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T-129B Helicopter ready to take on the Apache and Super Cobra

Flare I'm sorry, I write it like one of the guys wrote it in the upper post, didn't check the spelling :)
@500 are you doing this just to annoy me?

Have you seen a man who survived a 20mm cannon shot? I don't think so. All those unnecessary features are making apache a big fat clumsy helicopter in tight mountain passages of northern Iraq pkk would nail her fat *** with RPGs. I'd rather fly a super cobra.

8ATGM and 70mm rocket pods is a better configuration since we have developed 70mm guided rocket(CIRIT) and since we are not facing a soviet invasion of western europe.
Have you seen a man who survived a 20mm cannon shot?
Behind reinforced concrete wall or trenched? - easily. Another advantage of apache is that its gun is located behind FLIR, thats why gun fire dos not blind FLIR.

I don't think so. All those unnecessary features are making apache a big fat clumsy helicopter in tight mountain passages of northern Iraq pkk would nail her fat *** with RPGs. I'd rather fly a super cobra.
Stop that nonsense.

1) There is no any unnecessary functions on Apache.
2) Thanks to more armor its harder to shoot by machine gun/sniper fire and it has more chances to survive from MANPADS.
3) In case of war with another army Apache thanks to mm radar will have ten times more survivability rate than any other helicopter.
4) Apache has more loitering time and range.
Helicopters won't win wars.

not true! go and see the iran-iraq war, iranian cobras had destroyed a lot of iraq tanks! e.g 49 tank destroyed by 3 cobras in one day! ....

the best helicopters at service:
1- apache longbow
2- ku-52 (or 50)
So can anyone explain to me how much T-129As and how much T-129Bs we are getting?
Last 6 days
Apache that cant pull up its fat a** :

Apache shooted down by a farmer with ak47:D


The superior Apache:



To have those pictures means our equipment sees ACTUAL combat. That dainty little thing will get a beating if and when it sees any.
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In my opinion heli weapons are much more important than slight differences in performance. Most of kills by Apache have achieved using hellfire missiles and Long-bow millimeter-wave radar. I do not think in none of those fires Apaches had to perform a special maneuver. Every heli which is utilized with a similar weapon system could be lethal.
Seeing actual combat shows the flaws or the succes of the equipment; just because a equipment saw combat, it does not mean it is good. These pictures show the results of the flaws of the helicopter.
Oh, to defend yours, mock about other one, how mature.

You're right, different heli, different mission. Lighter attack helis have there place, and yes, Apache was designed for armor waves, but has done well in other situations, certainly since the block upgrades. Good luck with the sale.
Apache that cant pull up its fat a** :

Apache shooted down by a farmer with ak47:D


The superior Apache:



So what? Thousands of Apaches have been pruduced and 100,00s of flight hours have been logged in actual combat and very few have had any critical problems and even fewer pilots have died in these accidents.

+are you actually trying to say the T-129B is superior to the AH-64D BLK.III?? If you are your deluded/stupid.

my trolling side implores me to post this in response:



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