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Syrian Minister: Turkish RF-4 mistaken for Israeli jet


Apr 29, 2011
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Syria: We thought downed Turkish plane was Israeli
Information minister says Syrian forces may have mistaken Turkish jet they shot down for Israeli plane. Adds: We don't want crisis

Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoebi was quoted as telling Turkish news channel A Haber in a telephone interview Wednesday that his country did "not want a crisis between Turkey and Syria."

Turkish jet's flight path (Photo: EPA)

Al-Zoebi said Turkish and Israeli fighter jets were mostly US-made, which may have led the Syrian forces to mistake it for an Israeli jet.

Turkey warned Syria on Tuesday to keep its troops away from the countries' troubled border or risk an armed response, an angry reply to the downing of the Turkish reconnaissance plane last week.

Syrian news outlets quoted a military expert as saying that the anti-aircraft weapons used to down the Turkish fighter jet last weekend were made in Iran, Al-Quds al-Arabi reported Wednesday.

According to the Arabic newspaper, the Syrian expert said Damascus purchased an Iranian-made anti-aircraft gun two years ago. He said the gun can be mounted on armored vehicles.

The expert said the downed Turkish jet flew at a low altitude so as not to be detected by the Syrian radar. However, the expert said, the Turkish crew was not aware that the Syrian air force was in possession of a weapon capable of intercepting planes flying at such a low altitude

Syria: We thought downed Turkish plane was Israeli - Israel News, Ynetnews
See Syria admits there mistake said sorry they dont want war
now how can anyone say Syria is bad
It is a clear lie because

Turkish F4's:
1. IFF switched on
2. Radars on
3. Communication on
4. Climbed 20000 feet before aproaching Syria

so even the stupidist radar operator could see and recognise it.
If they are not referring Israeli jets as komşu (Neighbor, in Turkish), it is just another lie.

Although many of the Syrian lies has been exposed, there are people that still believing these idiots...
that is why to remove the all speculation better to recover the complete plane and do a neutral investigation
syrian ministers at work
syria thinks she is just twisting turkey around her little finger; they did deliberately shoot down the plane in order to humiliate turkey;and now they are trying to mollify turkey.

i am not angry with them(syrian tyrant) in this case( except for the demise of the pilots who are our precious ones); i am still angry with the turkish government that has draged us into this situation with a tyrant of a very weak country; to write a book and having a mustache should not qualify any one to be appointed as the fm of turkey; zero problem start to become zero credibility for a very old and big country and nation... we have to replace that Mr. Zero problemoğlu.

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