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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I heard that rebels are on offensive, huge one, we will se what will happen, genocide regime only calls on ceasefire when they are in bad position.

The people on the ground may believe they're doing something for God or for a just cause, but those who pull the strings don't. It all relates to what I said earlier about Raqqa. The SAA was making moves to get near Tabqah then to Raqqa, because the race to Raqqa was announced by US. And if regime recovered Raqqa, it would put them in good position against opposition in Idlib, and good position at negation table. So it's likely this move in Aleppo was done in order to quell that and keep a balance.
Allah swt will never help to the bloody beasts and criminals who kill innocent Muslims, air planes are irrelevnat, judgement day is waiting for us all, even if you are buddhist and believe in karma, you can not except nothing good from killing innocent civilians.

If you are smart, instead of insulting Islam and name of Allah swt, you will at least condemn these atrocities.

For the record, I'm atheist. I don't believe in any god or religious story written thousands of years ago by people. :agree: Everyone knows there is no afterlife for any living creature.
I anything is stupid, stupid is this :

"Everyone knows there is no afterlife for any living creature."

It is a biggest lie from you today.

Do you know that, there is 1,6 billion of Muslims who believe in afterlife (paradise and hell), also same number or even more of christians who also believe in afterlife (paradise and hell)

How can you count them as everyone ????? - also big number of other small religions also believe in aftterlife.

Also this is funny :

" I don't believe in any god or religious story written thousands of years ago by people. "

LMAO, if people wrote religious books and invented relligions, how many of things in Qur'an are today proven by science ??





Don't quote me with ghiberish terrorist sympathiser. Takfiri, will you now change your flags?
Maby becouse I write 100 senteces and posts with references and explanations while 90% of your posts are just one sentence.

I will not rawafidi, becouse I have no reason, if you do not believe that I am from Iran, your problem.

You write 100 sentence supporting your ISIS, Al nusra, FSA terrorist brethrens. Why would I waste more time than necessary with a false flagging, takfiri terrorist?
Do you know that, there is 1,6 billion of Muslims who believe in afterlife (paradise and hell), also same number or even more of christians who also believe in afterlife (paradise and hell)

5% of Saudis are convinced atheists :o::rofl:


The development of society is away from tyranny and towards democracy, away from religion and towards science and technology. It is inevitable. Countless ET civilizations have already made the transition. The west made the transition in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.
LMFAO, and by same research more than 80 % are Muslims:pakistan:, you see I am always looking glass as a half full, not hlaf empty.

However, should I believe that research?? - people are doing that to reduce nubmer of Muslims, in one of " those researches", in Algeria same or other unknown organization said that in Algeria who has 39. mil. of people, 300 000 people became christans in 2015 or 2014, although anybody else reported same thing.

I mean that sounds stupid even for countries that have more than 1 billion of people like India or China.

However, by official data, 30 000 000 or 100 % of Saudis are Muslims :pakistan:, but I would rather say 99,9% becouse, there will always be a black sheep.
0,01 % - It would be about 30 000 people.

And I even show you, that science prove Quran correct, but you didn't comment that. I guess that you think that is also

LMFAO, rafidi I never wrote even one sentece where I said that I support ISIS terrorists, who together with genocide regime terrorists and YPG/PKK terrorists many times in past attacked FSA coalition.

I also mentioned that Al Nusra is labeled as terrorists organization by US,NATO, EU, and mayn other countries and organizations, go now and kill yourself rawafidi terrorist.

A little bit of action.


Unbelivable video recorded from drone.

Captured Afghan hazara thugs, who came even from Afghanistan to kill innocent people (Muslims), you need unbelivable huge hatred to do that.


@Arabian Stallion



hazaras look human, can't say the same for cavemen rebels who are al-nusra/al qaeida btw.
Five years of conflict in Syria has left much of the country in ruins and robbed millions of children of their childhood. Since the conflict began, 3.7 million Syrian children have been born, 2.9 million children inside Syria and at least 811,000 in neighbouring countries. The UNICEF report titled, “No Place for Children. We are in the 6th anniversary of the Syrian Revolution. Muslims stood by the people of Syria and the Islamic revolution, from the day the revolution began until today. Since the very beginning, we have worked to ruin the American plan from ”Stealing the Syrian Revolution”.
Shia militias on the run in Aleppo:

This is day 1. Only 2 of 20 martyrdom operations have been done so far.
Justice is coming to my city inshallah.
Shia militias on the run in Aleppo:

This is day 1. Only 2 of 20 martyrdom operations have been done so far.
Justice is coming to my city inshallah.

No chance. SAA and co too strong. Rebels need like 20,000 warriors for this op. They don't have that many men.

Iraqi Army with the help of Kurds and US+Iran maximum have 50,000 . This is a Hide and sick War situation what Rebel ( Less iSIS) groups are playing well. but as a regular force Iraqi Army is doing their job as usul. They can not attack all cities at a time.

Captured Afghan hazara thugs, who came even from Afghanistan to kill innocent people (Muslims), you need unbelivable huge hatred to do that.

They are actually Iraqis. Here more POWs:

Their country in total disarray and they go to fight for Assad.

What also absolutely puzzles me is how rebels manage to advance against army with thousands of tanks and jets in open plain!

Look at the area:

Its open damned plain! o_O
They are actually Iraqis. Here more POWs:

Their country in total disarray and they go to fight for Assad.

What also absolutely puzzles me is how rebels manage to advance against army with thousands of tanks and jets in open plain!

Its open damned plain! o_O

ISIS and other rebel groups are not same. Al-Nusrah-Front, Etce. Are really trying to recover Syria from the western occupation and Assad regime. But As i said- WHO ARe they ? ISIS ? Whitehouse creation? We can guess that . Bcz What weapon they are using ,all those came from US via Air or Ship. Why ? Bcz they Syria is geographically is a major part for middle east . Egypt- Israil. Etce. So- We need to think , They are playing football with US and goal is for the innocents.
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