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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The FSA is using Uzbeks as cannon fodder, while the SAA is using Hazaras as cannon fodder.

Shameful stuff.

Both sides should stop recruiting foreign fighters. There's nothing Syrian about this war anymore.
Nonsense comparison. Uzbeks are all volunteers. They decide themselves what they want and where to go.

Hazaras are on the other hand third class people in Iran without any rights. So ayatullas use them as cannon fodder using both threats and promising money/citizenship. I.e. a combination of slaves and mercenaries.
Uzbeks and escpecially Uigurs from TIP can't be compared to shia cannon fodder.

TIP is one of most effective fighting force in syria rebels acknowledge that.
Nonsense comparison. Uzbeks are all volunteers. They decide themselves what they want and where to go.

Hazaras are on the other hand third class people in Iran without any rights. So ayatullas use them as cannon fodder using both threats and promising money/citizenship. I.e. a combination of slaves and mercenaries.
My point is that this isn't supposed to be their war.

It's bad enough seeing Syrians kill one another.
The FSA is using Uzbeks as cannon fodder, while the SAA is using Hazaras as cannon fodder.

Shameful stuff.

Both sides should stop recruiting foreign fighters. There's nothing Syrian about this war anymore.

This is a one world. Syria war is not about Syria. Anyone can come to Syria to fight. It's fair game.
My point is that this isn't supposed to be their war.

It's bad enough seeing Syrians kill one another.
Every war has foreigners. But there are 3 totally different groups:

1) Volunteers who come by their own.
2) Soldiers sent by governments.
3) Cannon fodder slaves and mercenaries sent by governments.
some how al nusra are going to bring justice to your city as your proclaiming. saudis and qataris cant help your cavemen with ground forces nor can they take in refugees and you cant say bad word about them true servant who doesn't bite the hand that feeds them or his salafi horde. Wants freedom but believes nusra is going to give it:cheesy:

figure of speech to describe your and @boca120879 brethren who have sub-human attributes, look and act like they are from planet of the apes.
And where did I say Nusra was going to give it? Hmm?
JaF is made up of multiple groups Farsi, not just Nusra. In fact, Faylaq al Sham and Ahrar al Sham are both stronger than Nusra.

Epic. Rebel Kornet destroys Assad/Iranian ammo depot at Tal Sheikh Yousef in Aleppo:


Not only an ammo depot. It's also the area where artillery launched attacks on Castello road and it was an operations room.
Yes and earth is also a cube. Nice joke kid.
So Nusra, which is ~12,000, is now stronger than Ahrar and Faylaq who are probably ~15,000 each? Both Ahrar and Faylaq also have more weapons, more outside support, more armor, and similarly trained fighters.
And where did I say Nusra was going to give it? Hmm?
JaF is made up of multiple groups Farsi, not just Nusra. In fact, Faylaq al Sham and Ahrar al Sham are both stronger than Nusra.

their ideology is the same. So neck-beards who fight along al nusra are going to bring freedom :laughcry: . You support al-Nusra Calling me farsi just because i oppose your wahhabi horde who are nothing but zionist puppets doesnt make you look smart, makes you look like this idiot
Every war has foreigners. But there are 3 totally different groups:

1) Volunteers who come by their own.
2) Soldiers sent by governments.
3) Cannon fodder slaves and mercenaries sent by governments.

it doesn't matter who or what they are (volunteers/soldiers etc), fact is they serve as Israel's canon folder, to destablise/militarily weaken Syria, thanks to Zionist support sponsors CIA/KSA/Turkey etc. Now this morbid dog has turned against its Masters

From Reddit,

Why is Manbij so important?

Manbij is the third largest city that IS controls in Syria, after Deir-Ezzor and Raqqa, thus it is an important population center and losing it would prove to be another blow to IS who have lost Palmyra to the Syrian Arab Army in March 2016. For the SDF and more specifically the YPG, linking the cantons is one of the main goals, this means connecting Al-Hasakah to Afrin in one stretch of land. This would greatly improve the position of the SDF at the negotiating table (despite not being invited during the Geneva III process) as they can try to claim autonomy from the captured territory, they are currently 70 km away.

What about IS? One of the main smuggling routes of IS (to my knowledge) is the Jarabulus route, most of the fighters that came from Belgium entered Syria through this checkpoint. Capturing Manbij would extend the supply lines for IS and force them to pass through Al-Bab or intermediary routes in order to get the the rest of IS territory in and Syria. However if Tabqa is taken IS will be closed off from its main smuggling route and isolated in Aleppo and would rely on captures from other belligerents.

How has the offensive been going?

Initially the situation looked like this, before the offensive that was carried out. From the first of June to the third of June things have evolved heavily which can be seen in this Gif. The SDF has steadily advanced the past three days and made solid advances in the area, as can be seen from the maps, the SDF uses plenty pincer movements in order to capture IS territory, this worked previously when the SAA emptied the area between Al-Safirah and Kweires airbase from IS fighters.

What are the next supposed plans?

There have been reports that the SDF is trying to attack Manbij from the south, west and north and that they have now planned to stop advancing on the southern axis to give time to the rest of the SDF components to arrive and position themselves to capture the city.


Leaflets dropped over Manbij,

Apparent translation,
isis fighter calling for reinforcement leader reply: i will send you 100 more, hold on your positions
man standing beside leader: but we have no more men, he told us the same lie 100 times before..
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