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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

To eliminate every Jihadi you'd need to kill ~15 million Syrians.

15 million? 150 million? Don't matter. Russia has high technology. Jihadis do not have high technology. No matter how many jihaidis the two headed eagle will kill them all without a single Russian casualty, no matter how long it takes.

Oh yeah, let's go with that story.

The main weapon against an enemy is knowledge. For example, we know that the best time to level a mosque for maximum civilian death is during Zohar prayers on Friday after the second Azan. We know that muslims who pray 5 times a day at the mosque can be used as vectors to spread our biological weapons like ebola, small pox etc. to non combatants for maximum civilian body count.

We use this knowledge to control the situation, torture our prisoners and eliminate our targets.

And this is why you will not be able to answer a single one of Russia's strike during this operation. You do not have the basic knowledge of your adversary. You don't know anything about us while we know everything about you.

So have fun watching facebook videos that you don't even understand and think you actually know what combat is about.
Russia strikes ISIS in Syria killing at least 12 jihadis near Raqqa | Daily Mail Online

- Russia hits ISIS 'capital' Raqqa.
- Atleast 12 Jihadis neutralized
- ISIS posts angry twitter messages
It's funny how you pretend to care about Syrians and the Syrian population
when 50 minutes ago you posted about killing us.
The main weapon against an enemy is knowledge. For example, we know that the best time to level a mosque for maximum civilian death is during Zohar prayers on Friday after the second Azan. We know that muslims who pray 5 times a day at the mosque can be used as vectors to spread our biological weapons like ebola, small pox etc. to non combatants for maximum civilian body count.

We use this knowledge to control the situation, torture our prisoners and eliminate our targets.

And this is why you will not be able to answer a single one of Russia's strike during this operation. You do not have the basic knowledge of your adversary. You don't know anything about us while we know everything about you.

So have fun watching facebook videos that you don't even understand and think you actually know what combat is about.

If we don't behead every Russian soldier in Syria we won't have justice.
I never said I cared about the Syrian population. On the contrary, I have posted multiple times that we do not care about civilian deaths. We consider them acceptable collateral damage.

Russia is in Syria to protect Russian interests. Nothing more or nothing less. If your civilians suffer and die, we don't care. Using human shields against Russia is not a viable strategy.
And this is why Assad and his supporters are barbaric. Not that the Iranians on this forum care to admit this is their mentality.
We don't use civilians as human shields. If we did, a lot more than 35 rebels would have died due to barrel bombs in Aleppo, comparing to 3,124 civilians.

I hope you burn eternally in hell. And please join the Russian Army/Marines, I'd like to see you cunts wiped off the Earth.
And this is why Assad and his supporters are barbaric. Not that the Iranians on this forum care to admit this is their mentality.
We don't use civilians as human shields. If we did, a lot more than 35 rebels would have died due to barrel bombs in Aleppo, comparing to 3,124 civilians.

I hope you burn eternally in hell. And please join the Russian Army/Marines, I'd like to see you cunts wiped off the Earth.

You sound a bit frustrated. You should probably post some angry twitter messages using edgy hashtags (#deathtorussia #su34killedmygrandma etc). I'm sure that will make the Russians who are killing your people shake in fear.
And this is why Assad and his supporters are barbaric. Not that the Iranians on this forum care to admit this is their mentality.
We don't use civilians as human shields. If we did, a lot more than 35 rebels would have died due to barrel bombs in Aleppo, comparing to 3,124 civilians.

I hope you burn eternally in hell. And please join the Russian Army/Marines, I'd like to see you cunts wiped off the Earth.

He's a troll ignore and don't take people on internet too seriously, some people here are really weird and sick.
You sound a bit frustrated. You should probably post some angry twitter messages using edgy hashtags (#deathtorussia #su34killedmygrandma etc). I'm sure that will make the Russians who are killing your people shake in fear.
Oh yes, keep on laughing. We will take our revenge, and until then keep on laughing. We will take our revenge for things like this:

And thousands of more incidents like it. Don't worry, we will wipe you asswipes off the planet.
Oh yes, keep on laughing. We will take our revenge, and until then keep on laughing. We will take our revenge for things like this:

And thousands of more incidents like it. Don't worry, we will wipe you asswipes off the planet.

That's so cute. You forgot a #thuglife hashtag at the end there though. Your comments reminds me of my reaction when ISIS threatened to invade us an year back.

Seriously now, you are not capable of revenge. You are too weak and cowardly. We are the bully. We do whatever we want. You obey or die. That's how our relationship will be till the end of time.
It's funny how you pretend to care about Syrians and the Syrian population
when 50 minutes ago you posted about killing us.

If we don't behead every Russian soldier in Syria we won't have justice.
Russians will hopefully drop bombs to all syrians that are pro-isis.
Drunk dumb Russians think that Syria is an easy journey, they will get back to their country with nothing except shame and humiliation. Their junk weapons are useless as I've seen they couldn't bomb any goal accurately also they bombed an area that has Assad proponents?.... Drunk dumb people will never win a war.
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Sick sick mentality of this crazy Russian. Luckily your stupid sentiments will be answered with body bags of vodka drunkards being airmailed back to moscow.
This is just the beginning. You will see, what happens, when fly sized poisonous drones slaughter jihadists left and right. You will see the power of science and technology. Russia became a science and technology power house under Peter the Great. China became a science and technology power house under Mao Ze Dong. Jihadists are stuck in the dark ages and get slaughtered left and right :victory:and have no way to fight back.

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