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Syrian snipers target pregnant women


It’s civilians Sunni - Here pregnants womans - trying to cross from one city to another to fetch food.

Rebel snipers have no interest in targeting ‘their own Sunni population starving’ by Assad Alawi regime.
fanatic of stupidity :hitwall:
Thank you very much !

To all my brothers and sisters Sunni in Syria - For their glorious struggle against devils -. It is a real honor.

instead of stupid fanatic like you, i really don't care if someone is shia or sunni
they are not your brothers , they are not my brothers too

i am anti Asad and i don't like him but not for the same reasons than you , mister fanatic,
you are obsessed about people being shia or from a sect not even considered to be shia in our country

or should i add safavis, Iranians and alawis

most of Iranians i know don't like Asad, most of them don't like jihadists and well they hate jihadists even more than Asad
but that's exactly what i hear from the French people here too

f..k jihadist, f..k fanatics like you, f..k Asad and his killers

you are not better than him... same kind of stupid hatred guy. Syrian don't need people like you.

most of Iranians i know don't like Asad


:blah: For other.

Oh, great ! Then they leave now of Syria (Persian, Shiia Irak and Shiia Liban).They stop to care what they do not absolutely watch since 1352 years. It's with say ‘Islam single, indivisible’ and his Sunni world.

Ok ! But I suppose, of course no. I suspected.

Monologue :closed:
My condolences to the victim & the victim's baby.

Why do you guys seems surprised. That's just the reality of today Urban Combat. Don't you guys know anything about the Sniper Alley in Bosnia during the civil war.

Link: Sniper Alley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Targeting civilians including a pregnant woman is just part of the tactics.

Video: BBC News - Sarajevo: Inside 'sniper alley'

famous movie:
Shot Through the Heart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My condolences to the victim & the victim's baby.

Why do you guys seems surprised. That's just the reality of today Urban Combat. Don't you guys know anything about the Sniper Alley in Bosnia during the civil war.

Link: Sniper Alley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Targeting civilians including a pregnant woman is just part of the tactics.

Video: BBC News - Sarajevo: Inside 'sniper alley'

famous movie:
Assheads using zionist propaganda, why i'm not surprised ?!

Asshead is the other face of the same coin. No wondering he still keeping his mouth shut for 40 years of Israel occupation of Al-Golan Height and now flexing his muscles against his own people, children and women.
the doctor in French TV said that both sides make "competition" and fun to kill pregnant women
more the baby is aged more they bet money

remember a movie (based on true story) where a serbian is enjoying killing (sniper) for fun people in street ?

human beings my friend are able of the worst
You lie, only Al Qaeda do that. The SAA respect all conventions & never behead or use the israelis tactics

Assheads using zionist propaganda, why i'm not surprised ?!


Children of America and British i.e Israhell and Saudis are always the same. Two bodies One soul. They use these for their own propaganda but in fact it shows their own face. So I just showed their true face with true flags, and if its bites badly, I am sorry for that, but truth will always remain truth. They are the two faces of same coin.
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