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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

it doesn't matter who or what they are (volunteers/soldiers etc), fact is they serve as Israel's canon folder, to destablise/militarily weaken Syria, thanks to Zionist support sponsors CIA/KSA/Turkey etc. Now this morbid dog has turned against its Masters

LOL again. Why Syrian TV does not show that captured Israeli general?

Anyway, here is the short history of how Syria was destroyed.

- In 2011 people start protesting against corrupt dictator regime.
- Assad retaliated by shooting arresting and torturing protestors.
- Syrian soldiers who refused to shoot protestors began to defect in masses, they formed FSA and Assad regime started to fall apart as domino.
- Then Assad began to receive massive aid from Russia and Iran. First it was money, weapons and advisors. Later thousands of mercenary sectarian thugs. He started employ barrel bomb, scorched earth policies. Rebels got nothing. In order to obtain some minor aid they were forced to split into million mostly Islamist fractions, which led to inflight between the rebels and forming of ISIS.

Thats how we got a stalemate in Syria. Assad cant win because he has no people support. Rebels cant win because they are split, have very little weapons, while Assad gets swarms of weapons and mercenaries.
Russians drop ODAB-500 unguided thermobaric bombs on Aleppo city full of civilians.


- In 2011 people start protesting against corrupt dictator regime.

It was a deluded feeling spurred by the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings. Why didn't they uprise before 2011? Because there was no reason to do so.

rebel part of Aleppo today

There was a big revolt in early 1980-es. Assad managed then to drown it in blood.

That was a Muslim Brotherhood uprising, not a democratic uprising. It was confined to Hama city.

Usual scenario. After Assad is defeated on battlefield he takes revenge on civilians.

Assadynasty can't be beat. The spirit of the revolution is over.
ISIS 20 stone butcher has been captured alive by Syrian Army

his victims included children as well and behading people was not enough for this animal, his videos include dismembering corpses and cutting limbs of his victims while they were alive.

LMFAO, 100X. Sure, there shouldn't be war in Syria, people should accept to be under hand of minortiy alawi sect, who makes 10 % of population, and accept all atrocities they did to them more than 50 years.

I really can not understand people like this.

There is no Syrians killing one another, there is only alawi regime/ russia/ Iranian merceanries killing Syrian people.

That's right. What are you gonna do about it? These days technology wins wars. Numbers are irrelevant.
ISIS 20 stone butcher has been captured alive by Syrian Army

his victims included children as well and behading people was not enough for this animal, his videos include dismembering corpses and cutting limbs of his victims while they were alive.

This example deserves to be skinned ....like prize for his works
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