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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Except you are a Farsi.
And I never said Nusra would bring freedom.
If you think their ideology is the same, you're clearly delusional.

Anyone who supports Modi is a terrorist sympathizer and should is a target.
Does that sound good to you? :)

As expected you can't counter and stick to name calling and state facts to prove Al nusra are different from their brothers in arms, your "moderates". You support al nusra. Do I support Modi the same one that UAE gave a platform to make political jibes at Pakistan or the same one the saudi king honoured with highest civilian honour http://indianexpress.com/article/in...i-arabia-king-abdulaziz-sash-civilian-honour/
Again youre making yourself look bad wahhabi or maybe you want to emulate that brain-dead saudi in the video then maybe your rebels paymaster will accept syrian refugees. That video proved how idiot your kind are. Im gonna call you saudi from now on :cheesy: im sure you wouldnt mind since treason, selling identity and being used permeates arab history

What are you blabbering about and why are you talking about apples and oranges?

I wrote, as you can see if you open your eyes, that he sounded like an ignorant of Arab affairs by making such a comment and such an absurd comparison. I argued why that is, based purely on factual information, for all to see which neither you, him nor anyone else has countered since then. Of course the reasons for that are simple. I am right.

I personally never wanted a sporadic number of Pakistani soldiers to assist KSA and the Arab coalition in Yemen and I have always argued that. Nor has this topic anything to do (remotely) with Irfan's comment (the one I reacted to) being of a highly ignorant/incorrect nature.

Likewise your blabbering about Palestine and Israel out of nowhere. US (the foremost power) does not need to consult with KSA at all when it deals with Israel or Palestine. Just like they do not have to consult with Pakistan whenever they bomb targets in Pakistan against the will of the Pakistani government and people.

Try harder with your idiotic, as usual, one-liners and your obsession about my person that you share with the two other clowns here. Grow up and act your age (you are older than me).

What a mature post by a moderator. I seriously expected more from you. Especially as you are in no position to write what you did given your background and your region's history. Instead of blabbering you should argue against my initial factual post. You failed at doing that. Nothing more was asked. Should be a simple task if I am wrong. After all it were you and not me who made your claim. Never mind that's PDF so let us leave it at that. Any informed reader should be able to read the content.

why are foaming at the mouth? Youre creating your stipulations for own definitions as you go along. For example your PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES are irrelevent in "internal arab affairs", your money smuggling king tried to bring Pakistan into "internal arab affair" when it came to Yemen. Yes or No? Furthermore i called you out when you were boasting that sudanese and cameroon will risk their lives instead of saudi. Your kings brought in america when iraqi feet were going to march upon your royals. Shouldn't Russia and China be equally involved in the Palestine-Israel peace then why is only America full of zionist lobbies trying to bring peace in this arab only and Israeli dispute are your kings that pathetic or they do not care?
You will see whatever you wish to see, whatever i will say will not sound good to you.

If you think Al-nusra/Ahrar al sham represent your opposition then I repeat myself again.

I said them terrorist sympathizer because they are staying in warzone & then complaining they are being bombed.
If they are really civilians & don't want war,why don't they move away from warzone?

& Don't worry about Modi & his supporters as long as "Indian Armed Forces" are there to protect them no one can touch them,let alone target them.

Please inform me if you comeback,I would like to answer to you. It seems to me that you went a bit far & mods didn't like it.
So you're telling me Modi, who incited and encouraged riots and lynching of Muslims isn't a terrorist, but Ahrar al Sham are terrorists for fighting a dictator? Alrighty.

As expected you can't counter and stick to name calling and state facts to prove Al nusra are different from their brothers in arms, your "moderates". You support al nusra. Do I support Modi the same one that UAE gave a platform to make political jibes at Pakistan or the same one the saudi king honoured with highest civilian honour http://indianexpress.com/article/in...i-arabia-king-abdulaziz-sash-civilian-honour/
Again youre making yourself look bad wahhabi or maybe you want to emulate that brain-dead saudi in the video then maybe your rebels paymaster will accept syrian refugees. That video proved how idiot your kind are. Im gonna call you saudi from now on :cheesy: im sure you wouldnt mind since treason, selling identity and being used permeates arab history
The Modi statement wasn't even referring to you. Shows how much intelligence you have.
You see, unlike you, my arguments stand without fallacies. Yours don't.
Nusra and Ahrar are separate. PMUs, Iran, Hezbollah are one and the same. Nusra and YPG are closer together in terms of actions than Nusra and Ahrar.
YPG and Nusra are both Syrian branches of foreign terrorist organizations
YPG and Nusra both are sectarian and displace people based on ethnicity
YPG and Nusra both hurt the revolution in many ways
Ahrar didn't do any of the top 3.
On the other hand, while you're worshiping Khomenei there in your little corner, shiite stooges massacre Sunnis, and yet *we're* called the terrorists.
So you're telling me Modi, who incited and encouraged riots and lynching of Muslims isn't a terrorist, but Ahrar al Sham are terrorists for fighting a dictator? Alrighty.

The Modi statement wasn't even referring to you. Shows how much intelligence you have.
You see, unlike you, my arguments stand without fallacies. Yours don't.
Nusra and Ahrar are separate. PMUs, Iran, Hezbollah are one and the same. Nusra and YPG are closer together in terms of actions than Nusra and Ahrar.
YPG and Nusra are both Syrian branches of foreign terrorist organizations
YPG and Nusra both are sectarian and displace people based on ethnicity
YPG and Nusra both hurt the revolution in many ways
Ahrar didn't do any of the top 3.
On the other hand, while you're worshiping Khomenei there in your little corner, shiite stooges massacre Sunnis, and yet *we're* called the terrorists.

the "human butcher" that keep telling us how cruel the "slaughter victim" act toward them

apply that "human butcher" on assad & the gang

apply that "slaughter victim" on fsa & the gang

how funny...........
Amazing how Daesh just retreats while fighting with SDF, and it fights to the last man standing and uses tens of suicide bombers while fighting SAA and allies. I don't remember any daesh suicide truck in past week trying to target SDF, while it sent at least 20 suicide bombers during battle of Palmyra.

View attachment 309064

The Jihadi Israeli poster thinks that SAA & ISIS are best buddies, so maybe those 20 suicide bombers were welcome bombs?

Good you finally got it. :enjoy:

The documentary below turned rebels for me == Terrorist.
See their good teachings & upcoming Syrian future (If somehow they manage to win.)

P.S. Nobody gives a damn about what anyone say,Modi Receives Red carpet welcome anywhere he go,Not like your so called "rebels" who is getting bombed & crying.
The Jihadi Israeli poster thinks that SAA & ISIS are best buddies, so maybe those 20 suicide bombers were welcome bombs?
I said that SAA and ISIS are two sides of same shitty Baath coin. The only difference is that Iraqi Baath aka ISIS does not starve kids.


I will write here little bit on casualties in Syrian war.

Here UN data:

2 January 2013 - 60,000 killed
13 June 2013 - 92,901 killed
20 August 2014 - 191,369 killed


~6.1 thousands killed per month in first half of 2013
~7 thousands killed per month in second half of 2013 and first half of 2014

Since 20 August 2014 have passed 21.5 months. That means were killed another 150 thousands people or ~340 thousands total killed.

But UN report on 20 August 2014 did not count 52,000 reported killings which they could not find enough information. That means 340 thousand killed is actually a very moderate minimal estimate. Actual number can be 25-30% higher or 430,000. Thats why 400 thousand killed estimate by UN envoy Mistura in April 2016 seems very legit.

Concerning Assad soldier casualties. Until 2012 casualties were very low. It was basically slaughter of protesters. Then casualties started growing gradually. 11.5 per day in April, 12.5 per day in May, 23.6 per day in June (all per SANA with names). In July number of killed grew to 50 per day (Russian TV report). In August 2012 total number of regime solders deaths was 8K. Considering 50 per day since then we get about 80 K killed regime troops.

Since battles in Syria are more or less even, we get about same rate or killed rebels, maybe slightly more.

400 K total killed
80 K Assad soldiers
100 K rebels
240 K civilians

Virtually all civilians were slaughtered by Assad in his daily crazy bombings. Rebels massacred several hundred Alawi civilians + several thousands by shelling. 10 K total at most.

Conclusion: Assad killed over 300 K total, including ~100 K rebels and ~200+ K civilians.

But thats far from everything. Poor medical conditions, hunger, ethnic cleansing all that led to huge number of indirect deaths. According to 2010 UN projection Syria population would reach 22.6 million by the end of 2015. The actual number is 16 million + 5.3 mln refugees = 21.3 mln total. Means the demographic loss is 1.3 million people.
So you're telling me Modi, who incited and encouraged riots and lynching of Muslims isn't a terrorist, but Ahrar al Sham are terrorists for fighting a dictator? Alrighty.

The Modi statement wasn't even referring to you. Shows how much intelligence you have.
You see, unlike you, my arguments stand without fallacies. Yours don't.
Nusra and Ahrar are separate. PMUs, Iran, Hezbollah are one and the same. Nusra and YPG are closer together in terms of actions than Nusra and Ahrar.
YPG and Nusra are both Syrian branches of foreign terrorist organizations
YPG and Nusra both are sectarian and displace people based on ethnicity
YPG and Nusra both hurt the revolution in many ways
Ahrar didn't do any of the top 3.
On the other hand, while you're worshiping Khomenei there in your little corner, shiite stooges massacre Sunnis, and yet *we're* called the terrorists.

saudi idiot, read what your previous post "who ever support Modi is a terrorist" the saudi king gave him the highest civilian honour now rub your salafi brain cells what does that say abut the saudi king who doesnt accept syrian refugees. And here you are trying to say "ah, geez I wasn't calling you a Modi supporter" response.

All those points you say about nusra but your ahrar are in a coalition with people you consider terrorists yourself, what does that say? Can you imagine your neck-beards fighting along communist, I sure can't, they'd fight along with their idelogical brethren Nusra.

Here your brothers giving eulogies to the fallen taliban leader http://www.longwarjournal.org/archi...mullah-omar-praise-talibans-radical-state.php

Ahrar sham is non-sectarian thats laughable ask the village al-zahra where they shell, kidnap and massacre

Nice interview and article where the individual who holds a PHD investigative journalist brands ahrar sham as sectarian


"Instead of apostatising non-Salafi Sunni Muslims, like IS does, Ahrar prefers to only apostatise Muslim “heretics” like Shias and Alawites."

Here their vision of freedom too...they believe in royal sperm like saudis another puppet monarchy in the making lol:
Aboud endorsed anything other than democracy: “The method of selecting a ruler varies in the Islamic state. There are those like today’s monarchies, for example, where the king appoints his successor, and also there are those where leaders are selected by senior nobles and wise men, and there are those consulted by citizens. All these methods are legitimate and nothing is wrong with them.”

heres their global vision too:
“We look forward to the day that we destroy with our hands Sykes-Picot’s walls which were imposed on us… We look forward and hope to see this [global Muslim] ummah as one entity again.”

You final point Nusra hurt the revolution in many ways, thats your opinion. Ahrar documented in crimes doesn't that hurt the revolution https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-re...oup-committing-war-crimes-aleppo-new-evidence. Zahran alloush stole $12 million doesnt that hurt the revolution. Rebel infighting in East ghouta which killed over 500 hundred neck-beards doesn't that hurt the revolution lmao. Answer me Yes or No.

Furthermore, I never mention mullahs nor do i give a damn about them. I support arab nationalists who are thankfully coming to fight your neck-beards or anyone that fights wahhabism. There's a reason why 500 is the spokemans for the rebels on here.
Apparently they hit a TOS-1 Buratino thermobaric rocket launcher.

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View attachment 309043

Second Kornet launch destroyed a truck with retreating Assadists.



It's not a TOS, it's a Grad actually judging by the smaller 122mm rocket

Anyway, since you being openly on the ISIS side, this is doesn't change your opinion.

The Turkish-Jewish-Saudi coalition losing ground to SAA in Raqqa province.

Less then 40km to Tabqa Air base and + another 40km to Raqqa.

The trucks with oil which is ISIS planned to sell to turks, but then RuAF happened. Near Raqqa.

It's not a TOS, it's a Grad actually judging by the smaller 122mm rocket
What does that pic proof? :lol: The difference between Grad and TOS is that Grad has 20-40 km range while TOS-1 has only 4 km range and u need to come within the range of ATMGs.

Anyway, since you being openly on the ISIS side, this is doesn't change your opinion.
Its your country armed and trained Iraqi Baath aka ISIS. My country always actively opposed it. And by the way Iraqi Baath in 1980-es committed far far far bigger crimes than today.
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