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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Tanks & BMP from Russian reserve will be delivered to SAA.



if u look in normal videos some of the APC and tank Syrian forces use you can idea it is old stock but supply to Syria now and is doing good work

ISIS lost most of its ammunition & heavy vehicles in Russian airstrikes – military
ISIS lost most of its ammunition & heavy vehicles in Russian airstrikes – military — RT News
Islamic State militants have lost "most" of their ammunition, heavy vehicles and equipment in Russian airstrikes, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. At least 86 ISIS targets were hit during 88 sorties in the last 24 hours.
Sukhoi Su-24M and Su-34 bombers, together with Su-25SM ground support aircrafts targeted Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) sites in the provinces of Raqqah, Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Aleppo, according to the ministry. The jets hit command posts, ammunition and armament depots, military vehicles, plants producing explosives, field camps and bases.

Su-24M bombers also targeted an IS field headquarters near the city of Anadan in the province of Aleppo from which the terrorists coordinated their activities. There was an ammunition depot at the site, the ministry said.

One more IS field post was destroyed near the city of al-Bab in Aleppo Province.

A new set of videos was released showing targets hit in Latakia and Hama.
Today single Su-25 attacked refugees in Idlib School and single Su-34 bombed Darrat Izza neighborhood in Aleppo. Thus if in the beginning Russians tried to act as some kind of normal air forcewhich works in pairs and attacks military targets now they switched to Assad air force mode: single plane that just drops bombs randomly on rebel areas.
Today single Su-25 attacked refugees in Idlib School and single Su-34 bombed Darrat Izza neighborhood in Aleppo. Thus if in the beginning Russians tried to act as some kind of normal air forcewhich works in pairs and attacks military targets now they switched to Assad air force mode: single plane that just drops bombs randomly on rebel areas.

Inhabitants beware. Living conditions of insurgent places will significantly deteriorate. :victory:
Russian Aircraft in Syria Carry Out 88 Sorties in 24 Hours

The targets included ISIL command posts, weapon storage facilities, and sites where the group manufactured explosives, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said Tuesday.
MOSCOW, October 13 (Sputnik) — Russian aircraft carried out 88 sorties in Syria in 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday.

Over the past day, Su-24, Su-24M and Su-25SM aircraft completed 88 sorties on 86 terrorist infrastructure positions in the Raqqa, Hama, Idlib, Latakia, and Aleppo regions," ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters.
The targets included IS command posts, weapon storage facilities, and sites where the group manufactured explosives, he said.
Intercepted talks between Islamic State militants in Syria indicate that parts of the group are ready to leave the combat zone in Syria due to acute weapon shortages, Konashenkov went on to say.

"According to radio intercepts in the Hama and Homs provinces, the militants experience an acute shortage of ammunition for small arms and grenade launchers. Some field commanders have stated demands to their leadership that if they do not receive arms in the near future, they will withdraw their groups from the combat zone," ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov told reporters.

Today, these are no longer caravans [transporting weapons], but maneuverable groups of off-road vehicles, usually moving at night with cargo for terrorists," he added.
According to the spokesman, Islamic State fighters have lost a large part of their weapons and equipment as Russia has stepped up its airstrikes in Syria. This has forced the group to "set in motion the entire logistics network available to the terrorists in order to transport ammunition and fuel from the Raqqa province.

Read more: Russian Aircraft in Syria Carry Out 88 Sorties in 24 Hours
From us attack and Russian attack it seems us wanted to keep alive the issue of Isis alive as a excuse to poke their nose in middle east on the other hand Russian using Isis threats as way to wipes out any anti Asad elements.
Rebels announced a counter offensive in Hama, after recapturing the majority of the land they lost (in Latakia, Sahl al Ghab, and Northern Hama), minus a few villages/hills. After 30+ tanks, armored vehicles, and trucks destroyed, with dozens of Assadist troops dead (if not Hundreds), this should be a relatively easy offensive if rebels execute it well and avoid ruskie airstrikes.

Amnesty International also released a report of YPG/PKK war crimes:
Syria: US ally’s razing of villages amounts to war crimes | Amnesty International

Russia continues to help ISIS with airstrikes vs. rebels in Aleppo, on the following towns: Anadan, Hayan, Ratyan, Bayanoun, Darat Izza & Hraitan. ISIS also basically handed over territory to SAA in northern Aleppo. Hraitan was attacked by an ISIS VBIED 3 days ago, now Russia bombs it.

Here's what the Ruskies, Nusayris, and Rafidah did to Kafr Naboudah:
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This ape was an officer of Saudi army. He joined Nusra terrorists in Syria almost 3 years ago. Many other terrorists from other nationalities came to Syria with his help, the most prominent of them, al-Mohaiseni, Nusra's religious leader.

He went directly to hell today after succumbing to injuries he suffered in the terrorists' attack on Fua'a town few weeks ago.

Alliance's counterpart to Ukraine's notorious Right Sector, the notorious Hezbollah


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