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T-129B Helicopter ready to take on the Apache and Super Cobra

Why do we always have to compare our new products to USA's ones? I mean come on guys. Let's be realistic!!! Thye make better weapons with more advanced systems. They have much more experience. Yet, we build our first attack heli and there you guys go and say it's better than this, it's better than that. Just be happy that we made it. Stop this crap! Seriously.
Why do we always have to compare our new products to USA's ones? I mean come on guys. Let's be realistic!!! Thye make better weapons with more advanced systems. They have much more experience. Yet, we build our first attack heli and there you guys go and say it's better than this, it's better than that. Just be happy that we made it. Stop this crap! Seriously.
subject of thread cause this ! ....
This deal will decided according to nuclear deal between Turkey/Korea. THat deal worth 20 billion so if Korea gets the Nuclear deal we are going to get heli deal of Korea...

Edit: Atleast, I think so :)
US gave nod to India waiver in NSG, likely to build Nuclear reactors so did Russia, but we did reject US's F-16IN and Super Hornet, along with RUssia's Mig-35 in MMRCA.

Civil deal and defense deals may not be interlinked.
Did this competition already took place or not Cabatli? So yes, do you have videos and results?
Laser Guided UMTAS...

New missile for a new helo
By: Brian M Walters
Published: 11 Jun 2012

Following a successful series of firing tests, Roketsan (Hall 6, Stand G389) has completed the development and qualification of the Cirit new-generation 2.75in air-to-ground semi-active laser-guided missile.

The Turkish company has now signed a quantity production contract with the Turkish Army and claims Cirit to be the first guided 2.75in missile to be put into serial production.

Roketsan started deliveries in May this year for combat deployment primarily on the T129 attack helicopter produced by TAI under licence from AgustaWestland.

Cirit’s range of up to 8km is claimed to be unique and it is seen to be a cost-effective missile that fills the gap between unguided rockets of the same calibre and more expensive, anti-armour precision missiles.

During static and dynamic tests prior to qualification, Cirit was fired from moving helicopters against moving targets, and the missile’s warhead performance against armoured targets was also proved.

Cirit carries a multipurpose (anti-armour, anti-personnel and incendiary) warhead, with all-up round characteristics and insensitive munition (Type V) properties. Bell AH-1W helicopters were used as the firing platform during the tests.

Additionally, Cirit is an International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)-free missile and integration for different platforms, such as UAVs, heavy and light armoured vehicles, naval and land systems, is envisaged by Roketsan for international customers.

UMTAS is another missile nearing the end of its development by Roketsan. This long-range anti-tank missile has an 8km range, a homing IIR seeker with RF datalink and tandem high explosive warhead. A laser seeker option is also available. The missile has lock-on before launch, lock-on after launch and LO-update capabilities.

Serial production is expected to commence in early 2013; it is noteworthy that UMTAS and CIRIT use a common laser seeker, which enables the combination of both systems in the same configuration for customised solutions.
Impressive domestic weapon combination for T-129B


-In trials, Some minor modifications on weight, UMTAS missiles succesfully tested against the targets locating 12km away.

-Roketsan is planning to integrate a new type engine Engineers are working on (RAMJET) to make UMTAS reach more than 50km.

-In trials, UMTAS missile penetrated RHA blocks more than expected (1300mm+).

-100 serial produced Cirit missiles delivered to Turkish land Forces.

-2000 Cirit missiles will be manfactured for Turkish Army.
Can those engines be used in other missles too ?
Bigger the helicopter gets easier to hit.This ain't no rocket science. And heavier the armor gets slower to move. More enginepower is required=more heat.

It's like killing a bee with a sledgehammer. AH64's 30mm chaingun is very inaccurate and an overkill. M230 itself was designed to cut through armor. Don't play smartass with me. I didn't say it can't kill infantry it wasn't designed to play with infantry.
Salala incident proves you wrong, unfortunately.

Apache is good for many roles.

Apache that cant pull up its fat a** :

Apache shooted down by a farmer with ak47:D


The superior Apache:


And what are you trying to prove with this?

Send your helicopters in wars and see what happens.

Ofc we know that the Apache is a better helicopter (in theory) but in practice there is no big difference at all. The one can carry double up the anti tank missiles, has 30mm cannon and is a bit faster ( on long range). But some Stinger attacks or heavy AA will take out Apache easy. So no need to make it very big in front of our eyes.

sinir etmeyin simdi beni aksam aksam.
Read about Salala incident, genius.

Not just this; their are much more horrific cases in Iraq. Here is one example:

"In 1991, I watched as an Apache destroyed a complete armored brigade, right before my eyes, in 15 minutes." (General Hamdani, 2009)

Apache is a deadly weapon. Probably the most lethal gunship in the world.
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