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Syrians and Turkish

Your assessment seems near to reality on today's world power structure but in my view situation is changing very rapidly and the system aroused from Bretton Woods conference will collapse like all unnatural systems applied on human kind collapsed before.

The old one must go before a new one borns. They know their agenda and the steps that must be taken.

I'm not talking to you, please step aside

Ok I will not meddle with your affairs again. You just keep believing in the literal rules thats on paper. Good luck with that.
If i remember right our iranian friends were claiming Assad shelling the towns thing is actually a myth not real :disagree:
I'm not talking to you, please step aside

AND SYRIA IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS STEP ASIDE. If you won't let someone here on the forums talk, then why should i let you interfere in my business, in the Syrian people business, is that your democracy ?

Anyway, Yes Israel does control the west, 60 veto in the UN Council by the U.S to defend Israel from any resolution, U.S send free, FREE military equipment and helps Israel " Make" them ( Iron Dome), Free gas and oil from GCC and now from Libya, Israel committed many crimes, no one was brave enough to talk about them, including you, anyways, if you don't think that Israel controls the west, at least think of this the 500 fortune companies are all owned by JEWS, Israel can destroy Europe's and America's economy in one day. Obama and AIPAC conference, every american president MUST visit Israel before he claims the office, every western president in order to win must show loyalty to Israel. enough said.
President al-Assad: Crisis in Syria Is Mostly External as Evident through the Presence of Arab and Extremist Militants, Advanced Weapons and Money Flow from Outside

President Bashar al-Assad stressed in part 3 of the interview he recently gave to the Cumhurieyt Turkish daily that the crisis in Syria is mostly external and the evidence of that is the presence of Arab and extremist Islamist militants now fighting in Syria as well as the advanced weapons that are being smuggled across the border and the flow of money from the outside.

Journalist: You are trying to distinguish between the Turkish government and the Turkish people, but there are different opinions in Turkey about what is happening in Syria. There are those who believe that the Syrian regime is making mistakes, killing tens of innocent people and children daily. What are your comments on that, and what is the truth about the relationship between President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people?

President Assad: In order to verify the facts, let’s take real examples of what is happening in our region. One of the best examples is your direct neighbor, the Shah of Iran. He used to have a very strong state, a very strong army, very strong intelligence services, international support, and of course, unlimited regional support. Was he able to stand in the face of the people? Naturally, he was unable to do that. If I were in that position, I wouldn’t have been able to do that. You are talking about fifteen months, not two or three weeks, or even a month. All the betting and wagering has fallen. It is absolutely clear now that the largest part of the crisis is driven from the outside, and the evidence is the existence of Arab fighters and extremist and Islamist fighters fighting in Syria now. Moreover, there is the sophisticated weapons being smuggled through the borders, and the money being sent from abroad. This has actually changed the convictions of many people inside Syria, both among the opposition and the supporters of the government. The Syrians are defending their country now. The revolution cannot be a revolution of gangs. It should be a revolution of the people; and no one can suppress the revolution of the people. Now, you are in Syria, and you can go and walk about anywhere in order to see whether there is a revolution or not. We are seeking and killing terrorists and defending ourselves. They are perpetrating massacres against civilians, and it is our duty to defend civilians. It is our duty as a state. What would you do, as Turks, when you are killed? Don’t you defend yourselves? Don’t you justify all your military operations in northern Iraq and in Turkey under the title of fighting terrorism? Do we say that the Turkish state is killing its people in this case? These are double standards, and this is political hypocrisy which we do not accept.

Journalist: Do you regret that you suppressed the first peaceful demonstrations last year?

President Assad: There is a certain margin of error, of course, in every action. This is self evident. We are humans, and we might err or do the right thing. But we should distinguish between the mistakes made inside Syria and the foreign factors. The plot against Syria went through three stages. In the first stage, there were demonstrations, and a large part of these demonstrations was paid for. At the beginning of the crisis, a demonstrator used to be paid ten dollars. Now, they are paid fifty or a hundred dollars depending on the region. But they expected that a real revolution could come out of these demonstrations, peaceful demonstrations like those which happened in Egypt and Tunisia. Until last Ramadan, they failed in that stage. After that, they started to plan for creating certain regions in Syria dominated completely by armed gangs, like what happened in Benghazi in Libya. The army fought this attempt which lasted until last March, when they failed in the second stage. Then they shifted focus to individual assassinations, committing massacres against civilians, in addition to attacking state institutions with explosive devices. In other words, it would be naive to say that those demonstrations were peaceful. They were not exactly like that. At any rate, demonstrations still happen from time to time but in smaller numbers, and mostly they are paid for.

Journalist: The UN Human Rights Council, in its most recent report, held the Syrian army responsible for the largest part of the bloody events taking place in Syria. How do you comment on that?

President Assad: All of us know that the international institutions are dominated by the American administration and the west in general; and it would be stupid to consider what these international organizations say a point of reference about reality. They only express the balance of international powers; and the objective in the end is to put more pressure on Syria, and the more they fail in implementing their plans, the more pressure they put on Syria. But as long as we are doing the right thing, we will never succumb to international organizations or to anyone else.
AND SYRIA IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS STEP ASIDE. If you won't let someone here on the forums talk, then why should i let you interfere in my business, in the Syrian people business, is that your democracy ?
He was too misinformed for me to correct i wouldn't bother after reading your post i decided you aren't worth my time either. And if you don't like me interfering you should try Turkish Armed Forces.

nuff said.
He was too misinformed for me to correct i wouldn't bother after reading your post i decided you aren't worth my time either. And if you don't like me interfering you should try Turkish Armed Forces.

nuff said.

you're missing my point, you are calling for democracy and such, while you are preventing others from voicing their opinion, how does that work? you're just like the Outside " Syrian" opposition, they call for democracy while in reality they don't even know what democracy is, and they are just fighting for the chair, just recently they fought with each other in Cairo meeting on Monday.
you're missing my point, you are calling for democracy and such, while you are preventing others from voicing their opinion, how does that work? you're just like the Outside " Syrian" opposition, they call for democracy while in reality they don't even know what democracy is, and they are just fighting for the chair, just recently they fought with each other in Cairo meeting on Monday.

You mean Al-Assad is not fighting for chair?your have raised the right question that how would Syrian (opposition) know about the democracy, when the brutal Al-Assads are ruling them, with iron fist from almost 45 years they must be given time to learn the democracy from scratch. In my view this conflict is no more for democracy now and has turned out to be purely a sectarian conflict of Shiet and Sunnite. The Sunnites of Middle East do not likes Al-Assad to remain in Power and Shiets under the Iranian leadership are doing their best to keep Al-Assad in power.
You mean Al-Assad is not fighting for chair?your have raised the right question that how would Syrian (opposition) know about the democracy, when the brutal Al-Assads are ruling them, with iron fist from almost 45 years they must be given time to learn the democracy from scratch. In my view this conflict is no more for democracy now and has turned out to be purely a sectarian conflict of Shiet and Sunnite. The Sunnites of Middle East do not likes Al-Assad to remain in Power and Shiets under the Iranian leadership are doing their best to keep Al-Assad in power.

Nope, the SNC claims this is about democracy, look at their "parties" name and goals, its all about democracy. but in reality yes its not about democracy, because ME region does not know democracy at all, however Syrians are happy with Alassad, if you claim the sunnies of ME hate Alasad based on religion, however Syrians are mostly sunnies and if it was true then all of them would have rose up no matter what and kicked Alasad out, however Syrians don't look at this Sunni, Shiite, and etc, we are Syrians.
You mean Al-Assad is not fighting for chair?your have raised the right question that how would Syrian (opposition) know about the democracy, when the brutal Al-Assads are ruling them, with iron fist from almost 45 years they must be given time to learn the democracy from scratch. In my view this conflict is no more for democracy now and has turned out to be purely a sectarian conflict of Shiet and Sunnite. The Sunnites of Middle East do not likes Al-Assad to remain in Power and Shiets under the Iranian leadership are doing their best to keep Al-Assad in power.

How democratic is to give up the democracy hope and starting to weaponize the opposites to create a bigger chaos and blood?
Nope, the SNC claims this is about democracy, look at their "parties" name and goals, its all about democracy. but in reality yes its not about democracy, because ME region does not know democracy at all, however Syrians are happy with Alassad, if you claim the sunnies of ME hate Alasad based on religion, however Syrians are mostly sunnies and if it was true then all of them would have rose up no matter what and kicked Alasad out, however Syrians don't look at this Sunni, Shiite, and etc, we are Syrians.

Nationalism and ethnicity can not unite the people of different creed for long, when furor of religion erupts it swallows the man-made ideologies.Baathist ideology, based on socialism has passed his life like other ideologies before and is dead now.The ultimate glue is religion and i can give you numerous examples for the same. Syrian nationalism created based on Arab-Baathist ideology is irrelevant in the 2nd decade of 21st century there might be Syrianness before, but now religious belief is more important for Syrians than Nationalism. You can study Turkishness and where it stands in today's Turkish society? for the same.
Nationalism and ethnicity can not unite the people of different creed for long, when furor of religion erupts it swallows the man-made ideologies.Baathist ideology, based on socialism has passed his life like other ideologies before and is dead now.The ultimate glue is religion and i can give you numerous examples for the same. Syrian nationalism created based on Arab-Baathist ideology is irrelevant in the 2nd decade of 21st century there might be Syrianness before, but now religious belief is more important for Syrians than Nationalism. You can study Turkishness and where it stands in today's Turkish society? for the same.

so you are saying Turkish are not nationalists? i dont see that. Plus Turkish people are open minded when it comes to religion am i right ? And yes every where you go you will find some very extreme, but majority of Turkey are not extreme, right?
President al-Assad: Borders with Turkey Changed into Borders for Smuggling Arms and Terrorists into Syria

President Bashar al-Assad said in part 4 of an interview he gave to a Turkish daily that no matter how more intensified the sanctions could get Syria's stances will not change.

Journalist: As a result of the crisis in the relations between Syrian and Turkey, the Turkish government is trying, through loyal mass media, to exploit the PKK issue in order to incite the Turkish people against Syria and say that Syria is using the crisis between Syria and Turkey to support the PKK which escalated its military operations recently. It says that Syria has allowed the PKK to operate on Syrian territories close to Turkish borders.

President Assad: This is not true. Perhaps those thinking this way are used to treachery. They think that others are as treacherous as they are. As far as we are concerned, treachery is alien to us. But when you have turbulences in your country, your priorities become different. You focus on certain issues, and consequently you become unable to control things completely and certain groups could move more freely than they used to in normal situations. If we have become unable, in certain situations, to protect some Syrians, is it reasonable to hold us responsible for protecting the Turks? Is that logical? I think, if there is a security failure in Turkey now, then it is caused by the policies of the Turkish government. But it wants to blame others for this. As I said at the beginning of this interview, when I have a certain security failure, it will reflect on you, and vice versa. Even if we wanted to help you in these circumstances, it would be very difficult to offer real assistance because of the problems we are facing.

Journalist: What do you mean by “assistance” in this respect?

President Assad: I mean, if we wanted to assist you on the PKK issue or on any other issue, we wouldn’t have been able to do so because we have our own problems. In order to be able to protect you or assist you, I need to protect myself first. Is it reasonable that I protect you when I am not able to protect myself completely yet.

Journalist: But the other side is saying that they are asking for your assistance. They say that you are sending these people.

President Assad: First, where is the evidence? Second, the PKK has been fighting Turkey for decades; consequently, they don’t need us to send them to do this. When relations between us and Turkish military and security institutions were good, the PKK used to conduct operations. The only difference is that when you have a neighboring arena with chaos in it, movement becomes easier. This is self- evident.

Journalist: What is your perception for the Kurdish issue, from the regional perspective?

President Assad: There is no doubt that this is a complicated region characterized by great cultural diversity. Each cultural component needs to feel that they have a real and significant existence. This is a healthy and natural thing. The problem is that during the past decades there were those who have been exploiting these components for political objectives. They placed these components in opposition with the national interest. Now, we have to think that the ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of the nation is a point of strength. But it is not allowed for these components to seek separation. On the other hand, the state should not feel that such components are agents of failure or fear. They should be agents of richness. These are general principles.

Journalist: On the medium or long term, do you see the possibility of creating a Kurdish state in the region?

President Assad: No, this amounts to separation. I said that no one accepts separation.

Journalist: Whether in Iraq or Syria?

President Assad: In such a case, there would be tens of states, not only a Kurdish state. Then, every sect, religion or nationality will seek an independent state. I don’t think that our nations feel that they have an interest in this division. We have lived with each other for thousands of years in this region, and there were no problems. These problems evolved recently after colonial powers started interfering, from Lawrence of Arabia up till now. If we develop a full consciousness that we must live with each other, the borders drawn by colonial powers will diminish; and maybe in larger countries, such borders will no longer be important. Now we live in our existing states. Maybe, in the future we’ll unite in larger countries, countries which embrace all these cultures on an equal basis.

Journalist: As a result of the crisis existing between the two countries, movement has stopped completely on the Syrian-Turkish borders; and people on both sides of the borders are suffering from economic, social and psychological crises. What is your opinion of this?

President Assad: This is true, because these borders have turned into venues for smuggling weapons and terrorists to Syria. We talked for years about turning these borders into frontiers of development. But development and terrorism can never meet.

Journalist: There have been numerous decisions imposing sanctions on Syria, powerful decisions which have had a real impact on the Syrian street. Until when can you stand fast in the face of these decisions which have started to make a negative and dangerous impact on Syrians?

President Assad: As long as we have rights, as long as we have dignity and as long as we are patriots, these sanctions will never change our positions no matter how powerful they are. The question is not that of selling our principles for money, food or foreign aid. Otherwise, we should justify the position of everyone who sold his honor for money. This is absolutely unacceptable for us in Syria from the perspective of principles and moral values.
+ they talking about a civil war. First of all, only Syrian army has the right to use weapons because of the fact that its a constitutional right that it given to the state. Then the question must be, where does these groups get the weapons from to fight agains the state?

Situation is a bit like Turkey. We can not speak about a war between Turkey and PKK. Turkey is the only one that has the right to weaponize itself as a state. Now pkk claim that there is no democratic rights for kurds so they leaving the laws aside and weaponize them selves. They getting these weapons like in Syria, from outside and starting to terrorize places and fighting agains the Turkish army.

Again, Syrian army only has the right to have weapons.
so you are saying Turkish are not nationalists? i dont see that. Plus Turkish people are open minded when it comes to religion am i right ? And yes every where you go you will find some very extreme, but majority of Turkey are not extreme, right?

Kindly address the message (Syrian issue) and do not kill the messenger to keep the intellectual standard of discussion. Turks are least nationalist than before see successive gallop pole results, now Religion comes first to them before Turkishness.
Kindly address the message (Syrian issue) and do not kill the messenger to keep the intellectual standard of discussion. Turks are least nationalist than before see successive gallop pole results, now Religion comes first to them before Turkishness.

I would like an opinion from actual Turkish people,even though you kinda sound right because Saudi Arabia claims religion first, but who are Saudi's allies? the west including Israel, and same with Turkey allies its all the west. and this thread is about Syria and Turkey, cant you see the title?

+ they talking about a civil war. First of all, only Syrian army has the right to use weapons because of the fact that its a constitutional right that it given to the state. Then the question must be, where does these groups get the weapons from to fight agains the state?

Situation is a bit like Turkey. We can not speak about a war between Turkey and PKK. Turkey is the only one that has the right to weaponize itself as a state. Now pkk claim that there is no democratic rights for kurds so they leaving the laws aside and weaponize them selves. They getting these weapons like in Syria, from outside and starting to terrorize places and fighting agains the Turkish army.

Again, Syrian army only has the right to have weapons.

Syria does not provide weapons and money to PKK, however Turkey does provide safe house, weapons and money to the so called FSA aka terrorists.
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