurosam regarding interest in the tender, which is expected to be one of the largest military projects in the history of the Turkish Republic.
Last year, Turkey chose a Chinese company for the tender, however the deadline for the tender has since been extended several times, allowing Turkey to pursue offers from other bidders.
If negotiations with the Chinese do not continue, Eurosam is second in line, while an American company has third priority, according to sources.
Ankara said last year that the $3.4 billion high technology offer from China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC) would enable Turkey to co-produce the missiles and thus build a strong national defense industry, a factor that played a critical role in the initial selection of the Chinese firm.
CPMIEC is under US sanctions for selling items to Iran, Syria and North Korea that are banned under US law to curb the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

http://www.todayszaman.com/business_tur ... 56052.html
Though China has been the front runner, Turkey has now turned toward France regarding the tender for a multi-billion dollar air defense system, according to unnamed sources close to the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) who spoke to Today's Zaman on Monday.
The sources said that SSM Undersecretary İsmail Demir held a secret meeting in France with the firm Eurosam regarding interest in the tender, which is expected to be one of the largest military projects in the history of the Turkish Republic.
Last year, Turkey chose a Chinese company for the tender, however the deadline for the tender has since been extended several times, allowing Turkey to pursue offers from other bidders.
If negotiations with the Chinese do not continue, Eurosam is second in line, while an American company has third priority, according to sources.
Ankara said last year that the $3.4 billion high technology offer from China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMIEC) would enable Turkey to co-produce the missiles and thus build a strong national defense industry, a factor that played a critical role in the initial selection of the Chinese firm.
CPMIEC is under US sanctions for selling items to Iran, Syria and North Korea that are banned under US law to curb the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

http://www.todayszaman.com/business_tur ... 56052.html
sorry if i missed your opinion before, what is in your opinion the best and feasible option for Turkey? If Chinese option fails, is it better to directly develop our own indigenous system? or enter a deal with the French?
sorry if i missed your opinion before, what is in your opinion the best and feasible option for Turkey? If Chinese option fails, is it better to directly develop our own indigenous system? or enter a deal with the French?

Bro, It is Aselsan expresses opinion about tender. It is understood that They are not happy with producing the parts which is going to be transfered by Chinese or European partners. They underlined that Development of national long range missiles and sensors are a must, If We care about our national security and They claim that No country shares their sensitive technology of long range missiles. In this aspect, It is not a matter whether It is Chinese or EuroSAM offers which is going to be considered by Turkish officials. At all conditions, Even If this tender proceeds with an X producer or not, We should immediately develop our indigenous long range missile systems...
There are some rumours.... Rumours are a bit blur... 31 August is SSİK date which includes last decision of T-LORAMIDS...

Or in 31 August last decision will be made for T-LORAMIDS and there is no SSİK meeting...

Anyone can confirm one of these ?..
They have to cut the line amq..... enough.....

Chinees wil win the project because stil cheaper and more missiles....:-)
Sure i don't know how these kind of tenders and negotiations but... Why don't we do tenders like this...

Just at the beginning, i mean tender phase... They should guarantee every single thing about the things they are ok...

Currently we are doing tenders and we decide 1st company for negotiations...2nd & 3rd too.... But then we see 1st company feels so safe and they start to reject things... After announcement of 1,2,3... They understand that their offer is better/far better... So they start to step back 1 by 1... This announcement of 1,2,3 makes 1st company stronger against us and makes us weak... Mostly, competition conditions finishes... Ok, there lefts 2 other options but for example China already learned they are first and they already know we don't wanna pass 2nd company and they spoil negotiations...

Why don't we ask for enough details and guarantee about these details just at the beginning ???... We cut competition conditions with our own hands... Under competition conditions it's more possible they will offer everything they can inorder to win the tender... But after 1,2,3 announcement we give ropes to X company's hands...
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Sure i don't know how these kind of tenders and negotiations but... Why don't we do tenders like this...

Just at the beginning, i mean tender phase... They should guarantee every single thing about the things they are ok...

Currently we are doing tenders and we decide 1st company for negotiations...2nd & 3rd too.... But then we see 1st company feels so safe and they start to reject things... After announcement of 1,2,3... They understand that their offer is better/far better... So they start to step back 1 by 1... This announcement of 1,2,3 makes 1st company stronger against us and makes us weak... Mostly, competition conditions finishes... Ok, there lefts 2 other options but for example China already learned they are first and they already know we don't wanna pass 2nd company and they spoil negotiations...

Why don't we ask for enough details and guarantee about these details just at the beginning ???... We cut competition conditions with our own hands... Under competition conditions it's more possible they will offer everything they can inorder to win the tender... But after 1,2,3 announcement we give ropes to X company's hands...

I think it wont happen in this way,since companies who join tender isnt like kids who likes to act in that way .
Negotiations conducted during tender phase , prices are taken and potential offers are received by letters, reports . Mutually visits are done, companies representers visit turkey, our SSM goes to there. For example china came to SSM with 30 or more person to talk about this deal.
In 1st phase of tender, offers are received, this includes price , co-production ,and ToT .
Later 1 ,2 ,3 of tender is announced, so it comes to talk details with 1st , details of ToT ,which objects will be transferred , (our guys tries to get critical parts with advices from ASELSAN ,ROKETSAN ) , Offset is talked with china , which parts will be assembled in china, which is in there, will china will allow to upgrade , will china will allow to install our own critical things and etc.
Those things cant be talked in 1st phase needs longer time for decision of 1st,and more time will be needed for 2nd pace on agreement. And i dont think companies would spend sources for non sure deal to talk with details.

There are some rumours.... Rumours are a bit blur... 31 August is SSİK date which includes last decision of T-LORAMIDS...

Or in 31 August last decision will be made for T-LORAMIDS and there is no SSİK meeting...

Anyone can confirm one of these ?..

SSIK will give final decision,but it shouldnt together in 31 august,last of tender. In the last day SSM will make choise and close the tender ,then offer this result to soonest SSIK, result of meeting and details, and SSIK will make choise.
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There will be deal with China > 1
China will be eliminated > 2
Another delay > 0

I say 1

Now, you throw it !!!...

Then let's see what will be the result...

There will be deal with China > 1
China will be eliminated > 2
Another delay > 0

I say 1

Now, you throw it !!!...

Then let's see what will be the result...
maybe you can create a poll? only for Turkish section, if possible?
NATO will remove Patriot batteries from Turkey. It seems that decision is HQ-9.
Türkiye'deki Patriotlar İçin NATO'dan Flaş Karar!

I dont think this is related to acquiston of HQ-9 , since tender hasnt closed yet ,with an absolute decision.

If time extension is requested with reason missile threats ,it would be accepted by NATO . Otherwise, one of the countries who sent Patriots ask it to end to retreat their equipments,there would be another battery to be sent for defending a member of NATO ( turkey ) .

Since regulations of NATO indicates that, whichever member is in threath, there will be support.

With a overlook on syria and iraq , aerial threats seems like disappeared , after major airbase of syria captured on northern site. But still threat is going on, in request of turkey,Patriots should be delivered.
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NATO will remove Patriot batteries from Turkey. It seems that decision is HQ-9.
Türkiye'deki Patriotlar İçin NATO'dan Flaş Karar!

Aug 26 (Reuters) - Turkey has asked firms in a tender for a long-range missile defence system provisionally awarded to a Chinese company to extend the validity of their bids, indicating that Ankara is still considering alternative offers.

The firms were asked to extend their bids until the end of the year, the Defence Undersecretariat said in a statement.

Last September, NATO member Turkey picked a $3.4 billion offer from the China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp (CPMIEC), irking Western allies as the Chinese company was under U.S. sanctions for violations of the Iran, North Korea and Syria Non-proliferation Act. :suicide2:
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