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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

While Assad and Putin attack neighborhoods and hospitals in Aleppo like crazy, Jaush al Fatah armor freely advance in open areas of South Aleppo:


The level of incompetence by the SAA is simply astonishing. I really hoped that they would learn something after 5 years of a terrible meat grind, but they still refuse to learn anything. Even after the insertion of Russian Advisers, IRGC and seasoned Hezbollah fighters, the tactics and strategic planning of the SAA is of utter incompetence.


Sir, are you following this?
The level of incompetence by the SAA is simply astonishing. I really hoped that they would learn something after 5 years of a terrible meat grind, but they still refuse to learn anything. Even after the insertion of Russian Advisers, IRGC and seasoned Hezbollah fighters, the tactics and strategic planning of the SAA is of utter incompetence.
After losing El Eis (1 April), Khan Touman and Khalidia (5 May), Maaratan, Kalajiya, Humeyra (3 June). Assadists lose today (9 June) Qarasi and probably Huwayz.


Thats despipe insane bombings and that S. Aleppo are open plans with almost no trees and few hills.
Thats despipe insane bombings and that S. Aleppo are open plans with almost no trees and few hills.

You can have all the firepower in the world, but its useless if you don't have competent and well trained men to operate them.
You can have all the firepower in the world, but its useless if you don't have competent and well trained men to operate them.

Yup following. And avoiding commenting. Just called out a first line of offence Abu Zolfiqar for half assed comments and he marked me negative for rebutting his every nonsensical post .. so before I get in a grid to start at it again have decided to read .. lol

no use getting into red over idiocy!!! not here to teach .. but learn thanks for the tag

But strangely, I have always somehow found it weird that Arab armies invariably have screwed up operations ... I mean without exception! You look at Syria - historically useless, Egypt - same, Libya - lol, Iraq - lol, Iran - I may say lol, Saudis made a mess of themselves in Yemen along with UAE ..... I somehow sense a lack of professionalism, but that is my own perspective here ...

The present mess in Syria - it is going to be a long drawn out stalemate like Libya, Egypt may head in the same direction, Yemen already in that route .... next Bahrain?

@notorious_eagle But there is something to gloat over here .. we both had been ridiculed for predicting this state ... remember?
The level of incompetence by the SAA is simply astonishing. I really hoped that they would learn something after 5 years of a terrible meat grind, but they still refuse to learn anything. Even after the insertion of Russian Advisers, IRGC and seasoned Hezbollah fighters, the tactics and strategic planning of the SAA is of utter incompetence.


Sir, are you following this?
They're incompetent because, frankly speaking, they have no idea what they're fighting for.

The Syrian Kurds are fighting for greater Kurdish rights and Kurdish autonomy/independence/statehood.

The Sunni fanatics are fighting for their twisted interpretation of Islam, which they strongly believe in, regardless of whether or not it's legitimate or moral.

The same goes for the Shia fanatics.

Meanwhile, the SAA fighters have no idea what they're supposed to be fighting for. Are they fighting for democracy? Hell no. Are they fighting for secularism? Not really, since secularism was never considered a pillar of Syrian identity. Are they fighting for Syria? That's doubtful, since Syria doesn't really exist anymore.

It's sad when you think about it because the gradual death of the Syrian army will further legitimize the sectarian militias and help accelerate the country's breakup along ethnic and sectarian lines.
Yup following. And avoiding commenting. Just called out a first line of offence Abu Zolfiqar for half assed comments and he marked me negative for rebutting his every nonsensical post .. so before I get in a grid to start at it again have decided to read .. lol

no use getting into red over idiocy!!! not here to teach .. but learn thanks for the tag

But strangely, I have always somehow found it weird that Arab armies invariably have screwed up operations ... I mean without exception! You look at Syria - historically useless, Egypt - same, Libya - lol, Iraq - lol, Iran - I may say lol, Saudis made a mess of themselves in Yemen along with UAE ..... I somehow sense a lack of professionalism, but that is my own perspective here ...

The present mess in Syria - it is going to be a long drawn out stalemate like Libya, Egypt may head in the same direction, Yemen already in that route .... next Bahrain?

Indeed. I believe its due to patronage and the concept of filling all the senior ranks with your favorite lackeys. When merit and discipline is compromised, its obvious that the institution will fall apart. The reason why ISIL was able to achieve such resounding success in 2014 was due to a trained Officer Core(mostly Saddam's ex Officers) and the Iraqi Army suffered such heavy losses because of a rotten Officer Corps. That's a different story how ISIS due to ego and stubbornness lost most of their experienced fighters in Kobani, but overall ISIS in 2014 was a very disciplined and effective Fighting Force.

Saudi Arabia might have the best weapons in the Middle East, but they lack a Disciplined and a Professional Officer Corp to utilize these Assets effectively. You need to build your NCO's and Infantry to effectively utilize them in a time of War.

Keeping this in mind, i believe Hezbollah has been an outlier in this conflict. Although short in numbers, their training, discipline and tactics have set them far above any other Armed Forces in the Middle East(bar Israel). They have that innovative mindset, and out of the box thinking pattern that has set them apart. Their training, tactics and discipline are far superior to any other Fighting Force on the Battlefield in Iraq and Syria. I will give you an example: SAA Armour for the longest time has been clobbered by the Opposing Side with well entrenched ATGM hell holes. SAA for a very long time had no answer to this, until Hezbollah. They setup fast movers on Bikes who would attack these ATGM Positions before the Tanks could move in. Simple, but a very effective solution and Out of the Box Thinking. Very impressive to say the least.

@notorious_eagle But there is something to gloat over here .. we both had been ridiculed for predicting this state ... remember?[/QUOTE]

Agreed Sir, it is amusing. This is an absolute meat grinder, its surprising how Unprofessional these Armies are.
wonder what new nick superboy returns as. :partay:

I'd like him back as Bashar Al Assad, with the Grank avatar pic.

@500 stop it with the pro jihad bs man, wtf :tdown:
Main reason for Assad failures is simple: lack of loyal/motivated troops.

What are Assad forces?

SAA - consists mainly from poor drafted slaves, who had not money to pay bribes. From all religions. Even most of the Alawis are not eager to fight for Assad. There are few exceptions like Tiger force, Zahredine Druze brigade and Desert Hawks.
NDF - ditto, most join NDF to avoid draft into SAA.
Iraqi militias - mostly mercenary thugs.
Hazara Afghans - also poor slaves without any rights used by Iran.
Palestinians - ditto used by Assad.
Russians - also came to just earn money. Mostly despise Arabs.
Iranians - mostly volunteers. But they are in very small numbers (several hundreds) and when they come to Syria and see that Alawis which they came to fight for are not Shia and not even Muslims, they became very confused.
Hezbollah - also volunteers and thus most effective Assad force. But also getting frustrated that they need to slaughter Muslims in name of Atheist dictator and that SAA takes credit for their victories.

Overall out of nearly 200 K Assad force (including foreigners), less than 20 K are motivated volunteers. And even those have growing frustration. Thats why despite 100 times higher firepower and free hand to do whatever they like they fail in war for 5+ years.
I absolutely agree in regards to the training, discipline and professionalism of the SAA(and other mid-eastern armed forces) and the militias (barring Hezbollah and to some extent the PMU). It has been an absolute circus with medieval like tactics leading to nothing but stalemates. I do have hope for the Iraqi armed forces and PMU...also it will be interesting to observe as to how the Iranian is spec-forces might have evolved.
Meanwhile, the SAA fighters have no idea what they're supposed to be fighting for. Are they fighting for democracy? Hell no. Are they fighting for secularism? Not really, since secularism was never considered a pillar of Syrian identity. Are they fighting for Syria? That's doubtful, since Syria doesn't really exist anymore.

It's sad when you think about it because the gradual death of the Syrian army will further legitimize the sectarian militias and help accelerate the country's breakup along ethnic and sectarian lines.

That's no excuse. Its the job of the Leading Officers to give inspiration to their soldiers. What are the US soldiers fighting for in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria? It is the job of the leadership to inspire and engage their troops.
That's no excuse. Its the job of the Leading Officers to give inspiration to their soldiers. What are the US soldiers fighting for in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria? It is the job of the leadership to inspire and engage their troops.

It's right, it's more the leaders, not the soldiers.

I think one of the major reason is that allies such as Iran, Hezbollah , and Russia are treating the leaders in Syria with kids glove so as not to cause any concerns.
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