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Syrian snipers target pregnant women


Prove it. Source.

Syrian snipers of Assad only - Alawite with help Shiia of Iran and Irak, Hezbollashiitan -. It's clear.
stop insulting people and blaming people. act educated. some bad people exist in both sides.
believing one side is angel one is evil.. this is propaganda.

VIDEO. Syrie : un chirurgien dénonce les snipers qui visent des femmes enceintes
0:00 to 0:30
he is explaining the two sides are competing (the snipers from both sides) and that it is even goes to the competition the article you published was about.

the doctor said on tv that both sides use it , but for him more pro Asad are doing it by the logic that more snipers are in the side of Asad there. it is what he explained .
now as he said himself "he gets no proof who did this " he can just see that so many cases of pregnant women being targets

VIDEO. Syrie : un chirurgien dénonce les snipers qui visent des femmes enceintes
0:00 to 0:30
he is explaining the two sides are competing (the snipers from both sides) and that it is even goes to the competition the article you published was about.

the doctor said on tv that both sides use it , but for him more pro Asad are doing it by the logic that more snipers are in the side of Asad there. it is what he explained .

now as he said himself "he gets no proof who did this " he can just see that so many cases of pregnant women being targets


It’s civilians Sunni - Here pregnants womans - trying to cross from one city to another to fetch food.

Rebel snipers have no interest in targeting ‘their own Sunni population starving’ by Assad Alawi regime.
Anyone regardless of side who targets women first of all (innocent and civilian) and most of all PREGNANT women deserve harsh punishment and little mercifulness. When I think about this news I think about one of my elder sisters who is pregnant right now. Cannot imagine that people are shooting pregnant women like her.

The Child and mass-murderer Al-Asad should have stepped down a long time ago. He plans to enroll in the next "elections". He is clearly nothing more than a genocidal criminal who has suddenly become a righteous Muslim by attending Friday prayers each Friday. While secretly he has affairs with young Syrian women who send him deceiving photos of themselves.

Tyrant and hypocrite that must be eliminated one way or another or brought to justice.

Exclusive: secret Assad emails lift lid on life of leader's inner circle | World news | The Guardian

I have to agree with Bubblegum Crisi here. Hussein is a good member so take it easy, please. And not a troll. What would the Syrian opposition gain from targeting their own people who are not against them let alone their pregnant women?:blink:

Same lies spread by dictator/mass and child-murderer supporters about the Ghouta massacre where Al-Assad gassed many hundred civilian Syrian Sunni Arabs (mostly). No rebels would do that against their own families.

Clearly mostly the work of Al-Asad murderers, Shabiha terrorists and others.

It’s civilians Sunni - Here pregnants womans - trying to cross from one city to another to fetch food.

Rebel snipers have no interest in targeting ‘their own Sunni population starving’ by Assad Alawi regime.

Yes, they only have interest in beheading them and bombing them while walking in the streets in the most savage ways.
Why going for the 'sniper solution' when you can act more animalistic?

You won't get anywhere by trying to show one side as pure angels and the other side as pure evils.
Yes, they only have interest in beheading them and bombing them while walking in the streets in the most savage ways.
Why going for the 'sniper solution' when you can act more animalistic?


lol lol lol ^^

Oh ! This is ‘the mod’ in forum that takes part. Ah ! But I forgot ‘the mod is a Shiia Iranian’ friend of Assad Alawi. Logical...
lol lol lol ^^

Oh ! This is ‘the mod’ in forum that takes part. Ah ! But I forgot ‘the mod is a Shiia Iranian’ friend of Assad Alawi. Logical...

I didn't know that a mod's job is to agree with anyone and anything like a robot or their objective is to please others.
If you don't like my response or can't answer it, you can simply pass by and ignore it.
I didn't know that a mod's job is to agree with anyone and anything like a robot or their objective is to please others.
If you don't like my response or can't answer it, you can simply pass by and ignore it.

lol lol lol ^^

Shiia Iranian. Completely logical…


A moderator is a user whose role is to lead and especially to moderate the forum of a website (usually community), deleting messages insult or defamation, as well as racist and incentives violence or hatred, and all that is outside the law in general, or any message that has no place in a discussion forum on the web and/or thereof. A moderator must be impartial in the debate, to temper his personal opinion so it does not taint his judgment and call to order the participants off-topic. Most of the time, the forums have a "charter" that the moderator must be respected and which helps to know what to punish. Before the role of censor and moderator role of presence to deter members from committing abuse.

Asshead terrorist snipers target innocent women in the streets and prevent people from helping them A live video is more proof than thousands of Asshead's propaganda articles

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lol lol lol ^^

Shiia Iranian. Completely logical…


A moderator is a user whose role is to lead and especially to moderate the forum of a website (usually community), deleting messages insult or defamation, as well as racist and incentives violence or hatred, and all that is outside the law in general, or any message that has no place in a discussion forum on the web and/or thereof. A moderator must be impartial in the debate, to temper his personal opinion so it does not taint his judgment and call to order the participants off-topic. Most of the time, the forums have a "charter" that the moderator must be respected and which helps to know what to punish. Before the role of censor and moderator role of presence to deter members from committing abuse.

Shia Iranian? Really? How am I supposed to answer this?

A moderator should be impartial indeed, but I think you are mixing up impartial with 'being unable to tolerate an opposing comment from a mod'. A moderator is ALSO a member of this site that can freely express his opinion.
If you saw me banning you unfairly, insulting you and applying my personal opinion to issue infractions/warn/ban you or other members, then you can address the issue to site admins and senior mods or giving me advice about my duties.

Like it or not, I don't agree with your allegations regarding Syrian issue and I gave my response to it. Now please do not derail the topic anymore with the 'mod thing'.
Doctor. David Nott a volunteer doctor in Syria tell how Asshead snipers target and kill unborn babies inside their mothers wombs

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A moderator must be impartial in the debate, to temper his personal opinion so it does not taint his judgment and call to order the participants off-topic.


This could be true but not with @Serpentine

Even though we don't agree with us other all time but he never gave a bias response to me. His analysis to the decision we took on the UN proves the point I'm making.
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