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What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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One thing for sure, this sure has riled up some Euro cons!
As a Turkish i can say we are small country. If you mean Superpower for being a super power you need land for natural recources population and good educated human resources. For now only US have these three of them and seems ilke they will be for many decades. China and India only a candidate for being Superpower but they must try harder because most of the markete dominated by US and Europian and they will not leave their markets easy. Starting a arming race with US is a silly we know what happened to Soviets. For example if this deal will happenen we will pay 3 Billion USD. China have 2 trilyon USD. What does it mean. Turkey made 3 Billion USD export for buying these weapons. China produced and exported 2 trillion dollars. To save these dolars. And US sell these dolars for 0 cost. US main weapon is USD they can have any funds they need. Ok if i think i need to come to point. I have No problem being small or not. If your main goal is wealth your citizens. 80 millon country will reach its goal much much easier then 1 Billion country. In time your goals can be changed but for now if we can be ilke Germany it is more then enough. Btw it is really suprising how a small country like Germany raised third Reich. They are controlling all Europe never be in history. :)
Still,a "small" country like Turkey imediately invaded an island in its vecinity when their interest was threathened and didn't give one flying f%ck about NATO or others (Cyprus).China sends patrols with water cannons and rants in the press how strong she is for 50 years.Point is,you made a silly remark about a country which clearly has bigger b@lls then China in the international arena when it comes to her interests.You wanted to subtly offend them but you failed.

Last time I checked, China has colonized an entire province filled with Turkic people. It's called Xinjiang.

Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uyghur people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xinjiang has more land area than the entire country of Turkey put together. Top that. :lol:

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Turkey attacks China 'genocide'

Turkey is secular but the population is predominantly Muslim and it shares linguistic and religious links with the Uighurs in China's western-most region.
Last time I checked, China has colonized an entire province filled with Turkic people. It's called Xinjiang.

Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uyghur people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Xinjiang has more land area than the entire country of Turkey put together. Top that. :lol:

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Turkey attacks China 'genocide'

I'm not a lawyer for the turks,i intervened because one chinese,like so many coutrymen of his finds it useful to belitlle others for no reason and without facts.Anyway last time i checked Xinjiang was not conquered by the chinese but by your former masters,the manchu,looking at the history of China you had a lot of foreign masters it seems.

What's with all this China big talk left and right and obsession for big ?,it's like you people have a big d**k complex and it's peculiar mostly because you are renowned for beeing a nation of small d***s.Frustrated much ?
BTW a country build world biggest wall againist us. Who build it i couldnt remember is any one remembers?
@Neptune please do delete all irrelevant comments on this thread and give a warning to people who strayed off topic. This is a stickied thread meant for discussing HQ-9 acquisition.
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As a Turkish i can say we are small country. If you mean Superpower for being a super power you need land for natural recources population and good educated human resources. For now only US have these three of them and seems ilke they will be for many decades. China and India only a candidate for being Superpower but they must try harder because most of the markete dominated by US and Europian and they will not leave their markets easy. Starting a arming race with US is a silly we know what happened to Soviets. For example if this deal will happenen we will pay 3 Billion USD. China have 2 trilyon USD. What does it mean. Turkey made 3 Billion USD export for buying these weapons. China produced and exported 2 trillion dollars. To save these dolars. And US sell these dolars for 0 cost. US main weapon is USD they can have any funds they need. Ok if i think i need to come to point. I have No problem being small or not. If your main goal is wealth your citizens. 80 millon country will reach its goal much much easier then 1 Billion country. In time your goals can be changed but for now if we can be ilke Germany it is more then enough. Btw it is really suprising how a small country like Germany raised third Reich. They are controlling all Europe never be in history. :)

Its unlikely for Turkey to buy these weapons because of overwhelming US influence. The article earlier clearly stated it. This is what I'm trying to say is that Turkey need to decide which side it will take. The dictatorship Russia/China or US lead west. I thought Turkey already had decided.
Its unlikely for Turkey to buy these weapons because of overwhelming US influence. The article earlier clearly stated it. This is what I'm trying to say is that Turkey need to decide which side it will take. The dictatorship Russia/China or US lead west. I thought Turkey already had decided.

We only care our own interests. We dont have any sympathy to other nations. Only sympathy a few countries other Turkish states and Pakistan. This missile salary only Business thats all. We are part of NATO since Korean war and we lost our soldiers there. And we are ally with West. Being ally doesnt mean you must think same. Thats only Business. And i dont think world divided camps. Who controls oil prices controls Russia. Since Iraq war Russia fully depended on oil prices and US controls prices. Who has most investments in China supriseee US again. That HQ9 missiles only a Business thats all. If we pay less these systems i have No problem Chinese or not because i am paying 35 percent tax every month.Basicly i am paying the money like other Turkish citizens. But that doesnt mean we are changing our allies after missile Business.
Its unlikely for Turkey to buy these weapons because of overwhelming US influence. The article earlier clearly stated it. This is what I'm trying to say is that Turkey need to decide which side it will take. The dictatorship Russia/China or US lead west. I thought Turkey already had decided.

you need to understand that the world is no longer black and white, and Turkey is at a crossroad. In the past the west kept Turkey away from Asia, and the West took all the profits and exported a lot. While pressuring Turkey to reduce her relation with asian countries. Today we have a different Turkey. One who is very aware of how the west plays the games. An example of this is the syrian crises, and what we see is if there aren't anyone backing or leading the way then nothing happens, Libya => France etc. then something happened. And the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, and finally the military coup in Egypt. But now, no one wants to deal with Syria, and all they do is talk. Turkey is alone with this, and it was only due to NATO relations that the allies even felt compelled to place the PAC systems in Turkey. So while everything is fucked up, Turkey needs to make moves that will be like a pebble in the pond. So once Syria and Egypt is resolved in 2-4 years Turkey will have received the HQ-9 and no one in this world will want to talk about it. They'll pretend it didn't expect of course they might not want to sell any new weapon to Turkey, but in the 2-4 years our R&D will hopefully yield ten times what we've accomplished since 2010.
you need to understand that the world is no longer black and white, and Turkey is at a crossroad. In the past the west kept Turkey away from Asia, and the West took all the profits and exported a lot. While pressuring Turkey to reduce her relation with asian countries. Today we have a different Turkey. One who is very aware of how the west plays the games. An example of this is the syrian crises, and what we see is if there aren't anyone backing or leading the way then nothing happens, Libya => France etc. then something happened. And the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, and finally the military coup in Egypt. But now, no one wants to deal with Syria, and all they do is talk. Turkey is alone with this, and it was only due to NATO relations that the allies even felt compelled to place the PAC systems in Turkey. So while everything is fucked up, Turkey needs to make moves that will be like a pebble in the pond. So once Syria and Egypt is resolved in 2-4 years Turkey will have received the HQ-9 and no one in this world will want to talk about it. They'll pretend it didn't expect of course they might not want to sell any new weapon to Turkey, but in the 2-4 years our R&D will hopefully yield ten times what we've accomplished since 2010.

I am a bit disagree with that we are not at a cross road. Allies may have different points of view. for example US wanted to invade Iraq we said no. They looking are 8000 miles aday but we are neighbours. Only we see differently in middle east. For example Russia building a nuclear power plant value over 20 Billion dolars doesnt mean are we changing allies No. You may ask how am i sure only actions can explain your direction. I will give one it will be more then enough. X- band AN/TPY-2 radar we are hosting it for defend Europe. But missiles not hosted in Turkey. Russia accuses these radar not deployed for Iran they see it as a thread them selfs.Turkey made it self an open target for safety of other NATO countries. And i think it is clear where we are standing. HQ9 only Business.
I'm not a lawyer for the turks,i intervened because one chinese,like so many coutrymen of his finds it useful to belitlle others for no reason and without facts.Anyway last time i checked Xinjiang was not conquered by the chinese but by your former masters,the manchu,looking at the history of China you had a lot of foreign masters it seems.

For your information Manchu rule the entire China, the country still call China. Manchu after conquer China become part of China as a whole, Mongolian lost half of the land to China after invasion, Mongolian lucky they won some of the land in the outer Mongolia after they fought for their independent, every nation conquer China end up lost their land to Chinese.
12 Batteries of Long Range SAM Missiles' Engagement Ranges

There will be 4 systems.

Yes 12 batteries but 4 systems. İt means 4 fleet headquarters, maybe 4 search radars, maybe 4 pasif radars. So i guess they 'll be use as systems.

And remember they will be mobile batteries. So the map collapses.

But what if we put the batteries like china do (among borders) ? İt is just like that.
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