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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

that is one thing to be tired of Iranian regime. Iranian from Iran should more complain than an Israeli about it.
but there is another thing to take a side of islamists in the forum.
i know many Israelis , tof course people are different. most of them criticize strongly KSA , Turkey, GCC .Not only Iran. it is named honesty.
Israelis complain because they are affected by the Mollah terrorism, no doubt about that. How would you feel if Israeli backed rebels were shooting rockets at Tehran,Shiraz,Esfahan etc
Israelis complain because they are affected by the Mollah terrorism, no doubt about that. How would you feel if Israeli backed rebels were shooting rockets at Tehran,Shiraz,Esfahan etc
i am not criticized that they complain about Iran's policy , and even if they killed scientists that was a bad choice of them.
i am criticizing the fact some of them (government for exemple) ar totally ignoring the fact that a lot of groups are dangerous for the region , killing lot of people in the region and the GCC and KSA are acting savages against populations (directly like in Yemen or indirectly by supporting extremist groups in many countries)
Correspondent: You have given Bashar Al-Assad two choices, either to leave office or to face military action, whose military action would it be?

KSA FM: You'll see..

i am not criticized that they complain about Iran's policy , and even if they killed scientists that was a bad choice of them.
i am criticizing the fact some of them (government for exemple) ar totally ignoring the fact that a lot of groups are dangerous for the region , killing lot of people in the region and the GCC and KSA are acting savages against populations (directly like in Yemen or indirectly by supporting extremist groups in many countries)

Killing of scientists it the Mullahs fault. Mullahs have no clear goals they dont know wether to make nuclear weapons or develop nuclear energy industry. Those scientists were just use by the incompetent mullahs.

Yes, like i said i oppose Israels policy on Syria. It is wrong.

Correspondent: You have given Bashar Al-Assad two choices, either to leave office or to face military action, whose military action would it be?

KSA FM: You'll see..

Great, more violence. When will these ''leaders'' learn ?
Great, more violence. When will these ''leaders'' learn ?
I don't think Saudi Arabia would step in Syria, however, it can end this war in a year or so if it supports the opposition with enough amounts of Manpads, 120 mm mortars, 107 mm MRLS, snipers, RPG and more ATGMs.
I don't think Saudi Arabia would step in Syria, however, it can end this war in a year or so if it supports the opposition with enough amounts of Manpads, 120 mm mortars, 107 mm MRLS, snipers, RPG and more ATGMs.

Your video suggested Saudis will make matters worse, or not ?
Take a look at this psychopath. He is indeed going more nuts day by day.

What does this idiot have to do with Syria? Nothing.
So? Russia can built 1,000 Su-25s in a year. This aerial operation will not end until every jihadist in Syria is dead. :victory:
Russia can't afford such a thing hahaha
Russia is not in Syria to take prisoners. Expect many such reports in the coming months.
And the Rebels have offered 2,000,000 Syrian pounds to anyone who captures a Russian. Expect a beheading video soon :)
We have assumed control of the situation. Our operations will bring peace and stability to Syria by eliminating every jihadi, NATO sponsored or otherwise.
To eliminate every Jihadi you'd need to kill ~15 million Syrians. Have fun with that. Only Stalin was able to achieve such high numbers of massacred civilians.

Funny and Iranian is complaining about civilian deaths.
Guys, is this a Russian Su-25? @500 Can you confirm that this shot is recent?

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change your Iranian flag and 500 will calm down on you. he is obsessed about Iranian people, you see even the royalists anti Iranian regime ;)
you know the fashion for people working in the propaganda cells is say everything fault of Iran Iranian and never never blame the terrorism sponsors and islamist groups , from KSA to Turkey of Erdogan.
you'll never see someone like 500 say it is bad what is happening in Yemen except to say it is all fault of Iranians.
What non existent Russian strike in Hasaka has to do with Iran? And why would a "royalist" support serial killed Assad, best friend of Ayatulas? BTW if u checked my posts u would see that when I criticize policies I try to avoid using word Iran and use "Ayatulas" instead.

Guys, is this a Russian Su-25? @500 Can you confirm that this shot is recent?

No its nonsense. Rebels dont have MANPADS and Russians fly at high altitudes so even MANPADS would not threaten them.
What non existent Russian strike in Hasaka has to do with Iran? And why would a "royalist" support serial killed Assad, best friend of Ayatulas? BTW if u checked my posts u would see that when I criticize policies I try to avoid using word Iran and use "Ayatulas" instead.
I am not a royalist, i am a Iranian nationalist. I side with Assad because he is secular and unlike the mullahs his lands are under real occupation by Israel so it his right to ''resist''. Israel is wrong on Syria war it needs to rethink its strategy.
I can show u Assadists beheading, but too graphic.

Iyad El-Baghdadi ‏@iyad_elbaghdadi 5h5 hours ago
Here's why this whole "Do you want Syria to become like Libya?" thing is stupid.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights run by immigrant from his UK home:D


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