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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

After watching the videos of fsa and isis terrorist on live leak....the stuff they do to women children and elderly people is just barbaric and the same should be done to them and there supporters anywhere around the world
Alliance makes Kafr Nabodah unlivable for insurgents. Will storm again tomorrow.


Most powerful Alliance artillery. BM-30 Smerch. 300 mm caliber. 90 km range.

Alliance captured Sukayk in northern Hama

Another headpiece Mahdi Hasan Abeed 'Hajj Abu Ridah of the terrorist organization Hezbollah has been liquidated by the Syrian people:


By Chechen Syrians or Uyghur ones who have settled in Latakia and Idlib ?

Maybe Uzbiks ?

Alliance makes Kafr Nabodah unlivable for insurgents. Will storm again tomorrow.


Most powerful Alliance artillery. BM-30 Smerch. 300 mm caliber. 90 km range.

Alliance captured Sukayk in northern Hama


Any usage of napalm in recent operations ?
Anyway, population is not a big factor in modern warfare. 10% whites ruled South Africa for centuries because they had technology. Without technology, what are you gonna do when artillery falls on your head all day all night? Doesn't matter what your population is, you WILL be killed if you don't have technology.

I repeat: ww2 or even ww1 style attacks is not a "technology". In these dumb attacks Alawis spend their most precious resource: loyal manpower.
Salma: Wahhabi hole in the Syrian border

Fight for every village
Su-25 Close air support

nice to see the Russian reporters are in the front line reporting


hopefully :)

No they use HE-FRAG high explosive fragmentation.

Alliance Mi-24 attack helicopters providing CAS to Alliance ground forces in offensive

terrorist getting evaporated by Russian , so many heli in one place hehee

Russia will increase the numbers of combat flight up to 150-200 per day when the new base will be finished in next month.

which base r u talking about
Syrian army advances under Russian air cover, sparks fiercest clashes ever

Syrian government troops backed by Russian air forces have started a large-scale offensive against ISIS terrorists and have already established control over a number of areas in different Syrian provinces.
The Syrian Arab Army has made significant progress in eliminating ISIS terrorists and destroying their command centers, ammo depots and vehicles in the Free Zone in Aleppo, as well as in 13 further towns and villages and two areas spanning Hama and Latakia provinces, the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announced in a statement on Monday.

The regime forces have been engaged in heavy fighting since the beginning of Russia’s anti-terror operation in Syria. Russia’s airstrikes mainly concentrate on the borders of Hama, Idlib and Latakia.
Control has been established over the towns and villages in the northern countryside of the Hama province including Kafar Nabouda, Oum Harten, Sekik, Tal Sekik, Tal al-Sakher, and al-Bahsa and others, the statement said as reported by Syria’s SANA news agency.

Terrorists were ousted from the northern countryside of Lattakia province with Syrian troops establishing control over the towns of Jub al-Ahmar, Kafar Delbe, Katef Jouret al-Batikh hills and Ruwaiset Khandaq Jamo, according to the statement.

The Free Zone area in Aleppo province is also under the command of the Syrian army.

The EU foreign ministers expressed concerns over Russia’s involvement saying during meetings in Luxembourg, its airstrikes hit not IS targets but “moderate” rebels and “must cease immediately.”

READ MORE: RT EXCLUSIVE: Report from the frontline where Syrian troops are fighting ISIS

The Russian Defense Ministry has been maintaining that Russian aircraft inflict almost surgical airstrikes on IS installations. Apart from those, only the Al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra front was targeted in one strike.

Syrian army advances under Russian air cover, sparks fiercest clashes ever — RT News
Alliance captured Tal Ahmar hill in Quneitra province

Alliance captured Lahaya in northern Hama province

In these dumb attacks Alawis spend their most precious resource: loyal manpower.

The media has not been correct. It's not about Alawis vs Sunnis. It's about Allah, Suria, Bashar o bas.

see 0:30

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