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Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Those terrorists blamed the government for the massacres and now they will blame the government of using chemical weapons.

Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report
The armed Syrian opposition has got their hands on chemical weapons, which they acquired from Libya, a media report claims. They allegedly plan to use it against civilians and pin the atrocity on the Bashar al-Assad regime.

The report by DamPress claims the opposition group in possession of the weapons is being trained in its use inside Turkey. No further detail on the alleged conspiracy is given.

The Libyan stockpile of chemical weapons was a matter of great concern during last year’s civil war in the country. There were fears that they may end up in the hands of the terrorists and used elsewhere in the world. However unlike Libya’s portable surface-to-air arsenal, no reports of the weapons going missing was made public.

Syria has a greater number of chemical weapons than Libya. Military experts say the agents in the Syrian stockpile are also more modern that what Gaddafi had produced for his military. Syria also didn’t join the Chemical Weapons Convention and is not obliged to declare what chemical weapons it possesses.

The chemical framing plot allegations comes days after British journalist Alex Thomson from Channel 4 news accused a Syrian opposition group of trying to set him and his crew up to be killed by government forces. He said a western journalist death would give bad publicity for Damascus.

Syria is sliding back into violence after a UN-brokered peace plan failed to bring the rival forces in the country to negotiation table. The worst of the incidents of renewed bloodshed were two massacres of civilians in the villages of Houla and al-Qubair.

Opposition blame the killings on pro-government paramilitary forces, while Damascus says both incidents were provocations carried out by terrorist groups. The UN observer mission currently deployed in Syria failed to establish for certain who committed the atrocities.

Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus
Oh my God! I swear, the regime is about to use chemical weapons, this news is just to confuse people all around the world. It's well known that the regime posses huge amounts of the most lethal chemical weapons. While the opposition don't have them. Even most world country don't have chemical weapons but numbered country, and Syria is one of them. How stupid this bloodthirsty regime think we are?

This news has creep me out...
Guys do you blame us for not want to take sides?? Whoever does it is evil?? How do we get to the truth. Blackeagle why would govt use this weapon when they have other weapons??
Oh my God! I swear, the regime is about to use chemical weapons, this news is just to confuse people all around the world. It's well known that the regime posses huge amounts of the most lethal chemical weapons. While the opposition don't have them. Even most world country don't have chemical weapons but numbered country, and Syria is one of them. How stupid this bloodthirsty regime think we are?

This news has creep me out...

Do you know that Libya has some? and there are Libyan terrorists coming on daily basis to Syria?
You're funny

Guys do you blame us for not want to take sides?? Whoever does it is evil?? How do we get to the truth. Blackeagle why would govt use this weapon when they have other weapons??

Or why would the government ask for more trouble?
Those terrorists blamed the government for the massacres and now they will blame the government of using chemical weapons.

Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report
The armed Syrian opposition has got their hands on chemical weapons, which they acquired from Libya, a media report claims. They allegedly plan to use it against civilians and pin the atrocity on the Bashar al-Assad regime.

The report by DamPress claims the opposition group in possession of the weapons is being trained in its use inside Turkey. No further detail on the alleged conspiracy is given.

The Libyan stockpile of chemical weapons was a matter of great concern during last year’s civil war in the country. There were fears that they may end up in the hands of the terrorists and used elsewhere in the world. However unlike Libya’s portable surface-to-air arsenal, no reports of the weapons going missing was made public.

Syria has a greater number of chemical weapons than Libya. Military experts say the agents in the Syrian stockpile are also more modern that what Gaddafi had produced for his military. Syria also didn’t join the Chemical Weapons Convention and is not obliged to declare what chemical weapons it possesses.

The chemical framing plot allegations comes days after British journalist Alex Thomson from Channel 4 news accused a Syrian opposition group of trying to set him and his crew up to be killed by government forces. He said a western journalist death would give bad publicity for Damascus.

Syria is sliding back into violence after a UN-brokered peace plan failed to bring the rival forces in the country to negotiation table. The worst of the incidents of renewed bloodshed were two massacres of civilians in the villages of Houla and al-Qubair.

Opposition blame the killings on pro-government paramilitary forces, while Damascus says both incidents were provocations carried out by terrorist groups. The UN observer mission currently deployed in Syria failed to establish for certain who committed the atrocities.

Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus

Again with the WMD/bio chemical ****, this is just probably the west trying to set off another **** storm and yet screw up another ME nation, when will it stop, just some BS propaganda started by the west maybe to lever Syria into what the US wants, my Syrian brothers may Allah help you for the best I am with u....

I agree it would be odd and very silly of the govt to take such action

the gov wouldnt ask for it because it is out of the question and as for the fact that this may be the west's bid to rally support for it invasion or to justify another crusade, the gov has nothing to gain out of it but the west has tonnes of stuff to gain...
Israeli minister accuses Syria of genocide, slams Russia for arming Damascus

A senior Israeli minister accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday of committing genocide during his crackdown on a 15-month uprising, in an unusually harsh censure of the Jewish state’s Arab neighbor.

Vice Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz also criticized Russia for arming Damascus and repeated Israel’s demand for international military intervention to topple Assad, akin to last year’s campaign in Libya.

Israel has until recently been slow to call for Assad’s fall, wary of worsening the turmoil in Syria - the two countries are enemies but have been in a mostly stable stand-off for decades.

With hourly media reports in Israel of Syrian civilian deaths, public anger has been growing and Israeli officials have been stepping up their criticism.

“A crime against humanity, genocide, is being conducted in Syria today. And the silence of the world powers is contrary to all human logic,” said Mofaz during an interview on Israel’s Army Radio.

Foreign powers were “making do with flaccid condemnation” rather than intervening to overthrow Assad, he added.

“Worse than that is the Russian conduct, which weakly condemns the slaughter while continuing to arm Assad’s murderous regime. Best-case, this is irresponsibility, and worst-case, it is a partnership in the slaughter,” Mofaz said.

A longtime Syrian ally, Russia opposes outside intervention against Damascus. Moscow has denied supporting any side in the conflict or providing arms that could be used in a Syrian civil war.

Russia says it would be open to Assad’s exit from power as long as it was a result of an inclusive political process among Syrians.

Mofaz, a former top general and political centrist who joined Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conservative coalition government last month, said Israel had limited options on Syria but had to lobby for international action.

“We need to enlist the West. We need our voice to be heard. This slaughter is being carried out not far from Israel’s border,” he said.

“We cannot get involved, for understandable reasons. But I think that the West, led by the United States, has an interest in guarding the threshold (so) genocide does not take place.”

Such language is especially loaded in Israel, which was founded in part as a haven for
of the Holocaust.

Speaking separately on Israel Radio, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said the Netanyahu government was prepared to help Syrians who take refuge in Jordan and other countries with ties to the Jewish state.

We have reached a point where even Israeli officials couldn't stay silent toward those atrocities anymore, while some Muslims here still backstabbing us. Sometimes Israel is more humane than you. Thank you for your support Aryan-B.The Atrocities Bashar have committed in 1 year exceed what Israel has committed for 65 years. Shame on you...!
With this kind of false propaganda the Iranian and Syrian Shia evil alliance is preparing the ground for killing the majority Sunni population in mass. The International community still has time to stop the killer Asad before it gets too late for the people of Syria who want a democratic state with complete freedom and not the slavery of minority (8-10%) Alawite Shia thugs and bandits.
To wipe out its enemies Iran and Syria can go to any extent. It has been already seen in ongoing slaughter of Sunnis in Syria as well as the brutal repression of pro democracy demonstrators in Tehran.
With this kind of false propaganda the Iranian and Syrian Shia evil alliance is preparing the ground for killing the majority Sunni population in mass. The International community still has time to stop the killer Asad before it gets too late for the people of Syria who want a democratic state with complete freedom and not the slavery of minority (8-10%) Alawite Shia thugs and bandits.
To wipe out its enemies Iran and Syria can go to any extent. It has been already seen in ongoing slaughter of Sunnis in Syria as well as the brutal repression of pro democracy demonstrators in Tehran.

the SNC just elected a minority leader ( Kurd), happy now? you BS with minority crap, there are no minority or majority in Syria, there are ONLY SYRIANS and SYRIANS ONLY.
ANd stop talking about democracy crap, you freakin live in the gulf.

Blackeagle :rofl:

man what can i say, your master in Tel Aviv have planned for this long time ago :rofl:
Do you know that Libya has some? and there are Libyan terrorists coming on daily basis to Syria?
You're funny

Or why would the government ask for more trouble?

The first thing USA and NATO were keen to do even before toppling Qaddafi is to secure and take over his chemical weapons, although they were unusable and obsolete. Qaddafi would have used them If they were in a good condition.

the SNC just elected a minority leader ( Kurd), happy now? you BS with minority crap, there are no minority or majority in Syria, there are ONLY SYRIANS and SYRIANS ONLY.
ANd stop talking about democracy crap, you freakin live in the gulf.

Blackeagle :rofl:

man what can i say, your master in Tel Aviv have planned for this long time ago :rofl:

You are not Arab, you have no place in this region. Traitors!
Lol, the world is not blind as you are trying to make them blind with your crap propaganda. Every one knows very well the hold of Alawite brutal regime on all pillars of power in Syria which is being used with full force to crush the will of Majority to get freedom from these brutal Alawite killers who are being supported by Nasr us Shaitan of Hizb al Lat , Iranian Armed Forces and Mehdi Army of moktada Sadr.
The first thing USA and NATO were keen to do even before toppling Qaddafi is to secure and take over his chemical weapons, although they were unusable and obsolete. Qaddafi would have used them If they were in a good condition.

You are not Arab, you have no place in this region. Traitors!

Talking about traitors, do you know King Hussein? yeah in the dictionary the word Traitors says KING HUSSEIN. Enough said you racist rat.

Lol, the world is not blind as you are trying to make them blind with your crap propaganda. Every one knows very well the hold of Alawite brutal regime on all pillars of power in Syria which is being used with full force to crush the will of Majority to get freedom from these brutal Alawite killers who are being supported by Nasr us Shaitan of Hizb al Lat , Iranian Armed Forces and Mehdi Army of moktada Sadr.
You are a victim of hatered and whabasim look at you talking about the Resistance and the last Arab Strong hold Syria, go to sleep kid.
You are not Arab, you have no place in this region. Traitors!

How you define an Arab? Is it someone who has Stockholm syndrome? After Israelis kill Arabs you then become their allies?

Guys calm down a bit or we will be seeing some infractions and bannings
How you define an Arab? Is it someone who has Stockholm syndrome? After Israelis kill Arabs you then become their allies?

Guys calm down a bit or we will be seeing some infractions and bannings
This Arab according to them, :rofl:
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