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T-129 Atak & Turkish Attack Helicopter Programs

Nope, don’t forget that if your platform has roting pals than it is not stealthy. Same principal also applies to UAVs.
I assume by roting pals you mean rotating blades. In which case, not exactly. Sikorsky already built stealth helicopters (RAH-66 Commanche). They are not as stealthy as fixed wing aircraft but they are certainly much less ovservable than ordinary helicopters.
I assume by roting pals you mean rotating blades. In which case, not exactly. Sikorsky already built stealth helicopters (RAH-66 Commanche). They are not as stealthy as fixed wing aircraft but they are certainly much less ovservable than ordinary helicopters.
It doesn’t have a low RCS, that’s why this project has been cancelled.
It doesn’t have a low RCS, that’s why this project has been cancelled.
I have never heard once that the commanche program was cancelled because it doesnt have a low RCS.

A multitude of reasons contributed to the ultimate cancellation of the RAH-66 program. According to aviation author James Williams, efforts to speed up the program via the elimination of risk-mitigation measures and the stream of continuous adjustments to account for annual budget cuts to the rotorcraft resulted in the formation of a negative cycle that functioned to greatly extend the rotorcraft's development schedule. Over the course of the Comanche's development, multiple government agencies had acted to cut the number of helicopters that were intended to be ordered; one particularly common basis for such curtailments was that the Cold War had ended and thus such quantities were unnecessary (a phenomenon known as the "Peace Dividend"). However, significant reductions in volume directly resulted in the rapid climbs in the projections of the Comanche's unit cost; in turn, this stimulated and gave validity to critics of the program, such as the Army Acquisition Executive James Ambrose, who had prominently declared that the Army would not receive any aircraft "costing a dollar over $7.5 million".
You know, I thought hey look we are finally getting somewhere with 3D marketing renderings... But fak mayn.. Seriously... how you go fak up orientation of the AA missile... fo shame!

View attachment 543283

look its a feature if a chopper is after our chopper we dont need to turn we just shoot backwards and hit em bad :sniper:
Wingtip launchers are seems to be in a position for restricting the view of wingtip sensors. So it may be placed above the wing as following example (Indian Jaguar)
If you are able to.produce a multiple launcher pod for Cirit you can save on Hydra pod.

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