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T-129 for Pakistan one step closer

It's Fantastic and sleek Heli Taylored according to Turkish Àrmy ,theior terrain where they r acting against PKK is very similar .this Heli is short in size and very speedy carry same payload like Apachi or So .
I hope we will induct them in good numbers should be our backbone .UTMAS is like Hellfire from turky .
terrible translation
but yea looking at the Indian paid goons in American senate.. we can expect a lot of hate from Americans in any shape or form to block Pakistan from getting anything meaningful in terms of its defence against Indian Hegemony

There is no reason to block LHTEC engine for Pakistan. TAI has rightful reasons to push for a likely deal in those months. If a deal with Pakistan was impossible cause of engine, Turkey wouldn't have pushed to meet with Pakistani delegations many times, or to sent Atak copter in Pakistan.

1- LHTEC engine is not only selected for T-129 Atak, but also Turkey's domestic utility helicopter program.
2- USA has already given permission for AH-1Z to Pakistan. Why they need to block less powerful engine LHTEC that they have %50 share ?
3- USA institute has opened a R&D base to work close with Turkish institutes for future engine projects.
4- TEI will manufacture %62 of T-700-GE turbo shaft engine to be used for Turkish manufactured 109 T-70 Black Hawk helicopters including addition orders + export markets.
5- USA engine institutes are competing against European rivals to be a part of Turkey's TF-X program.

I mean The relations between Turkey and USA on engine sector is deeper than visible so A crack on such relations will systematically affect other projects. If TAI didn't secure the contact with USA, They wouldn't push for a deal like They did with Turkmenistan, brothers.
AH 1-Z dady? Does it even have a MMW radar ? Man,theese american products has thousand kind of varients.They just give it to you but not all.Only with dummy rockets or something else.Atak is a multi purpose helly but it can also be used for one purpose.just anti tank or dummy rockets etc.
Hopefully we going TOT,according to speculations AW-139 and T-129 deals are interlinked.engine might end up italian
Soft loan can be generous of them,they offered it back when this program was started don't know about the situation is today.
The deal for AW-139 was for few helicopters, however the Italian Ambassador did mention there was a bigger order, what is this order is still a mystery.

T-129 initially were to replace the AH-1S cobra gunships but as PAA has upgraded these it is unlikely that they would be replaced any time soon. PAA has also procured 26 AH-1F Cobra which can be upgraded to the Zulu standard hence only 15 Zulu were ordered.

ATAK if ordered would replace the 30 odd AH-1S. However if Turkey gives a good deal it might be increased to similar numbers as that of Turkey (70).

PAA is also interested in Z-10 and Mi-35 and Mi-28 so it is very difficult to understand what is the exact requirement.

You are smarter than PAA?
AH-1Z is like the daddy of the game,the origin,you can't rule out the daddy.
AH-1Z features more tech than 129 for sure.Turkey is behind in tech but will be not for long till then to fill the gap 15 Ah-1z,additionally we have expertise on ah-1's being operating them for over 3 decades.Pilots are aware of this massive beast more.
AH 1-Z dady? Does it even have a MMW radar ? Man,theese american products has thousand kind of varients.They just give it to you but not all.Only with dummy rockets or something else.Atak is a multi purpose helly but it can also be used for one purpose.just anti tank or dummy rockets etc.

They have MMW radar but Taking delivery of original variant of an USA product is almost impossible If the name of your country is not England, Canada or Israel.
They have MMW radar but Taking delivery of original variant of an USA product is almost impossible If the name of your country is not England, Canada or Israel.
It was reported Pakistan would be able to purchase the MMW radar in 2017 till that time it is not for export. This was the same for the AH-1Z when Pakistan wanted them in 2007 but were asked to order them in 2015.
The deal for AW-139 was for few helicopters, however the Italian Ambassador did mention there was a bigger order, what is this order is still a mystery.

T-129 initially were to replace the AH-1S cobra gunships but as PAA has upgraded these it is unlikely that they would be replaced any time soon. PAA has also procured 26 AH-1F Cobra which can be upgraded to the Zulu standard hence only 15 Zulu were ordered.

ATAK if ordered would replace the 30 odd AH-1S. However if Turkey gives a good deal it might be increased to similar numbers as that of Turkey (70).

PAA is also interested in Z-10 and Mi-35 and Mi-28 so it is very difficult to understand what is the exact requirement.
Z-10 is a waste of time a joke sorry
and duplication of Zobra and T-129
Mi35 I can understand due to its unique utility and role

cobras must be abandoned due to the noise coming out of USA lately is very hostile
Z-10 is a waste of time a joke sorry
and duplication of Zobra and T-129
Mi35 I can understand due to its unique utility and role

cobras must be abandoned due to the noise coming out of USA lately is very hostile
t-129 is a small scout chopper with little range, amour and firepower. sure the z-10 is under powered but that will change with the soon induction of the wz-16 engine.

i think if they do go for the t-129 which is likely they wont go for the original offer getting some freebies and local production but buy them of the shelf but would want the full ability to maintain and manufacture components to support them same applies for the z-10 its a much larger heavily armed chopper with a greater service ceiling and lower purchase cost which is big factor iin its self and the fact that they were shown in the parade means they intend to buy them.
do note pakistan does not have the facilities or the money to build and entire assembly line. the later being the biggers problem and the former being a very small problem.

also the usa is not stupid to drop pakistan as an allie. no matter what congress barks and you should know better on why they are barking and how most of the stuff is blocked. the f16 deal broke because of one senator who stopped the use of aid money who was not "influenced". as for what your hearing in the news its just a mix of low level senators and presstitutes. oh and your very own hussain haqani who needs to go "missing"

both the t-129 and z-10 can complement one another whilst the ah-1z can be the top notch heavy and the mil-35 is not relavant here as that will be used in nwt.
t-129 is a small scout chopper with little range, amour and firepower. sure the z-10 is under powered but that will change with the soon induction of the wz-16 engine.

i think if they do go for the t-129 which is likely they wont go for the original offer getting some freebies and local production but buy them of the shelf but would want the full ability to maintain and manufacture components to support them same applies for the z-10 its a much larger heavily armed chopper with a greater service ceiling and lower purchase cost which is big factor iin its self and the fact that they were shown in the parade means they intend to buy them.
do note pakistan does not have the facilities or the money to build and entire assembly line. the later being the biggers problem and the former being a very small problem.

also the usa is not stupid to drop pakistan as an allie. no matter what congress barks and you should know better on why they are barking and how most of the stuff is blocked. the f16 deal broke because of one senator who stopped the use of aid money who was not "influenced". as for what your hearing in the news its just a mix of low level senators and presstitutes. oh and your very own hussain haqani who needs to go "missing"

both the t-129 and z-10 can complement one another whilst the ah-1z can be the top notch heavy and the mil-35 is not relavant here as that will be used in nwt.

I have just read the first sentence and no more.Lol.

For the engine the things work like : Order engine.Order recieved.Do this country has sanction ? No ? Pass it to companies for the prices and things.If USA wants,it can block your everthing.You can even feel it when you are in toilet.But things doesn't work like that.There is a serious commerce going on here.

One other thing is that: T-129 is also wants to be the Poland's new attack helly.We also offered them co-production.I don't know for **** that if a number of 30 is enough for co-production and you can effort more.
I have just read the first sentence and no more.Lol.

For the engine the things work like : Order engine.Order recieved.Do this country has sanction ? No ? Pass it to companies for the prices and things.If USA wants,it can block your everthing.You can even feel it when you are in toilet.But things doesn't work like that.There is a serious commerce going on here.

One other thing is that: T-129 is also wants to be the Poland's new attack helly.We also offered them co-production.I don't know for **** that if a number of 30 is enough for co-production and you can effort more.
well it is compared it to other attack choppers. its small..... very small
i never said engines were a problem. though i suspect pakistan ordering the zulus warmed them up to the point of giving them no other option to allow turkey to export the engine to third party countries in this case pakistan.

i dont care about polands tender. and co production is a very vague word most likely turkey will supply kits for them to build. kinda like buying furnature you can be lazy and have them already built. or you can get a flat pack and build it yourself and say "i built that" or moving away from that analogy you can share the designs and open the source codes so they modify and what they want, and add what they want to add.
or inbetween where they build some of the part in turkey and pakistan in this case.
its a good bird no doubt. dont think im saying its bad or something. it just that you cant have it as a back bone reliant attack chopper due to its size.
You know that how? The two things are not linked unless you can prove it!

Butterfly Effect.

The AZs were paid for my the CSF back when, cancel the deal and you will not only lose; the potential AZs, which PAA has been training it's crews for, but animosity from US defense companies and their buddies in the Congress they lobbied hard for this deal to go through, they will want payback.

EDIT: Correction, there has not been any indication on who or how these AZs are being paid for, that said, regardless of that with the inability of Pakistan to be able to bring forth the funds necessary for the F-16s, it's fair to say that the AZs are being financed through the CSF, FMF, or Military Aid.
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The T-129B is a must for the Pakistani forces. The Cobras are really being stretched, and with Turkey you get a warm dependable country that you can rely on.
Oh and ask for Altay as well lol.
I am passionate about FN SCAR and you are about Altay. As for helicopter well if engine issue is resolved than I think we should go for at least 40 of these and I hope the number Vipers we are getting are turns 20 instead of 15.

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