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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Its your country armed and trained Iraqi Baath aka ISIS. My country always actively opposed it. And by the way Iraqi Baath in 1980-es committed far far far bigger crimes than today.

either you have short memory or memory lapse

The Baath party was mid wived by America / CIA, by involving in Iraqi coups in 1960s and supported Saddam regime in the 1980 - 1988 Iran - Iraq war , even after knowing the Iraqi regime gassed Kurdish villages in Halabja -killing 1000ss. Then used the 1988 atrocities to invade Iraq, thus making remnants of Baath loyalist turning to IS


Picture: Donald Rumsfeld, then special US envoy, shaking hands with Saddam Hussein during a visit to Iraq in December, 1983.

US intelligence helped Saddam's Ba`ath Party seize power for the first time in 1963. Evidence suggests that Saddam was on the CIA payroll as early as 1959, when he participated in a failed assassination attempt against Iraqi strongman Abd al-Karim Qassem. In the 1980s, the US and Britain backed Saddam in the war against Iran, giving Iraq arms, money, satellite intelligence, and even chemical & bio-weapon precursors. As many as 90 US military advisors supported Iraqi forces and helped pick targets for Iraqi air and missile attacks.
either you have short memory or memory lapse

The Baath party was mid wived by America / CIA, by involving in Iraqi coups in 1960s and supported Saddam regime in the 1980 - 1988 Iran - Iraq war , even after knowing the Iraqi regime gassed Kurdish villages in Halabja -killing 1000ss. Then used the 1988 atrocities to invade Iraq, thus making remnants of Baath loyalist turning to IS


Picture: Donald Rumsfeld, then special US envoy, shaking hands with Saddam Hussein during a visit to Iraq in December, 1983.

US intelligence helped Saddam's Ba`ath Party seize power for the first time in 1963. Evidence suggests that Saddam was on the CIA payroll as early as 1959, when he participated in a failed assassination attempt against Iraqi strongman Abd al-Karim Qassem. In the 1980s, the US and Britain backed Saddam in the war against Iran, giving Iraq arms, money, satellite intelligence, and even chemical & bio-weapon precursors. As many as 90 US military advisors supported Iraqi forces and helped pick targets for Iraqi air and missile attacks.
I have a perfect memory.
He nailed you and now you talk of Al Qaida!!!!

You exposed these Baathist terrorists alright. Why is the international media and specially the western media silent about this baathist-ISIS connection?

One doesn't waste time on 500's crap, but since you are so taken in by his "logic", let me give you a counter argument.

Sweden is a socialist country, Nazi Germany was socialist (National Socialism), are they the same?

Here is a better example. North Korea's title is "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", your countries' official title is "People's Republic of Bangladesh". Are those the same?

The Iraqi system under the Saddam government was a hateful system, of which we Iranian suffered. This baath system was supported by the west & the GCC against their war with Iran. The people in this government are in ISIS, a group that is once again, playing in the hands of this same manipulators against Iranian and anti-western/anti-monarchy interests.

Baathism is like Marxism or Socialism or Theocracy or Democracy. That is, it is a political ideology that can take many different forms. The Baath System in Iraq and the Baath system in Syria did not mean they were the same government. The biggest evidence is that when Baath Iraqi fought Iran for 8 years, the only Arab country to help us was Baath Syria. So, the two political interests of these two nations were in direct conflict against each other.
One doesn't waste time on 500's crap, but since you are so taken in by his "logic", let me give you a counter argument.

Sweden is a socialist country, Nazi Germany was socialist (National Socialism), are they the same?

Here is a better example. North Korea's title is "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", your countries' official title is "People's Republic of Bangladesh". Are those the same?

The Iraqi system under the Saddam government was a hateful system, of which we Iranian suffered. This baath system was supported by the west & the GCC against their war with Iran. The people in this government are in ISIS, a group that is once again, playing in the hands of this same manipulators against Iranian and anti-western/anti-monarchy interests.

Baathism is like Marxism or Socialism or Theocracy or Democracy. That is, it is a political ideology that can take many different forms. The Baath System in Iraq and the Baath system in Syria did not mean they were the same government. The biggest evidence is that when Baath Iraqi fought Iran for 8 years, the only Arab country to help us was Baath Syria. So, the two political interests of these two nations were in direct conflict against each other.
Whats the difference between Iraqi and Syrian Baath?

- Both are brutal dictatorships.
- Both are minorities in their countries.
- Both use pan Arabic and socialist ideology.
- Both were close allies of USSR.
- Both slaughtered own population by hundreds of thousands.
- Both cleansed own population.
- Both gassed own population.

The only difference is that Syrian Baath is friend of Ayatulas and Iraqi Baath is not.

Aleppo today

Russia and Assad aim is ethnically cleanse rebel Aleppo and surroundings. These random strikes dont affect rebels only civilians.
One doesn't waste time on 500's crap, but since you are so taken in by his "logic", let me give you a counter argument.

Sweden is a socialist country, Nazi Germany was socialist (National Socialism), are they the same?

Here is a better example. North Korea's title is "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", your countries' official title is "People's Republic of Bangladesh". Are those the same?

The Iraqi system under the Saddam government was a hateful system, of which we Iranian suffered. This baath system was supported by the west & the GCC against their war with Iran. The people in this government are in ISIS, a group that is once again, playing in the hands of this same manipulators against Iranian and anti-western/anti-monarchy interests.

Baathism is like Marxism or Socialism or Theocracy or Democracy. That is, it is a political ideology that can take many different forms. The Baath System in Iraq and the Baath system in Syria did not mean they were the same government. The biggest evidence is that when Baath Iraqi fought Iran for 8 years, the only Arab country to help us was Baath Syria. So, the two political interests of these two nations were in direct conflict against each other.

We are talking about Baath members, not a country, committing terrorism in the name of Islam. The ideology of Iraqi and Syrian Baath Parties is same, they borrowed it from Stalin. This is why we see persecuting mentality in both of these disgusting parties. You seem to mind when we put them in the same pot but you don't mind putting ISIS terrorists and the FSA in the same category. So, stop your hypocrisy.
saudi idiot, read what your previous post "who ever support Modi is a terrorist" the saudi king gave him the highest civilian honour now rub your salafi brain cells what does that say abut the saudi king who doesnt accept syrian refugees. And here you are trying to say "ah, geez I wasn't calling you a Modi supporter" response.

All those points you say about nusra but your ahrar are in a coalition with people you consider terrorists yourself, what does that say? Can you imagine your neck-beards fighting along communist, I sure can't, they'd fight along with their idelogical brethren Nusra.

Here your brothers giving eulogies to the fallen taliban leader http://www.longwarjournal.org/archi...mullah-omar-praise-talibans-radical-state.php

Ahrar sham is non-sectarian thats laughable ask the village al-zahra where they shell, kidnap and massacre

Nice interview and article where the individual who holds a PHD investigative journalist brands ahrar sham as sectarian


"Instead of apostatising non-Salafi Sunni Muslims, like IS does, Ahrar prefers to only apostatise Muslim “heretics” like Shias and Alawites."

Here their vision of freedom too...they believe in royal sperm like saudis another puppet monarchy in the making lol:
Aboud endorsed anything other than democracy: “The method of selecting a ruler varies in the Islamic state. There are those like today’s monarchies, for example, where the king appoints his successor, and also there are those where leaders are selected by senior nobles and wise men, and there are those consulted by citizens. All these methods are legitimate and nothing is wrong with them.”

heres their global vision too:
“We look forward to the day that we destroy with our hands Sykes-Picot’s walls which were imposed on us… We look forward and hope to see this [global Muslim] ummah as one entity again.”

You final point Nusra hurt the revolution in many ways, thats your opinion. Ahrar documented in crimes doesn't that hurt the revolution https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-re...oup-committing-war-crimes-aleppo-new-evidence. Zahran alloush stole $12 million doesnt that hurt the revolution. Rebel infighting in East ghouta which killed over 500 hundred neck-beards doesn't that hurt the revolution lmao. Answer me Yes or No.

Furthermore, I never mention mullahs nor do i give a damn about them. I support arab nationalists who are thankfully coming to fight your neck-beards or anyone that fights wahhabism. There's a reason why 500 is the spokemans for the rebels on here.
The Modi comment was not directed at you but at @Aero. I was replying to him, not you.

Nusra's leaders are bad people. A lot of their fighters aren't.

Funny how you talk about fallen Taliban leaders when Iran has been funding the Taliban yet you still worship Iran. Fun fact for you, he was in Iran a month before his death. Go figure.

Ahrar al Sham doesn't kill or massacre people. Al Zara is under Ahrar al Sham control, no civilians were purposely killed. Even then, the fighters who posed with dead female fighters' bodies were reprimanded.

Ahrar has NOT apostatized anyone. If they have, then why aren't the massacring people in Sahl al Ghab? Fua'a? Kefarya? Unlike regime, Ahrar doesn't even shell the people whom you say they consider kafirs.

Now you can be stuck in your own little world, but most Syrians want Sharia law.

Nusra has hurt the revolution. So have Alloush's actions and the infighting in Eastern Ghouta. But I was making a point. YPG and Nusra are closer together in actions than Ahrar and Nusra. Does that mean YPG and Nusra are the same? No.

Arab nationalists are the cancer of the Arab world.

Now back to you, @Aero
I'm sure there is some world leader out there whom you hate. That same world leader is also welcomed by red carpets. Just like Modi. Being welcomed by red carpets doesn't make you a good person, especially when you incite sectarian riots and do nothing to stop them.

Here is the ultimate irony of the Middle East:
Israel, an enemy of the Syrian people, has provided Syrians in Quneitara with aid. This is on top of helping wounded fighters from all sides and civilians, as well as striking Hezbollah.
Israel has done more for the Syrian people than Assad.



Meanwhile, world powers are pussying out at the thought of doing airdrops when Israelis have free reign over all of Syrian airspace.
What a screwed up world.
The Modi comment was not directed at you but at @Aero. I was replying to him, not you.

Nusra's leaders are bad people. A lot of their fighters aren't.

Funny how you talk about fallen Taliban leaders when Iran has been funding the Taliban yet you still worship Iran. Fun fact for you, he was in Iran a month before his death. Go figure.

Ahrar al Sham doesn't kill or massacre people. Al Zara is under Ahrar al Sham control, no civilians were purposely killed. Even then, the fighters who posed with dead female fighters' bodies were reprimanded.

Ahrar has NOT apostatized anyone. If they have, then why aren't the massacring people in Sahl al Ghab? Fua'a? Kefarya? Unlike regime, Ahrar doesn't even shell the people whom you say they consider kafirs.

Now you can be stuck in your own little world, but most Syrians want Sharia law.

Nusra has hurt the revolution. So have Alloush's actions and the infighting in Eastern Ghouta. But I was making a point. YPG and Nusra are closer together in actions than Ahrar and Nusra. Does that mean YPG and Nusra are the same? No.

Arab nationalists are the cancer of the Arab world.

Now back to you, @Aero
I'm sure there is some world leader out there whom you hate. That same world leader is also welcomed by red carpets. Just like Modi. Being welcomed by red carpets doesn't make you a good person, especially when you incite sectarian riots and do nothing to stop them.

Here is the ultimate irony of the Middle East:
Israel, an enemy of the Syrian people, has provided Syrians in Quneitara with aid. This is on top of helping wounded fighters from all sides and civilians, as well as striking Hezbollah.
Israel has done more for the Syrian people than Assad.



Meanwhile, world powers are pussying out at the thought of doing airdrops when Israelis have free reign over all of Syrian airspace.
What a screwed up world.
You are right man when I saw the video of ahrar al sham I got really impressed nusra may harm the revolution but ahrar al sham will not
I am also replying to some of your comments not directed towards me.

>> World powers are pussying out at the thought of doing airdrops when Israelis have free reign over all of Syrian airspace.

World powers actually don't want to help syrian people. The whatever help they do on camera is "just to show" & mould opinion about themselves..

>>"Israel, an enemy of the Syrian people, has provided Syrians in Quneitara with aid. This is on top of helping wounded fighters from all sides and civilians, as well as striking Hezbollah.
Israel has done more for the Syrian people than Assad."

Israel helps because they have legitimate interest in this war & They are not enemy of syrian people but of syrian policies. By striking terror groups they are helping the humanity not just syria.

>>"Nusra's leaders are bad people. A lot of their fighters aren't."
Fighters don't take decisions but leaders do & their leaders you already know...

>>"If they have, then why aren't the massacring people in Sahl al Ghab? Fua'a? "
Maybe in Fua'a people was shelling themselves 2 days ago

>>Now you can be stuck in your own little world, but most Syrians want Sharia law.
Why so?

>>Arab nationalists are the cancer of the Arab world.

>>I'm sure there is some world leader out there whom you hate.

>>"What a screwed up world."
It is just real face of world.

YPG captures Amyal hill,Qatma, Aleppo manbij highway.
While Assad and Putin attack neighborhoods and hospitals in Aleppo like crazy, Jaush al Fatah armor freely advance in open areas of South Aleppo:

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