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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The Turks must be fuming lawl:


Border crossing between Iraqi Kurdistan and Syrian Kurdistan has been reopened:

Turkey's stooges lost ground to ISIS yet again:

1. Syria: France Building Military Base In Kurdish-Controlled Area


2. US welcomes opening of border between Rojava and Iraqi Kurdistan


Let the butthurt commence! :victory:

The interesting part is that Turkey has fostered and helped build the Iraqi Kurdistan part. Their President, Masoud Barzani, is supposed to be in good terms with Erdogan.

But now what would happen? With Barzani be in conflict with the Syrian Kurds, or will he become more and more confident, and start being less accommodating to Turkey? Turkey has paved the way for this, and now they will have a stronger Kurdistan covering to countries bordering them, and next comes Kurdish lands in Turkey (which, of course, will give western powers easy opportunity to cause trouble in Iran Kurdistan areas).

Unfortunately for Turkey, they need to wakeup and realize that they need to help their neighbors to help themselves. Turkey needs to swallow their pride and be on Syrian & Iraqi government's side, help them maintain their territories and prevent autonomy for the Kurds. Otherwise, down the road, they are screwed.
The interesting part is that Turkey has fostered and helped build the Iraqi Kurdistan part. Their President, Masoud Barzani, is supposed to be in good terms with Erdogan.

But now what would happen? With Barzani be in conflict with the Syrian Kurds, or will he become more and more confident, and start being less accommodating to Turkey? Turkey has paved the way for this, and now they will have a stronger Kurdistan covering to countries bordering them, and next comes Kurdish lands in Turkey (which, of course, will give western powers easy opportunity to cause trouble in Iran Kurdistan areas).

Unfortunately for Turkey, they need to wakeup and realize that they need to help their neighbors to help themselves. Turkey needs to swallow their pride and be on Syrian & Iraqi government's side, help them maintain their territories and prevent autonomy for the Kurds. Otherwise, down the road, they are screwed.
Don't forget that Turkey initially opposed Kurdish autonomy in Iraq as well. In fact, back in the 1990s, Turkey was strongly against the establishment of a Kurdish autonomous region in northern Iraq, but the Turks had no choice but to accept Iraqi Kurdistan because that's what their masters (i.e. the Americans/Israelis/Westerners) wanted.

The same process is repeating itself in Syria today.

Erdogan and his cronies are barking all over the place about the establishment of a Kurdish autonomous region in northern Syria, but there's very little they can do to stop it from happening if the US/West wants Syrian Kurdistan to emerge.

The Turks should focus on granting more rights to their own Kurdish minority instead of wasting their time trying to stop the other Kurds of the region from achieving autonomy/independence/statehood. Only the Americans have the power to decide whether or not the Syrian Kurds can emerge. Turkey can't do anything without America's consent, which is precisely why the Turks will never "swallow their pride" and make peace with the Syrian government.
Are these women Kurds or Arabs?

It's old, dates back to Ayn-al-Arab. Anyway, head scarves is part of Islamic religion, as well as Jewish religion. Of course the internet attracts the weirdest people among the Abrahamic religions, that are in denial, and only use their religion to spread hatred towards other people. It's so lame and low.

It just shows religion is used to amass more territory, influence and wealth. They know it's man made, but it's good use to claim all these lands are 'Jewish', 'Christian' or 'Islamic'. The good hearted people will leave these religions. The pricks will still identify for those purposes mentioned above. So you have to deal with tons of morons like that online, especially on this forum.

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