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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Whhabis are descendent's of Hanbali they came from Hanbali branch but they are not Hanbali period.

Whhabis are not Hanbalis and that's for sure.

You accuse someone else of something you do and practice day and night and that's no strange of you.

Alawiite are shiite twelvers 100% something to educate you with the Alawiite of Syria are not the same of the Allawiite of Turkey they 2 different one also many of the Turks Alawi are ignorant of their branch origin and their real sect all they need a little bit of work to be 100% twelvers In sha'a Allah that will happen.

Just because your likes (sectarian Shia's who blindly follow Wilayat al-Faqih instead of traditional Shia Islam) use religious slurs to describe fellow Muslims, it does not mean that everyone else does.

I am not even a Hanbali or from Najd (just one out of many historical regions in KSA and provinces) so why should I even care? What I told you are facts that are accepted by the mainstream Islamic clerics and objective students of Islam.

Alawites are not Shia Twelvers (where did you read such nonsense?) but they are rather a separate entity and they have always been that. I suggest you read the works of famous Farsi Shia clerics, Khomeini included, and what they had to say about Alawites. They have only been accepted in the "Shia family" recently purely due to geopolitical reasons. Nothing else.

Alevis in Turkey are a different religious community. There is no relation with Alawites in Syria aside from the similar sounding name.

Once again what business do hordes of impoverished Shia fanatics from 3 continents have in Syria? Moreover aiding the worst mass-murderer of this century so far? Their fight has nothing to do with Islam. They are just being used by the Mullah's in Iran. Evident by the thousands of Afghan Hazara refugees in Iran who have been blackmailed and used as puppets in a regional fight.

As I wrote if no foreigners had meddled in Syria the al-Assad regime would have been toppled long ago by nobody else but Syrians.

Anyway what I find extremely hypocritical is the fact that you Shia Wilayat al-Faqih followers, here almost 10 years after the death of Saddam Hussein, are still crying about him and his regime, all while you support a similar regime, that even has the exact same ideology, next door in Syria! Let alone you complaining about FAHESH and Al-Nusra terrorists (who at least 98% of all Sunnis denounce worldwide) while cheering for foreign Shia terrorists. Another hypocritical and comical irony. You want desperately to pass off as more "civilized" and to be accepted by the wider world but those of us who know the dynamics of the region can see past your comedy and show.

Here's the thing though, there's not a single person on this earth that describes himself as a "Wahhabi". So your whole comment is invalid.

And by the way here's just a quick advise for you, once you actually wake up from the forcefully fed delusion you're currently drown in you would quickly realize that not everyone "hate" you. I've studied in Saudi schools from elementary to high school and in all these years not even once I came across a teacher that bad mouthed the Shiite sect and its followers. Too bad in your country you're brainwashed to think otherwise.

15-20% of the Saudi Arabian population is Shia (Twelver, Zaydi, Ismaili). They live in almost every province and historical region of KSA. There has been no massacres or mass-killings in the history of KSA of any religious group, ethnicity, race etc. Let alone the remaining Arabian Peninsula. In the past 84 years, Shia's have been attacked 3-4 times. All in the past 2-3 years and all by a few FAHESH members who a few days later attacked Sunni worshipers in Abha. Reading the constant nonsense posts by those Willayat al-Faqih followers, one would have thought that all Shias in KSA and the Arabian Peninsula had become extinct long ago! Yet they live much better than our Arab Shia brethren across the border in Iraq! Or Shias anywhere in the Muslim world. The homeland of Shias is Arabia as well.

Look at our Southern neighbors, our Yemeni brethren. Same demographic makeup as Iraq (Sunni-Shia mix) yet historically and even to this day where there is unrest, Yemeni Sunnis and Shias (Zaydis) do not fight or target each other let alone hate each other. Meanwhile in Iraq.......Hopefully once stability emerges this will change and their paranoia likewise and that of all Arabs who are engaged in such silly conflicts.
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Anyway what I find extremely hypocritical is the fact that you Shia Wilayat al-Faqih followers, here almost 10 years after the death of Saddam Hussein, are still crying about him and his regime, all while you support a similar regime, that even has the exact same ideology, next door in Syria! Let alone you complaining about FAHESH and Al-Nusra terrorists (who at least 98% of all Sunnis denounce worldwide) while cheering for foreign Shia terrorists. Another hypocritical and comical irony. You want desperately to pass off as more "civilized" and to be accepted by the wider world but those of us who know the dynamics of the region can see past your comedy and show.

Words of pure gold bro :tup:

The poor fellow doesn't actually realize (or does he?) that we (vast majority of Sunnis) are against Daesh in his own country. Him and most of his countrymen have a wrong and ridiculously laughable assumption that if you're an anti Assad = you're certainly pro Daesh. That's the result of decades upon decades of continuous brainwashing.
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I think it's fair to say that no side in this war is innocent, but some sides are clearly better than others.
In my opinion side of Syrian Muslims ( 75 % + of Syrian population) who suffered almost 50 years under alawi sect feet.
More precise FSA - Free Syrian Army, who now fight against ISIS,YPG/PKK, SAA and Iranian & Afghan hazara mercenaries.

On this pictures you can clearly see Hazara dead soldiers on their funreal in Iran.

I pray to Allah to punish them with hell.


thanks for the reply, BecouseOfTruth

hopefully, the right side won it in the end
I hope too, but that is only in Allah hands, however we will all die, and our goal must not be building of empires and earth pleasure.
In my opinion we should act on right and good way, believe in Allah, and do our best whatever we do, and fight against bad people.
Only on that way we can succeed.

yes, muslim should have a mentality of "victory or die trying"

don't give up, always improve in all aspects, then you will get the reward either in this world or the world after or both

I hope too, but that is only in Allah hands, however we will all die, and our goal must not be building of empires and earth pleasure.
In my opinion we should act on right and good way, believe in Allah, and do our best whatever we do, and fight against bad people, and learn and study things that can help us.
Only on that way we can succeed.

I believe the same thing. There are too many Iranians and their supporters who have totally opposite view, you're different. Clearly you value truth and humanity above all. May Allah guide you.
in your opinion, which side is clearly better than others?
It appears that the pro-government Assyrian/Christian fighters have the cleanest human rights record.

Also, the Kurds are less guilty of committing war crimes and atrocities than the other major warring factions.

The pro-government Arab fighters are a mixed bag. A few branches of the FSA are alright as well.

The worst violators of human rights and biggest perpetrators of war crimes / atrocities are Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, and Jabhat al-Nusra, all of which are backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey.

Overall, it's a mess.
Kurds crossing Euphrates, note US soldiers among them:



It appears that the pro-government Assyrian/Christian fighters have the cleanest human rights record.
They are just part of Assad force I dont know why to put them in separate category.
Also, the Kurds are less guilty of committing war crimes and atrocities than the other major warring factions.

The pro-government Arab fighters are a mixed bag. A few branches of the FSA are alright as well.

The worst violators of human rights and biggest perpetrators of war crimes / atrocities are Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, and Jabhat al-Nusra, all of which are backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey.
In terms of number of committed crimes Assad forces are 1000 times ahead of everyone else:

Massive indiscriminate terror strikes with artillery and aviation.
Mass arrests and torture in jails.
Starving hundreds of thousands civilians.
Gassing civilians.
Ethnic cleansing of millions.
al hasani is back

Saudis using wahhabis don't exist tactic now it seems.
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