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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Again, you are not correct.

Chimpanzees murder for land


Humans just have more developed brain, so they can invent much worse atrocities.

Just like alawi sectarian regime who kill for land and power.
Good example are these shabiha thugs, I really can not understand how these people endured so big pain, I hope they are alive.

@Arabian Stallion

LMFAO that vid is hilarious :rofl:
LMFAO, 100X. Sure, there shouldn't be war in Syria, people should accept to be under hand of minortiy alawi sect, who makes 10 % of population, and accept all atrocities they did to them more than 50 years.

I really can not understand people like this.

There is no Syrians killing one another, there is only alawi regime/ russia/ Iranian merceanries killing Syrian people.
I fully understand your Point of view and your logic. should the same be applied to Bahrain as well? hmm?
I fully understand your Point of view and your logic. should the same be applied to Bahrain as well? hmm?

What an absurd and silly comparison. Spoken like a true ignorant in regards to internal Arab affairs, I am afraid. I mean no offense whatsoever by this but such comments really drag the level down here on PDF. It is low enough as it is.

No sane person would compare Al-Assad's dynasty (father and son so far) track-record in Syria with Al-Khalifa's in Bahrain. It's like comparing Stalin with Singapore's late president Lee Kuan Yew. Google him if the name does not ring any bells.

The Al-Khalifa dynasty have never massacred Shias in Bahrain (who number around 60% of the population and not barely 10% as the Alawis in Syria) and so far less than 100 people have perished during the "Arab Spring" in Bahrain. In 5 years time. Many of them local security (police), among them ironically Pakistanis.
The Al-Assad regime has killed more people in the span of seconds during their daily barrel bombing campaigns. A preposterous comparison. Granted Bahrain is not the UK but it ranks and ranked way above Syria on democracy indexes, HDI, living standards, political freedom etc. BEFORE the Syrian Civil War and obviously continues to do so today. Nor have the Al-Khalifa's even destroyed a single neighborhood in Bahrain in order to stay in power. Wish we could say the same about the Al-Assad regime. If so Syria would be a million times better of today.
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What an absurd and silly comparison. Spoken like a true ignorant in regards to internal Arab affairs, I am afraid. I mean no offense whatsoever by this but such comments really drag the level down here on PDF. It is low enough as it is.
yet again I fully understand you my dear
.. we have two yardsticks for such arguments. if it doesn't suit us we change and make another one.
understandable completely
yet again I fully understand you my dear
.. we have two yardsticks for such arguments. if it doesn't suit us we change and make another one.
understandable completely

I don't understand what you are trying to say by your comment. However I will ask you and any other user here to counter what I wrote in post 16017 by facts, because I am afraid that I solely stated the nature of the ground realties, whether this suits certain people or not. That I can do nothing about, however out of pure curiosity I would like you to argue against my purely factual points. Once again I mean no offense but on forums, when people make comments of such nature, one exposes oneself to possible counterclaims, especially if the comments make little sense.

Ok, no serious counter arguments. I thought so. I am used to that.
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yet again I fully understand you my dear
.. we have two yardsticks for such arguments. if it doesn't suit us we change and make another one.
understandable completely

al-hasani always brings up "arab internal affairs" response but ignores his king tried to bring pakistani soldiers to yemen. Ignores his king happily allows USA to be an "honest" broker when it come to the issue of Palestine and Israel.

The Ahrar sham commander Abdo al-Hajj and two of his henchmen assassinated by IED
al-hasani always brings up "arab internal affairs" response but ignores his king tried to bring pakistani soldiers to yemen. Ignores his king happily allows USA to be an "honest" broker when it come to the issue of Palestine and Israel.

The Ahrar sham commander Abdo al-Hajj and two of his henchmen assassinated by IED
we are ignorant since we are not Arabs. the issue in the middle east is that some are lesser Muslims than others. its all about correct or incorrect sect and the rules change according to who they love or hate.

but hey this blood lust is something prehistoric which even Muhammad PBUH couldn't change. its their internal matter to spill the blood of their own kind for centuries. justifications will depend who you ask.

just imagine that they have managed to kill more of each other in the last decade than whatever the Israelis did to Palestinians for half a century.

Of all animals, only humans kill each other not for food. Keep that in mind.
but then again. the human like animals trained against Syria have made videos of them cannibalising Syrian soldiers.
so there are exceptions .. utter hatred changes such rules
al-hasani always brings up "arab internal affairs" response but ignores his king tried to bring pakistani soldiers to yemen. Ignores his king happily allows USA to be an "honest" broker when it come to the issue of Palestine and Israel.

The Ahrar sham commander Abdo al-Hajj and two of his henchmen assassinated by IED

What are you blabbering about and why are you talking about apples and oranges?

I wrote, as you can see if you open your eyes, that he sounded like an ignorant of Arab affairs by making such a comment and such an absurd comparison. I argued why that is, based purely on factual information, for all to see which neither you, him nor anyone else has countered since then. Of course the reasons for that are simple. I am right.

I personally never wanted a sporadic number of Pakistani soldiers to assist KSA and the Arab coalition in Yemen and I have always argued that. Nor has this topic anything to do (remotely) with Irfan's comment (the one I reacted to) being of a highly ignorant/incorrect nature.

Likewise your blabbering about Palestine and Israel out of nowhere. US (the foremost power) does not need to consult with KSA at all when it deals with Israel or Palestine. Just like they do not have to consult with Pakistan whenever they bomb targets in Pakistan against the will of the Pakistani government and people.

Try harder with your idiotic, as usual, one-liners and your obsession about my person that you share with the two other clowns here. Grow up and act your age (you are older than me).

we are ignorant since we are not Arabs. the issue in the middle east is that some are lesser Muslims than others. its all about correct or incorrect sect and the rules change according to who they love or hate.

but hey this blood lust is something prehistoric which even Muhammad PBUH couldn't change. its their internal matter to spill the blood of their own kind for centuries. justifications will depend who you ask.

just imagine that they have managed to kill more of each other in the last decade than whatever the Israelis did to Palestinians for half a century.

What a mature post by a moderator. I seriously expected more from you. Especially as you are in no position to write what you did given your background and your region's history. Instead of blabbering you should argue against my initial factual post. You failed at doing that. Nothing more was asked. Should be a simple task if I am wrong. After all it were you and not me who made your claim. Never mind that's PDF so let us leave it at that. Any informed reader should be able to read the content.
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LMFAO, 100X. Sure, there shouldn't be war in Syria, people should accept to be under hand of minortiy alawi sect, who makes 10 % of population, and accept all atrocities they did to them more than 50 years.

I really can not understand people like this.

There is no Syrians killing one another, there is only alawi regime/ russia/ Iranian merceanries killing Syrian people.
Just because a "minority" rules over a "majority" in Syria doesn't mean that violence against the government/state is justified, nor does it mean that violence against the Alawite minority is justified either. Going by your logic (or lack thereof), I guess it's perfectly alright for the Shia majority in Bahrain to start a violent war against the ruling Sunni minority. :girl_wacko:

Violence was never supposed to be the solution. All it did was lead to the destruction of the Syrian state.

Syria will most likely never go back to how it used to be, thanks to all this needless violence.

And yes, Syrians are killing one another as we speak. In fact, there's a lot of fighting even between the various Syrian opposition groups.

LMFAO, first of all FSA is not using anyone as cannon fodder, and all people who came to fight for Syrian people against criminal regime are voulonteers.

But you can not even compare them becouse, Syrian regime now represent only 10 % of alawis, and Syrian criminal regime is targeting and attacking civilians, while FSA is fighting for freedom and majority of Syrian people.

Can you comapre "cannon fodder" of nazis in WW2 and people who fight to destroy nazis on side of allies UK/USA/FRANCE ??????????????????????????????????

I mean LMFAO,LMAO,LOL, ahahahahahha man.

Sure, that genocide entity support ISIS, ISIS BREAK AND SLOW DOWN REVOLUTION ON 2 PART.

Do you think that without their help that ISIS would survive in south, under constant attacks of FSA ?????


View attachment 308931

Is ti better for zionist who occupied golan heights, actually whole Palestine, but golan heights are not recognized as shit-srael border but as Syrian border, to have minority sect you can control or true Syrian government who represent Syrian people ??????
The Uzbeks and Uighurs who are literally dying in droves on behalf of the FSA are definitely cannon fodder. There's no other way to describe them.

Both sides are using foreign mercenaries, so neither side is completely innocent.

It's really sad how biased a lot of you are. The truth is, Syria's finished, and many Syrians have only themselves to blame for that.
Just because a "minority" rules over a "majority" in Syria doesn't mean that violence against the government/state is justified, nor does it mean that violence against the Alawite minority is justified either. Going by your logic (or lack thereof), I guess it's perfectly alright for the Shia majority in Bahrain to start a violent war against the ruling Sunni minority. :girl_wacko:

Violence was never supposed to be the solution. All it did was lead to the destruction of the Syrian state.

Syria will most likely never go back to how it used to be, thanks to all this needless violence.

And yes, Syrians are killing one another as we speak. In fact, there's a lot of fighting even between the various Syrian opposition groups.

The Uzbeks and Uighurs who are literally dying in droves on behalf of the FSA are definitely cannon fodder. There's no other way to describe them.

Both sides are using foreign mercenaries, so neither side is completely innocent.

It's really sad how biased a lot of you are. The truth is, Syria's finished, and many Syrians have only themselves to blame for that.

If the Bahraini regime had clamped down on the protestors with the same ferocity as the Al-Assad regime did, I would personally at least, not blame them for taking up arms to a much greater extend. Overall I find it senseless, even idiotic, to compare Syria with Bahrain for various obvious reasons. The only things they have in common is that both countries are Arab, both ruled by undemocratic regimes, both facing problems in the aftermath of the "Arab Spring" and both regimes being a minority, however this is much less obvious in Bahrain and can even be questioned nowadays. I would personally be very surprised if the native Shia's formed more than 60% of the Bahraini population rather than the often cited 70%. In fact it would not surprise me if it was rather 55/45.

Likewise if for instance the House of Saud started to carpet bomb much of KSA due to internal protests I would not be against the people taking up arms to defend themselves. Similarly people in for instance France would do the same thing.

However you are very correct in saying that the situation should never have developed as it did. A lot of the blame has to be put on the international community, regional countries in particular, aside from Syrians themselves. However I fully sympathize and understand why a very large segment of the Syrian population saw no other option than to resist Bashar's rule.

Here I have to disagree and agree with @500 's prior post. Uzbeks have ventured into Syria (in this case their motives are irrelevant) on their own. The Uzbek regime nor any other regime or group has forced them to do such a thing. They have ventured into Syria completely out of their free will. Similarly to how people from the West have gone to Syria to fight with various terrorist groups, the Syrian opposition, Kurds etc. Lastly Uzbeks are not cannon fodder nor any other foreigners as no nationalities are "discriminated" against. Not only is it contrary to the ideology of groups such as ISIS, Al-Nusra etc. but it would be like shooting yourself in the foot as they in many ways depend on foreigners. So discriminating against non-locals, non-Arabs, Brown, White, Black etc. would be pointless.

Meanwhile the situation of Hazaras is entirely different and clear for everyone. Hazaras, aside from being treated like dirt in Iran and having hardly any basic rights, are actively advised and often outright forced to go to Syria on empty promises. The Iranian regime obviously prefers that foreigners die in their wars rather than locals although private Iranians have gone to Syria as well. So herein lies the big difference IMO.

Cannon fodder, speaking about this subject, is more than anything the numerous Syrian Sunni Arab soldiers in SAA who have been forcefully drafted into service.

Iraq went through something similar between 2003-2011 and this erupted again from 2013 until today, but it appears that things are moving in the right direction. Once either side wins in Syria this will happen too, I suspect. The problem is that so many powers and regional countries (with different interests) are engulfed in the Syrian mess. Of course the civilians suffer the most.

Anyway time for the NBA finals.:D
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LOL again. Why Syrian TV does not show that captured Israeli general?

Anyway, here is the short history of how Syria was destroyed.

- In 2011 people start protesting against corrupt dictator regime.
- Assad retaliated by shooting arresting and torturing protestors.
- Syrian soldiers who refused to shoot protestors began to defect in masses, they formed FSA and Assad regime started to fall apart as domino.
- Then Assad began to receive massive aid from Russia and Iran. First it was money, weapons and advisors. Later thousands of mercenary sectarian thugs. He started employ barrel bomb, scorched earth policies. Rebels got nothing. In order to obtain some minor aid they were forced to split into million mostly Islamist fractions, which led to inflight between the rebels and forming of ISIS.

Thats how we got a stalemate in Syria. Assad cant win because he has no people support. Rebels cant win because they are split, have very little weapons, while Assad gets swarms of weapons and mercenaries.

denial is the best form of defence mechanism
13. Israel has supported the ISIL and Al Nusrah brigades out of the Golan Heights.

Jihadist fighters have met Israeli IDF officers as well as Prime Minister Netanyahu. The IDF top brass tacitly acknowledges that “global jihad elements inside Syria” [ISIL and Al Nusrah] are supported by Israel. See image below:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon next to a wounded mercenary, Israeli military field hospital at the occupied Golan Heights’ border with Syria, 18 February 2014″


their ideology is the same. So neck-beards who fight along al nusra are going to bring freedom :laughcry: . You support al-Nusra Calling me farsi just because i oppose your wahhabi horde who are nothing but zionist puppets doesnt make you look smart, makes you look like this idiot
Except you are a Farsi.
And I never said Nusra would bring freedom.
If you think their ideology is the same, you're clearly delusional.

True, Any civilian who still remains in aleppo/idlib is a terrorist sympathiser & a target for airstrikes.
Anyone who supports Modi is a terrorist sympathizer and should is a target.
Does that sound good to you? :)
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