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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs


i think Atak 2 and heavy class is the same. There are some design changes only.
SSB Ismail Demir, he was a guest of AA on 19.10.18, were markedly differentiated by ATAK 2 with 10 tons class ATAK 2.

SSB Ismail Demir, he was a guest of AA on 19.10.18, were markedly differentiated by ATAK 2 with 10 tons class ATAK 2.


That is what was known about Atak program until now but the situation is a littile different at present. SSB and TAI may decide on changing the names not to keep 10t heavy attack helicopter under the shadow of “Atak” name as if It is continuatiın of Italian/Turkish partnership. Beside, they are totally different class.

In current situation, Neither in signature ceremony, nor at introduction video, we can not hear “Atak” name. When SSB twitter account checked, you can realize that SSB announced signature of Atak-2 deal in 20.02.2019 with a past tense, while introduced “heavy class attack helicopter” today with a signature ceremony.

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do we really have enough money to run 2 different attack heli project?

If one of them is (really) coproduction with another country as rumored, the burden is shared and some systems already in developed could be utilized. Also double the profit because there are at least two countries ordering the heli.
I believe we only have one heavy helicopter program.

Atak phase 2 (or atak block 2) is just T129 with some design improvements.

Atak 2 is an indigenous heavy attack helicopter program that was later rebranded to avoid confusion with T129 (which it has nothing to do with). It never should have been called Atak 2 in the first place but we are not really good with names.

An example of said confusion:

The article refers to this heavy class helicopter as an “upgraded version of Atak” which is ridiculous. No amount of upgrading will result in doubling of MTOW.
This 30mm caliber which is also used by Apaches differs from land vehicles 30mm.

(30x113mm vs 30x 173mm.)

Comparing current Atak1s cannon that is 20x102mm with that 30x113mm, there is no big difference.Because it's a 30mm Frag round, not AP .more explosive power. However 20mm has more velocity which compansates this.
That's why Germans didn't put any 30mm cannon.
30x113mm caliber with depleted uranium ammunition were used to against Saddams tank.


  • 30x113mm-HEDP-1.pdf
    767.7 KB · Views: 38
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This 30mm caliber which is also used by Apaches differs from land vehicles 30mm.

(30x113mm vs 30x 173mm.)

Comparing current Atak1s cannon that is 20x102mm with that 30x113mm, there is no big difference.Because it's a 30mm Frag round, not AP .more explosive power. However 20mm has more velocity which compansates this.
That's why Germans didn't put any 30mm cannon.
30x113mm caliber with depleted uranium ammunition were used to against Saddams tank.
View attachment 541118

Your comparison makes no sense.
Your comparison makes no sense.
Go on expecting if there were a 30 mm gun on it , Atak 2 would be lethal or better than current Atak with 20mm caliber gun. Apache's superioty doesnt come from caliber of its gun. Pathetic.
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