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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Let's see you level of humor or level of knowledge.
First of all, ISIS has about 100 000 of fighters, in both Iraq and Syria.

In Syrian war died betweem 8000 and 16 000 ISIS fighters, per different sources, SOHR - Syrian observatroy for human rights and so called "saa".

First clarification on the assumption of IS fighters strength - it varies depending upon the source - SOHR projection doesn't tally with Kurdish or CIA or Jihadist ideologues the estimation is between the range 30,000 to 50,000

The latest American intelligence estimates show there are up to 25,000 militants, over 6,000 less than before.
According to the “new assessment,” Earnest said the ranks of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) have thinned out from the previously estimated number of up to 31,500 militants.

“The old assessment was a range of 20,000 to 31,500 fighters. The updated assessment is now a range of 19,000 to 25,000 fighters,” he said.

Not even 5 % is from suicide attacks.

The basic IS war tactic - conduct surprise attacks , inflict maximum casualties , spread panic and fear , minimise its casualties and wait for evacuation of unfriendly force from the targeted destination

The insurgents attacked Ramadi overnight using six suicide car bombs to reach the city center, where the Anbar governorate compound is located, police sources said.

we are ignorant since we are not Arabs. the issue in the middle east is that some are lesser Muslims than others. its all about correct or incorrect sect and the rules change according to who they love or hate.

but hey this blood lust is something prehistoric which even Muhammad PBUH couldn't change. its their internal matter to spill the blood of their own kind for centuries. justifications will depend who you ask.

just imagine that they have managed to kill more of each other in the last decade than whatever the Israelis did to Palestinians for half a century.

but then again. the human like animals trained against Syria have made videos of them cannibalising Syrian soldiers.
so there are exceptions .. utter hatred changes such rules

Buddy, Get real! it's not like we're blind. We can see both of your comments on this thread. Where did he even say that "non Arabs are ignorants"? I'd like to see you actually reply to him with facts but you can't, instead your replies are stinking with your hatered against Arabs. Nothing more.
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You will see whatever you wish to see, whatever i will say will not sound good to you.

If you think Al-nusra/Ahrar al sham represent your opposition then I repeat myself again.

I said them terrorist sympathizer because they are staying in warzone & then complaining they are being bombed.
If they are really civilians & don't want war,why don't they move away from warzone?

& Don't worry about Modi & his supporters as long as "Indian Armed Forces" are there to protect them no one can touch them,let alone target them.

Except you are a Farsi.
And I never said Nusra would bring freedom.
If you think their ideology is the same, you're clearly delusional.

Anyone who supports Modi is a terrorist sympathizer and should is a target.
Does that sound good to you? :)

Please inform me if you comeback,I would like to answer to you. It seems to me that you went a bit far & mods didn't like it.

And what do you think abbout yourself, that you are smart ??

LMAO, you can not even compare, Syrian revoultion and others, becouse in syria Alawi mniority sect was on power more than 50 years , killing and torturing everyone who show even one sign of rebelion, it was not possible to endure such pressure anymore.

LMFAO 100X, Is it democratic to minority alawi sect rule over majority ??

Muslim beotherhood,
at least represent overwhelming majority of Syrian people, and of course that it was democratic uprising, just like in Egypt where they came on power in 2011, by elections.


Spirit of revoultion is not over, nor it can be, like I said, Americans, Saudi A. as well as Turkey have stake.

There will be a compromise, beshar doesn't have support of people, rebels are divided in too many groups.

LOL, what should they do ?? Maby leave there homes and abandon their country, becouse alawi minority sect doesn't want to give up of power, and after so many people lost thier lives for freedom, THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN.

Do you know how much is stupid, what you said ??

First of all how can you even label any group in FSA colaition areas as terrorists ??
Maby becouse they rise up after more than 50 years of Alawi sect dictatorship, and after that sect killed in Hama genocide more than 30 000 cvilians, shelling and bombing city whole week, becouse they rise up against them ??


Are you that much ignorant, even beshar asad killed, more civilians in this war, than any other gruop together (FSA colaition + PKK/YPG + ISIS ).





But you are not labeling him as a terrorist, even he is member of minority sect in Syria which represent (10%) AND IT IS LOGICAL THAT he MUST GO .

But very interesting, asad killed more civilians, he is member of small sect which is rulling country more than 50 years, but "rebels are still terrorists becouse they dare to rise up against unjustice and sectarianism.

Of course, everywhere should rule majority.

First of all, ti is not exactly like you said, Muslims are one of the most peaceful people on the planet, but in most of their countries dictators are ruling, so it is not fault of Syrian Muslims which make (75 % +) in Syria, but fault of alawi sect who doesn't want to give up power, and who started killing civilians and protester, which is biggest reason why war started.

Second thing, that man who ate heart of Syrian soldier is only man is Syrian who did it on that way, and in other parts of Syrian like in besieged Daraya, Madaya, Doum people are eating others when die, becouse there is no food, nor asad want to release UN humanitarin convoys.
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Epic. Rebel Kornet destroys Assad/Iranian ammo depot at Tal Sheikh Yousef in Aleppo:


Apparently they hit a TOS-1 Buratino thermobaric rocket launcher.



Second Kornet launch destroyed a truck with retreating Assadists.


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Mi-28N attack IS in eastern Homs

Aleppo today

Daraya today

Aleppo today

Daraya today

Aleppo yesterday evening

Amazing how Daesh just retreats while fighting with SDF, and it fights to the last man standing and uses tens of suicide bombers while fighting SAA and allies. I don't remember any daesh suicide truck in past week trying to target SDF, while it sent at least 20 suicide bombers during battle of Palmyra.

Amazing how Daesh just retreats while fighting with SDF, and it fights to the last man standing and uses tens of suicide bombers while fighting SAA and allies. I don't remember any daesh suicide truck in past week trying to target SDF, while it sent at least 20 suicide bombers during battle of Palmyra.

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Do I sense a conspiracy theory?

The US-led coalition has been striking ISIS positions near Manbij since January 2016. It's actually about time the Syrian Kurds moved in for the kill.
Do I sense a conspiracy theory?

The US-led coalition has been striking ISIS positions near Manbij since January 2016. It's actually about time the Syrian Kurds moved in for the kill.

No not a conspiracy, but basic facts. yes we should also take into account U.S air support, but still we see the same in Iraq. There is U.S air support in there too, but daesh manages to send tens of suicide trucks to front line and fights to last breath. Something is certainly not right here.
ANALYSIS: From master to observer - how Turkey became irrelevant in Manbij


Ultimately, however, analysts say that there is not much that Ankara could do. Meanwhile, events in Syria have outpaced Turkey's fears of growing Kurdish influence at its border. As a result, Ankara’s worst nightmare – a Kurdish statelet on its border - seems to be a possibility.

Last June, Turkey made clear to the Americans and the Kurds, that the Kurds crossing the Euphrates River into Jarabulus was a "red line" and only accepted the current US-backed operation on the condition that the Kurds would not advance further than between 3km and 6km from the dam on the Euphrates.

But the Kurds crossed this red line when they captured the Tisreen Dam on 26 December and now they are moving Turkey’s red lines even further.

“Turkey assisted the [Syrian] revolution with a good attitude in the beginning, but now it deals with us and the Kurds as enemies,” Sheikh Farouk al-Mashi, an Arab tribal leader who works with the Kurds in Manbij, told Middle East Eye.

“Turkey and the rebels will need to cut a deal with the YPG or risk losing everything,” she added.

Sharvan Darwish, a spokesperson for the Kurdish-led, US-supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) told MEE that attempts by Turkish-backed rebels that tried to push back IS from Azaz in April were "a complete failure".

“In 15 minutes, all of [the Turkish-backed rebels] left, after they were attacked by IS, after just six members of IS attacked them in al-Rai,” he said, referring to the a border crossing that was recaptured by IS at the beginning of April.

Nor is this the first setback for the Turkish-backed opposition. Last year, a multi-million dollar initiative by the US to train and equip rebel forces in Turkey ended in failure when the group seemingly surrendered to al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate the Nusra Front shortly after re-entering Syria.

The contrast with the SDF push launched earlier this year and heralded as a game changer has helped many in Kurdish majority areas to hope that military gains on the ground will eventually lead to greater political power.

SDF spokesperson Darwish told MEE that liberation of Syria from IS and not the unification of Kurdish areas was the main objective of the offensive but others say it is impossible to not look at what wider opportunities may lie ahead.

Ibrahim Kurdo, a foreign relations head of the local Kurdish self-administration in Kobane told MEE that he hopes the Manbij operation will help the Kurds set up a federal region.

“The people in Rojava [Syrian Kurdistan] and northern Syria look at the federal system as the future of Syria from Efrin, Azaz until [Hasakah province to the east],” he said. “They will be combined and united in a federal region, but it depends on the international situation, opportunities, date and time.”

Aaron Stein, a Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, told MEE that Turkey increasingly realised it had few options left to prevent this.

“They have two bad options: use their own troops to close the pocket, or pull support from the [US-led anti-IS] coalition,” he added.


Amazing how Daesh just retreats while fighting with SDF, and it fights to the last man standing and uses tens of suicide bombers while fighting SAA and allies. I don't remember any daesh suicide truck in past week trying to target SDF, while it sent at least 20 suicide bombers during battle of Palmyra.

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USAF > 1000* (Assadists+RuAF+Iran+Iraq+Hezbollah)

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