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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

1961- the Syrian Arab Republic, before the bubble baath party came along.
Former Ambassador of India in Damascus V.P. Haran confirmed that the Syrian war started not as result of an uprising against the Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad, but was instigated from the outside, Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reported.


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According to Haran, external forces played a key role in fueling the Syrian conflict. The opposition in the country had supporters, including al-Qaeda and the Gulf States, which contributed to the destabilization of the country.

"Much of this was instigated from the outside, namely by the Gulf States," the diplomat said, stressing that back in 2009 "Syria was a peaceful country without any hidden tensions."

According to the diplomat, the Syrian economy was doing well at that time and the average growth rate was more than 5 percent. The unemployment rate reached 8 percent, but unemployed Syrians could find work in the Gulf States. All in all life in Syria was very peaceful, Haram explained.

"Public order had never been a problem. My female colleagues told me that they could wear jewelry and go home alone by two o'clock in the morning and feel safe. In some districts, restaurants were open until five o'clock in the morning. You never had the feeling that there would be trouble in the streets," the diplomat said.


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Haran argued that Bashar al-Assad has always been a popular leader and therefore he is still in power. There is no adequate internal opposition and many of the problems in Syria come from foreign sources that are trying to get rid of the inconvenient regime, the ambassador explained, reminding that 67 percent of the entire Arab world had chosen Assad as the most popular Arab person voted in 2009.

"Even the diplomatic community agreed that he had the support of about 80 percent of the Syrian population," Haran said.

The situation in the country deteriorated in 2011 following the "Arab spring" when it came to protests in various parts of the country. The chaos emerged in a number of the country's provinces such as Latakia, Homs and Hama.

"Aleppo remained calm and this was what really bothered the opposition. The opposition could not force people in Aleppo to revolt against the regime, so they sent [their own] people to Aleppo. These people then burned something on the streets and went back. But journalists reported about that saying that these were Aleppo people who took part in revolts," Haran said.

According to Haran, the media has often exaggerated its negative representations of Syria with journalists reporting about things that never happened.

Read more: Indian Ambassador Confirms Syrian War Was ‘Instigated From Outside'
Assadists (more correctly Iraqi and Iranian mercenaries) did not even approach Idlib yet, the rebel stronghold.

Madaya, starved by Assadists and Hezbollah terrorists:

View attachment 287398

Moadamiya, another town starved by Assadists terrorists and their allies:

The only difference between Assadists and ISIS is that ISIS does not starve children.

I wish you had the fairness and humanity to post pictures of newly born children in Fuah and Kafraya who are starving to death as well .

I myself am not a supporter of the siege on Madaya but the terrorists have left no way to guarantee lives of 25000 people in Fuah and Kafraya and you know that but keep shamelessly posting biased comments . Unlike Madaya that is facing hunger , Fuah and Kafraya are facing hunger and daily shelling .

Dozens of people have lost their lives in Fuah and Kafraya because the terrorists break the ceasefire whenever they lose ground in Latakia and Aleppo .

Those terrorists can end this misery by accepting a full evacuation in both cities but they want to use people for propaganda purposes .
I wish you had the fairness and humanity to post pictures of newly born children in Fuah and Kafraya who are starving to death as well .

I myself am not a supporter of the siege on Madaya but the terrorists have left no way to guarantee lives of 25000 people in Fuah and Kafraya and you know that but keep shamelessly posting biased comments . Unlike Madaya that is facing hunger , Fuah and Kafraya are facing hunger and daily shelling .

Dozens of people have lost their lives in Fuah and Kafraya because the terrorists break the ceasefire whenever they lose ground in Latakia and Aleppo .

Those terrorists can end this misery by accepting a full evacuation in both cities but they want to use people for propaganda purposes .
I've already answered it many times: Assad has currently over 50 operational transport helicopters + Russian helicopters. Thus Assad could easily provide 20 huge meals day for each Fuah and Kafria person.

But instead Assad uses transport helicopters to barrel bomb civilians.

So every time Assadist is crying about Fuah he is actually crying that he cant barrel bomb enough civilians.
I've already answered it many times: Assad has currently over 50 operational transport helicopters + Russian helicopters. Thus Assad could easily provide 20 huge meals day for each Fuah and Kafria person.

But instead Assad uses transport helicopters to barrel bomb civilians.

So every time Assadist is crying about Fuah he is actually crying that he cant barrel bomb enough civilians.
every single of those helicopter would have been shot down if they were used for that mission
FSA will be defeated or become a nonfactor by March/April. the great showdown with IS will begin in summer.
I have a feeling IS will lose most of it's territories by the end of the year, but war won't stop
every single of those helicopter would have been shot down if they were used for that mission
Rebels dont have even primitive MANPADS. Besides dropping barrel bombs is not more safe than dropping food. Assadists prefer to drop barrel bombs.

Meanwhile Iraqi mercenaries in Aleppo are slaughtered. Despite Obama stopped TOW supplies to rebels, Assadists fail to advance in past month there. The closer Assadist invaders approach Idlib the more they will bleed.
Rebels dont have even primitive MANPADS. Besides dropping barrel bombs is not more safe than dropping food. Assadists prefer to drop barrel bombs.

Meanwhile Iraqi mercenaries in Aleppo are slaughtered. Despite Obama stopped TOW supplies to rebels, Assadists fail to advance in past month there. The closer Assadist invaders approach Idlib the more they will bleed.
a tow can be used against helicopters . also if rebel can shutdown UAV or airplanes then they certainly can shutdown helicopters.
Latakia. SAA continued successful offensive against FSA\Turks and others terrorists. Seems like terrorists front collapsed after they lost Salma.


#NDF take control over Kuzbar Mount, Sundian Mount, Alkndisih, Beit Afeefah in #Lattakia northern CS

SyrianArmy continues drive on #AlBab, only 4.5km from key #ISIS stronghold in North #Aleppo @PetoLucem #TigerForce

and also Americans carrying an air strike against FSA\Turkish convoy in Al-Haras town, Aleppo province. This is territory controlled by terrorists.
This is was friendly fire or Americans stop to support terrorists - the answer is unknown.

a tow can be used against helicopters . also if rebel can shutdown UAV or airplanes then they certainly can shutdown helicopters.
helicopters have already been shut down clearly

but sadly ... Assad doesn't want to provide food to the populations
and continues his father policy: people against him deserve to die
sick mentality , retard dictator

it shows anyway he needs to be kicked out of the country
at least by a referendum controlled by UNO
Why don't SAA use AK-74? Good for suppressing fire. AK-47 is only good with single shots.
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