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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)




They're withholding food from people in Fallujah as well as kids unless they join IS. News says that now 90K children are left in the city, with the article bellow you can figure out how they can get many of them to join.


Battle for Fallujah: Isis fighters use food to lure starving civilians to enlist
Fairy tales. There is no any evidence of starvation in ISIS areas unless they are encircled by Assadists.

Meanwhile Assad terrorists also bombed Maarat an Numan.


Both Idlib and Maarat Numan are very far from frontlines. Its pure terror for sake of terror.
Fairy tales. There is no any evidence of starvation in ISIS areas unless they are encircled by Assadists.

Meanwhile Assad terrorists also bombed Maarat an Numan.


Both Idlib and Maarat Numan are very far from frontlines. Its pure terror for sake of terror.

Why am I not surprised. Every time you don't like a source or that source proves you wrong you ignor it. As for Isis starving civilians. You're right they are angels, they would never starve civilians, they just burn people alive, crush them with tanks, throw them in acid, drag them behind cars, ect.

As for all of those "market bombings" funny how Iraq also gets hit with them, has been for many years mostly due to suicide bombers but it's always easy to point fingers at "Assadists".
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Why am I not surprised. Every time you don't like a source or that source proves you wrong you ignor it. As for Isis starving civilians. You're right they are angels, they would never starve civilians,
Ive seen plenty of civilians starved by Assad, none starved by ISIS.

You're right they are angels,
I never said they are angels, on contrary. They are scum like Assad. In scum index if Assad is 3765, ISIS will be 3761.

they just burn people alive, crush them with tanks, throw them in acid, drag them behind cars, ect.
Assadists do all this in much bigger numbers.

As for all of those "market bombings" funny how Iraq also gets hit with them, has been for many years mostly due to suicide bombers but it's always easy to point fingers at "Assadists".
When market is blown in Iraq its called terror. Here market is bombed by Assad its same exactly terror.
Hello, all al-Qaeda and ISIS fanboys. Hard times are awaiting you aboard as your nonsense will be barrel bombed by now!

Assad terrorists again bombed market in Idlib, killing 35:



The only difference between Assad and ISIS is that ISIS does not starve kids.

According to Hezbollah propagandist Elijah Magnier, there are 15,000 Hezbies in Syria. 1,400 killed and 8000 wounded.

It is quite amazing how they manage to create more propaganda material each day. Millions of refugees have fled the war zones - still al-Qaeda claims there are civilians en masse. Very funny how the guys on your both pictures are almost all of the same age. I think they are al-Qaeda terrorists. Do you like al-Qaeda? Do you want them to create their caliphate next to Israel?
None randomly bombs civilian areas.



As usual you will deny it even happen or you will somehow justify it.


Quick post that redicolous picture that you always posted of civilians 'calmly' watching Israel level neighborhoods into rubble.

Moreover, it's funny how every time civilians are killed in Syria you are quick to blame the "Assadists" and Russians yet you know very well that the FSA and other terrorist organizations fire heavy mortars, MLRSs and use IEDs as well as suicide bombers against civilians but hey, it's easier just to blame everything on Syrian and Russian forces.

Iraq has been plagued by market bombings for years, thank god Russia does not fly over over Iraq because people like you and the western press would blame Russia for those bombings.


As usual you will deny it even happen or you will somehow justify it.

View attachment 310093

Quick post that redicolous picture that you always posted of civilians 'calmly' watching Israel level neighborhoods into rubble.

Moreover, it's funny how every time civilians are killed in Syria you are quick to blame the "Assadists" and Russians yet you know very well that the FSA and other terrorist organizations fire heavy mortars, MLRSs and use IEDs as well as suicide bombers against civilians but hey, it's easier just to blame everything on Syrian and Russian forces.

Iraq has been plagued by market bombings for years, thank god Russia does not fly over over Iraq because people like you and the western press would blame Russia for those bombings.
There were no any random bombings. Israel targeted specific buildings after prior warning with very precise bombs:


In Gaza Israel went even further:

First phone call warning. Then small warning missile. Then hit.

In case of rocket attacks from populated areas situation was complicated and Israel forced to react quick. Ditto during urban battles:


Still no any random bombs.

Assad on the other hand randomly drops bombs deep behind the frontlines. Just to punish and terrorize people.

Thats why we have 400 K killed, over 1 million people demographic loss, over 10 million refugees just in 5 years.
Last night Zanki repelled 2378th regime attack on Mallah farms (I lost count how many times the attacked there). Funny yet some claim there is all Nusra (and Ahrar).

Note north Aleppo area is most crazy bombed by Russians in past month.
Last night Zanki repelled 2378th regime attack on Mallah farms (I lost count how many times the attacked there). Funny yet some claim there is all Nusra (and Ahrar).

Note north Aleppo area is most crazy bombed by Russians in past month.
So they aren´t Islamist terrorists because there are hundreds of groups and they all fight together and shell civilians?

rt com /news/345457-syria-terrorists-aleppo-nusra/

sana sy /en/?p=77063

SDF declares neutrality with Syrian government:

almasdarnews com /article/us-backed-rebels-declare-neutrality-syrian-arab-army/
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