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What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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There will be 4 systems.

Yes 12 batteries but 4 systems. İt means 4 fleet headquarters, maybe 4 search radars, maybe 4 pasif radars. So i guess they 'll be use as systems.

And remember they will be mobile batteries. So the map collapses.

But what if we put the batteries like china do (among borders) ? İt is just like that.

1 system has 3 batteries. Each batteries ( Not system) contain 1 HT-233 Engagement radar, 1 Type 305A Acquisation radar, 1 Low altitude radar, 1 Passive radar, command-Control vehicle, 6 Launcher vehicles...etc. Otherwise, If you station 1 Radar group for each 1 system SAM, It means You would deliver 3 batteries (18 launch vehicle= 72 ready-fire missiles) into the command of just 1 Tracking radar which means a big stupidy and risk for each batteries. Those are mobile systems which can be operated seperately from other batteries but working as a part of their own system. Each system command have 3 batteries communicating among themselves.

This map refers just a scenario If those systems are stationed alongside the coastline of Turkey. The batteries will be positioned in accordance with threat assessments of Turkish Armed Forces and likely risks indeed...
Is any one knows what we will use for full coverage of these system. I mean you know every air defence system have blind areas. I am thinking they will be used with rapier and stingers and for close range automatic canons.
Carriage truck will be BMC 8x8


Not certain right now as the fate of BMC is unknown. But perhaps the new air defence project could justify the saving of BMC.

I am not sure that every battery will have all of those long-distance or pasif search radars.

think about the air defence network. It' is enough to take general picture from network. For that domestic-tactical picture we'll use still search radars- heiks - ships mostly.

But , for the mobil batteries of the systems there will be mobil search radars. For instance : if you decide to send one battery to 2st tac.air command area from 1st tac.air command in crisis( from muğla to urfa maybe) , that battery shall have own search radar . Or if you decide to cover an ally and send them to a battery, that battery shall have own search radar.

The other batteries mostly will be still and be connected to air defence radar network.

for instance ; i guess one of the systems will be given to 1st tac.air.command to replace old nike batteries in istanbul and mugla. The other battery of that system may be a mobile one and have own mobile search radars.

These are my idea. I guess by doing that way the cost will be lower.

What about our air-defence radar network ?
Is any one knows what we will use for full coverage of these system. I mean you know every air defence system have blind areas. I am thinking they will be used with rapier and stingers and for close range automatic canons.

HQ-9 system is designed to provide 360 degree coverage against all type of threats. Cold-Launch principles of missiles are derived from Russian systems. After first launch, TVC takes control.

Only Engagement radar has 120 degree coverage sector.

Not certain right now as the fate of BMC is unknown. But perhaps the new air defence project could justify the saving of BMC.

TMSF gives green lights for proceeding production but Final desicion will be given by SSM.
As far as I know, Azerbaijan armed forces are also using Aselsan's Air Defence Network which is specially modified for Azerbaijani armed forces arsenal (or offered). Who knows Maybe Azerbaijani and Turkish Air Defence units are able to communicate among eachothers...

You assume from 200km? Heard that HQ-9 have different variants, with different ranges. Which will you purchase?

The map is prepared as the range is 200km but Nobody knows Which variant Turkey is going to produce or What's the actual range of the systems ? China is really serious to hide the actual specifications of own assets. At current situation, I think Only Turkish officials know the real facts about systems...
It is not trolling. Only wrong thread to say that ''reality''. I need to a bit time for learning this forum's layout system.
You could start by introducing yourself in the ''Members introduction thread''
You assume from 200km? Heard that HQ-9 have different variants, with different ranges. Which will you purchase?

During the press meeting Bayar said Turkiye will get HQ-10.

4 sistemde 288 füze

- Çin’in CPMIEC firmasından 4 HQ-10 sistemi alınacak.

- Sistemlerin her birinde birer radar, 3’er rampa ve rampalarda toplam 36 atış ünitesi var.

- Her bir atış ünitesinde 6’şar olmak üzere toplam 72 lançerden oluşan 4 sistem 288 FD-2000 füzesiyle yüklü olacak. Yedek füzeler de bulundurulacak.

- Sistemle uçaklarından atılacak füzelerin yanı sıra bin-bin 500 kilometre menzilli balistik füzelere karşı da tedbir alınmış olacak.

- Araç üzerine entegre sistemler, tehdit algılamasının olduğu yere rahatlıkla taşınacak.

- Sistem deniz unsurlarına da entegre olacak. Sistem düşük radar izli tehdit unsurlarını da istenen menzilden görebilecek.

- Çin, sözleşmenin imzalanması, nihai lisansın verilmesi ve ilk ödemenin yapılmasının ardından 4 yıl içinde teslimatı tamamlayacak.
As far as I know the Hq-9s, that map layout is not viable.

What is important in an air defence system is the range of engagement radar.

The Missiles have =200KM range
Search Radar over >300KM (Unknown but similar to ground master)
Low Altitude Search Radar 320Km
Engagement Radar 120Km

But Ht-233 engagement radar can not engage at 120KM ...It can only engage between 7-90KM or some sources 7-100KM.

So if we take a point of A, and measure horizontal coverage, to the right 100km, to the left 100km = Diameter 200km coverage X 12 =2400km

Here in terms of the system range more than the missile range which is 200km, engagement-fire-control radar range is decisive.

General layout of Hq-9 is circular 6 launcher 1xengagement radar 1xsearch radar 1xlow altitude radar 1x passive radar 1x support brigade

RED Diameter of S300 PMU1 300KM
YELLOW Diameter of HQ-9 200KM
During the press meeting Bayar said Turkiye will get HQ-10.

Are you sure? What is your source? The only person I would trust who was in the meeting is Arda Mevlutoglu and he says its HQ-9/FD-2000 which actually makes sense.

afaik HQ-10 is license production S-300-PMU1 and thus cannot be sold to us.

Read his first two posts here:
Siyah Gri Beyaz
Are you sure? What is your source? The only person I would trust who was in the meeting is Arda Mevlutoglu and he says its HQ-9/FD-2000 which actually makes sense.

afaik HQ-10 is license production S-300-PMU1 and thus cannot be sold to us.

Read his first two posts here:
Siyah Gri Beyaz

Here is the source for you Türkiye'nin Çin'den Alaca
Cheers, I still think It is a typo though since no other respectable media outlet / blog reported it as such. (And the fact that China produced that missile under license from Russians)
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